Chapter 13

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Ada Johnson's P. O. V

I sip on my drink, trying my hardest to think of what I should and shouldn't say. The whole context of this meeting somewhat eluding me as I try to figure out his reasoning. Does Gregory want me to tell him about myself? Or what plan I have to get Chrissy? To be honest I have none of the answers to any of those questions so this shows how screwed I am.

"So tell me about yourself." Greg says as he sinks further into the booth, his leg touching my foot under the table as I try my best to not awkwardly yank it away.

"Mr. Maxwell, is this going to be the interview I never had?" I tease, pointing to the fact how I didn't really have much an interview when I applied online to be an intern at his firm. Which of course I only now realised was his firm.

The smirk on Greg's face is instantaneous as he takes his arm off the back of the booth and instead places both elbows on the table, crossing his arms as he leans towards me, "Yeah. Something like that."

I smile back as I shrug my shoulders, sipping away further at my drink.

"What would you like to know?"

Gregory tilts his head in question as he ponders over what I'm assuming are a few questions here and there to ask me, "Well. Tell me about your childhood, education. How you know Eva. All that. That enough for you?" He jokes.

I bite my lip as I shake my head, knowing I'd have to go to something that people tread lightly over. Running away like I have the plague when they learn about what I tell them.

"Well I met Eva when we were in middle school. We become friends and stuck by one another's side since that day I guess. I became close to Eva's parents through her, obviously. Then I lived with Mr. And Mrs. Rodriguez for most of my middle school and high school years up and until I went to law school." I say lamely, taking a further sip of my drink.

I know it comes off as a nervous tick and that might be exactly what it is but I have to keep myself busy some way.

Greg has an inquisitive look on his face and before he opens his mouth, I know exactly what he's going to ask. The endless bracing I could do, not preparing myself or him for his reaction.

"What about your parents? They busy or something?" He says as he picks up his beer and takes a few gulps.

"I mean as busy as you can be being dead." I say in a humorous manner.

My words come at a poorly timed manner as Greg's blue eyes widen, the bottle of beer lowering as he starts coughing. My own eyes widen as he continues to choke on his beer. He turns his face away from me as he coughs into a fist. I stand up immediately rushing to his side as I lamely pat at his back, running a soothing hand here and there too. Motioning to a waitress for some water, I continue to pat his back as he slowly calms down. As soon as the water gets placed in front of us, I reach for it and coax drink to sip at it which he does so since he's calmed down.

"I have a really bad habit of making you choke." I let out grumpily, my hand still subconsciously rubbing his back.

"Not in the good way." He offhandedly comments. It takes a few seconds for his words to register but when it does, my face doesn't wait a second further as I blush.

I go to move, sitting back on my side of the booth but Greg grasps at my wrist, "You can sit here. I don't mind." He says it like it's an open request but by the way he doesn't let my hand go, I don't think I have much of an option. I sink into the soft cushioning of the booth as Greg slides up to give me enough space to sit comfortably without having to feel weird by sitting on one side of a booth.

"Um." Is all Greg gets out as he picks up the rest of the remaining water in his glass and takes another few sips.

I let out a small laugh as an amused smile makes its way onto my face, "Don't worry about it. Trust me, I don't want a pity party or anything of the sorts. My parents died when I was a few months old. I was in and out of foster care until I met Eva's parents. They helped me out immensely." I add graciously in the end, still thinking of how I can repay those two people even though I know for a fact they won't accept anything.

Gregory stares at me with this certain look on his face, blue eyes blazing with these unknown thoughts as he gives me a wry smile, "No pity party coming from here. Don't worry." He says as he puts his hands up in surrender, my smile turning grateful since the last thing I wanted was a whole scene like most people create.

"When did you graduate from Law school?" He further questions after a few moments of silence as we order what food to get. My eyebrows raise at his question as I turn my body more towards him.

"Shouldn't you already be knowing that boss man?"

"Boss man? Sounds kinky." He jokes as another laugh slips past my lips.

I really can't just keep my mouth shut around him can I?

"I should be knowing that but I'm asking you." He further adds as I nod.

"Well I graduated just this year. A few months back actually. Which is around the same time I applied for the internship." I clarify, causing him to nod in understanding.

"What about you?" I ask, smiling in delight as I see our waitress coming towards our table with food in hand. The joy of that sight in unmatched. Unfortunately so is the sadness when you think she's coming towards your table but is actually going somewhere else. Luckily its the opposite this time as she places our food in front of us before walking away with a kind smile.

"What about me?" Greg questions we both dig into our food, pausing momentarily as more drinks are placed in front of us.

"When did you become named partner? Get your name on the wall?" I clarify as he nods at my question.

"Last year actually. One of the other partners dropped out so it was just me and the other guy." He adds as I think back to the firms name.

Maxwell Watkins.

"Oh. Lucky you." I finish somewhat lamely as I'm too focused on devouring my food in front of me. Gregory seems to catch on as he lets out a laugh but doesn't say anything as he too digs into the food. The both of us eat in a silent atmosphere with a few words spoken here and there but that's about it.

"What's your favourite colour?" I hear Gregory asking randomly, cussing me to furrow my eyebrows as I look up from my now empty plate.

"Why do you ask?" The man rolls his eyes at my question as he sighs.

"Do you have an answer for everything?"

"Well considering you just asked me a question..." I trail off, a cheeky smile on my face as he lets out a snort.

"I assume we should get to know each other. Two people work best when they're closer. No?"


I keep forgetting the main reason why we're here. It's Chrissy. Always has been and always will be.

"Blue." I answer simply, in reply to his previous question and not the one he just asked.

"Because its the colour of my eyes." He says in a sarcastic voice, batting his eyelids at me in a jokingly flirtations manner. I snort this time even though I bite my tongue simultaneously.

I've always been partial to the colour blue but ever since I've stared at his eyes, my likeness for the colour has increased tenfold. Something which I will of course be taking to my grave.

"You wish.' I say back equally as sarcastic, enjoying the banter no matter what the circumstances are.

"Is this my turn to ask a question? Like as if we're playing twenty one questions?" I ask in a derisive tone, my mind going back to how a cliché it is for people on dates to go back and forth with the game.

Greg tilts his head for a few seconds before shrugging, "You could if you want."

That for some reason leaves me stumped since I can never think of appropriate question when someone asks me to ask them one. Almost like how I have a hundred or so favourite songs but when someone asks me, I go inadvertently blank, a difficulty to even remember a single one.

"What's your favourite animal?" My question sounding more confused than it should sound as I scrounged around for a suitable question to ask.

"Raccoon." The answer comes immediately causing my eyebrow to shoot up. That was definitely not the answer I was expecting for some reason.

"A raccoon?" I repeat slowly as Greg nods solemnly.

"Yup. They're cute. What's not to love?"

"The fact that they're rodents who roam around in the trash?" I quip back causing Gregory to let out a faux gasp.

"They're fluffy and cute. Nothing more to it," he shrugs but then glances at me. "What's your favourite animal?"

A slow grin comes onto my face since I know how he's going to rebuke the statement when it comes to it, "Hedgehogs. The spikier the better."

The grin on Gregory's face is unmatched as he shakes his head at me, "I knew I liked you for a reason. But you do know that hedgehogs are rodents too right?"

I try my hardest not to let me smile get wider at his first statement as I compose myself properly, "Of course I do. I just thought you might not like rodents." I answer nonchalantly.

The banter back and forth goes on for quite some time and before I know it, we're both heading out of the restaurant after a battle of whose going to pay the bill. It wasn't much of a battle since before I had even reached for the bill, Greg had slipped it out of the waitresses hand and placed his card in it before I could even blink.

"I'll drop you home." Gregory speaks up as we walk through the main door while I shake my head violently. "No. No. There's no need." I stumble out quickly, not wanting the man to see where I live.

It's not something I'm ashamed of but I don't invite guests over to my side of town for a reason. Especially guests like Gregory, my employer. Also the man I'm trying to get out of my mind because it's not right on any standard for me to be crushing over him.

A late night dinner sure helped with that didn't it.

"Nonsense." Greg waves his hand in the air and practically pins me with his gaze, making sure I follow him to the parking lot and right over to his car. I slide in without a word but as soon as we steer onto the road, I open my mouth again.

"There's a bus stop not far away from here, just drop me off there. The bus gets off right outside my apartment." I word out while Greg gives me a stare with narrowed eyes. I take that as my cue to not say anything more except for when he asks me directions to where I live.

I wait with bated breath as we get closer and closer to my area of residence, my eyes darting from the road to the man driving every so often so that I can gouge his reaction, waiting for that look of pity or disgust as the man living in a very posh side of town would definitely give to my not so humble abode.

"Just take a left here." I mumble as we near the apartment complex. The streets look grubbier and the sidewalks derelict of people, nice people, at this time of night. I would've minded living in such a place if not for my lack of issues along with the fact that the apartment building I live in consists of very nice and friendly people.

Some people who beg you for money you don't have, but nice nonetheless.

The judging look on Gregory's face, that I expect to come any second, never does come and instead I find myself staring at a completely composed man who asks me for further direction as he slows down a bit.

"Just right here. This is me." I speak up cussing Gregory to stop right in front of the building in which I live, he looks up at the building with a little smile before turning that same expression onto me, "Well." The word lingers in the air as I fidget for a few seconds.

Why is this part so awkward?

"Thanks for dinner," I reply smoothly as I run my hands down my jeans while Gregory nods his head at me.

"No problem. I had a good time."

"So did I," I answer back before reaching for the car door handle, "I'll see you tomorrow then Mr. Maxwell." I say, the surname reminding me that he's my boss and nothing more, especially when I step into the office tomorrow.

"See you tomorrow. Actually, wait." He rushes quickly as my door swings open and one leg is out of the car.

I awkwardly turn towards him the best I can from my position, "Yes?"

"I was hoping I could pick you up and drop you off every day. If you don't mind that is?" He questions with a look of innocence all while my mouth goes dry.

He wants to do what?

"Um. Why?" I blurt out, the English language with all its many words leaving me as all I can manage out is that.

"I noticed you don't have a car and I'm sure the commune takes ages coming back and forth. I try to visit Marjorie every day anyways or at least as much as I can so this will be a good incentive. We'll go from there to the firm and then I'll drop you off after we're done."

"Um." Is all I manage to get out, wondering what exactly I should do.

Do I decline and look rude?

Or accept and look needy?

"I'm not taking no for an answer by the way." Greg chimes into my thinking as my eyes dart to him again.

"You don't have to rea-," I get cut off by Greg.

"I'd like to. Don't stress over it. I'll see you tomorrow at Marjorie's."

I manage a nod and a quick goodbye with another word of thanks as I get out of the car, heading towards the door of the apartment building. Just as I go to open the door, I glance back only to find Gregory still in the confines of his car, waiting for me to get into the building. With one last final wave, I go inside while my mind is full of different thoughts.

The most distracting thing definitely being the butterflies in my stomach.


AN: Hi everyone! I apologise for not updating this week but I had tests all throughout the week but I'm free for now so here's an update. I'll be updating tomorrow or on Saturday as usual so don't think this is the only update of the week. Stay tuned!

Question: What more would you like to see happening in the book? I'm open for all suggestions.

Question: What electronic do you use to read Wattpad?

Please remember to:


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