Chapter 12

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"Now all you need to do is grab that last box full of outdated stuff and just throw it somewhere in the back of the storage with the rest of the bits and bobs." Denise orders as she points to the last of the many boxes that were lying around upon my arrival.

Giving the fairly cooperative woman a mock salute thrown in with an "aye, aye." I get to work as I approach the entrance and pick up the huge hazard also known as an incredibly hefty box. Just picking up the box alone gives me an indication that not only will I be out of breath half way to my destination but that my back will be aching unexplainably in the foreseeable future.

Okay maybe the 'unexplainably' part is a fun white lie because we all know that I am the least unfit person around here.

Maybe that's the reasons why Denise likes giving me all these difficult tasks of lifting and carrying, and not to my other co worker who has muscles on her body for days.

Lugging the cardboard box laden with various types of Knicks and Knacks; I make sure to be extra careful when going up the stairs which is another safety hazard when carrying heavy 'equipment.' Of course Denise doesn't recognise that fact and simply refuses to do anything about the littering of unimportant items strewn across the shops sales floor. Even though she has a storage unit just adjacent to the building that was specifically used by the former owner to store goods that are not needed.

Dusting my hands off of the non existent dust, I place both hands on my hips and lean back, stretching in the most weirdest of ways as my back let's out quite a worrying crack. I definitely need to start reverting back to my usual morning runs. It kills me to even think about waking up at an ungodly hour only to start off my entire day not only early but with exercise on top of that. However I must admit, I do tend to be in a better mood in the long run.

Pun intended.

"Is that all Denise? Or is there some more shifting about that you want me to do?" I holler to her from the back room. Not hearing a reply back two seconds later, I frown in confusion and begrudgingly make my way down the stairs to see what she's gotten caught up in. The woman usually doesn't wait a second in handing out tasks that have to be done.

As soon as I enter onto the sales floor, my eyes widen and I give Denise a questioning look as there she stands in all her glory. Perfectly straightened glossy hair done up in a unique half up half down hairdo that I can't even dream of trying, makeup done to a precision that seems artistic and overall looking a knockout like always.

The astonishing factor, however, is what my eyes zoom in on. A particular object that belongs to me, in her hands. When her eyes flit down to what I'm looking at, she gives me a sheepish grin and places my phone back down. "Sorry about that. It's not what it looks like."

Raising an eyebrow, I cross my arms over my chest and give her a somewhat challenging look, "And what does it look like exactly?"

Should I be speaking to my employer this way? That thought in itself causes me to lower my arms and soften my stance, not wanting to look aggressive but not to submissive either. "You got a phone call and I picked it up. Here." I bite my tongue from saying anything but upon further inspection I do find an incoming call in my call log. The number unfortunately is unknown.

"It was from a man named Greg. He said he wanted to meet you and whisk you away for a little while. I of course said yes." Denice says vivaciously as she gives me a smug look, the questions on her face vividly clear. I know for a fact if I don't make it out of here within the next ten seconds I will have her glued to my side till I tell her everything there is to know. The details of which I will have to include to a precise level including facial expressions of all the people present.

"Okay. Well I'll be off sorting out that cupboard. I swear it's just ghastly." I rush out as I turn my back and scurry up the stairs, arms flailing by my sides as I try to gain speed which I know won't work.

Just as I reach the precipice I feel a hand clamp down onto my shoulder. A tugging sensation beginning to erupt as she practically drags me down the stairs and over to the inconspicuous corner. This corner is the perfect spot to spy on people ie customers while also being able to have a quiet and private conversation with someone ie a staff member. 

"Who is he? I bet he's gorgeous. He sounded super hot." I blink a few hundred times at her straight forwardness. Never has Denise ever pounced on me like this and about a guy nonetheless. Yes she does talk to me about different stuff depending on her mood but she usually doesn't give a damn about my personal life.

"He's just a friend I'm helping," I let out an exaggerated sigh at the look on her unrelenting face and continue on, "You know that second job that I got? Well the woman who's house I'm looking after has a grandson." Denise doesn't seem to get the hint and with a groan I pull myself away from the corner and smile at a rather confused customer, "Gregory is her grandson." The long 'ooh' I get from her is enough for me to take that as an end to the rather awkward conversation. Using that same rather confused customer as a distraction, I help her out with her problems and soon ring up her items on the till. Just as I'm about to wish the woman a good day, the door chimes open as another figure steps in. I barely give a second glance back but the person standing at the door has me standing still, rooted to the spot. One person that I have been expecting but not like this.

It seems as if everyone turns towards the person entering, decked out in a light blue fitted suit. Slacks that perfect combination of tight but not too tight that it gives off a hipster vibe, white pristine shirt and suit jacket form fitting especially across the persons shoulders and hair like always: swept upwards and back in a rather rough yet still classy way. If I tried that my hair would look more like a nest than it already is. The few people remaining, consisting of customers; two women, Denise and I simply stare at the beauty entering.

Gregory's hypnotic eyes roam the room before they finally settle on me, smile widening only to show off his pearly whites and dimples. I even hear Denise take in a breath and a "Good God," to leave her lips as she takes a step forward only to take one back and grasp me by the arm, pushing myself towards him.

"There you are! I was almost wondering if I stepped foot into the wrong shop." Gregory says as he lets out a sigh of relief and approaches me. However he gets distracted by movement behind me as Denise pops herself in front of me. "Hi I'm Denise. We talked on the phone. I'm the owner of this shop."

I can't help but to roll my eyes behind her, wondering why I'm surrounded by beautiful women all the damn time, especially when Greg shows up where I am. My eyebrows rise when I take in his polite friendliness and that's it. No subtle glances up or down but simply friendly eye contact.

Well okay.

"Thank you for letting me take away Ada for a little while." Gregory says charmingly all while Denise turns to me and gives me a pat on the back. "Not at all. She deserves a break. Especially how she's such a hard worker and all . Anyways I won't hold you two back." With a few polite smiles here and there, Gregory and I make our way out of the building but not before I hear a, "Have fun kids," from Denise.

Does that woman give mixed signals or what?

Sliding into Gregory's luxurious matte black car, I turn to him with an inquisitive look as he returns his own look with a charming grin.

"I should ask what I'm doing here but I think I already know." I say pointedly causing him to laugh and wiggle his eyebrows.

"It may surprise you actually."

I wonder what he has in store for me.

"How so?" I mumble as I fasten my seatbelt, leaning into the car seats comfy interior. "Does your idea involve meeting Chrissie?" He asks rather coyly as the engine purrs to life and he sets off down the road.

"Yes. It is the obvious." I state as I cross my arms over my chest. For some reason feeling incredibly vulnerable under his stare. I mean I know why I'm feeling that way but I'd rather focus my train of thought into how exactly I'm going to go about all of this. It's not like there's a wing-woman 101 class that I could go to. However on further thought, knowing this day and age, there probably is such a class.

"Well that's where you're wrong love." My face practically turns grim at the word as I sink further down in my seat, wanting to melt and blend into the cars leather seats. Do I need to physically tell him that he's not allowed to say that stuff to me. Or would taping his mouth shut with duct tape be a better alternative?

"We're going to this restaurant for dinner because we need to get to know each other." Gregory trails off for a second before off handedly adding in, "Also you should save my number in your phone if you already hadn't." My mind seems to be rather slow today as the words take time to process through my brain.

Why does he want to get to know each other?

Wait a minute.

How does he even have my phone number?

My thoughts turn to actual formed questions as I voice them out causing Gregory to raise his eyebrow at me in return. "Well I'm assuming you haven't had time to come up with a proper and valid plan for this whole ordeal to work out. And secondly, I have all your information because you're my intern. Why wouldn't I have your number?"

"Right." I manage to get out with a frown marring my eyebrows. My slightly sweaty hands get my attention as I wipe them down on my pair of jeans and only then do I realise what I'm wearing;

A ratty old t- shirt with a pair of simple black jeans.

Glancing at Greg, I realise we both look completely different but I hope where he takes me, I'm not the one who looks the odd one out.

"Wait. Does Denice know you're taking me to dinner? I have to lock up the shop. I can't let Denice do that. I'm only working on weekends as it is. She's probably leaning towards firing me as it is. I can't have that." I barely notice my words rushing out as I turn towards the car door, my hand poised at the latch like I'm about to undo it while we're hurtling through the streets.

"Hey relax. I know I mixed your business with my pleasure, even when I said I wouldn't but Denice was more than happy to let you have some time off. Something about a Sam closing the shop tonight?" I feel a warm hand clasping around mine as my eyes dart to his, worry blazing through his eyes causing me to avert my own. Barely noticing that we're actually at a stop light and not racing down the road.

"I'm sorry I crossed a line." The man voices out while I revert my gaze back to his. A smile creeping on my face at the genuine sincerity lacing his voice. The smile fades by just a fraction as I notice Gregory is still awkwardly stretched out towards me, his hand clasped around mine. Nothing gets passed the man as his eyes assess the situation, causing him to rather awkwardly smile as he resumes his previous position just as the lights turn green.

"You didn't. To be honest, I think Denice was just thrilled I was talking to a guy. She practically forced me out of the door." I joke, wanting to lighten the mood which I felt to be getting rather awkward but then again that might just be me. I'm either awkward or smitten around the man.

"So you don't get much time around guys?" Gregory speaks up as I take out my phone, typing in his name which he so graciously allows me to do so.

The short laugh that escapes me is both sarcastic and humorous, "I barely have time for myself let alone fill it up with a guy and my jobs." I say that almost as if I'm making a statement to myself. A statement that I really need to believe in what I'm preaching otherwise I'll get pulled further in this man's trap than what I already am.

"You could make time for both." He says shrugging as he pulls into a parking lot. The small cozy restaurant that lies in front of us is perfect to blend in without drawing attention to ourselves. The perfect type of restaurant in my opinion since I hate being stared at while I eat. I would've thought that having dinner with the man would stop my appetite from rearing it's head but it seems like nothing can stop my stomach from wanting to devour food.

I don't bother replying to Greg's question as we get out of the car and towards the restaurant. I barely say a word as we slide into a booth and get served with a menu and complimentary drinks. Whatever words I do have to say however, get lost within a blink of an eye as I look up from my menu and towards him. The man resting one arm against the back of the booth as he loosens his tie with the other till it's barely hanging onto his neck. The happy go lucky smile on his lips as clear as day as I catch him smiling while looking towards me.

"What?" I question softly, hating myself for thinking it but loving the way he looks at me in this moment. Even if it is in a completely platonic way.

He answers with a dismissive shake to his head, the smile still there. We haven't even started talking yet but I already feel the pit of nerves forming.

I have no idea how I'm going to get through this dinner.


AN: How's that for a chapter? More to come of the dinner in the next one but I hope you liked it :)

Question: Are you allergic to anything? If so, what?

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