Chapter 21

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Ada Johnson's P. O. V

"Hi. Ma'am. Do you need any help?" I question the sweet old lady. The woman who was mere seconds ago fretting about, peering between two antique vases turns to me with a slight frown on her face. I take a hesitant step back just in case she doesn't want any help but her frown turns upside down and into a thankful smile.

"Yes. I would love some." The woman beams as she then continues to asks me questions about vases that I have no idea about.

I don't even have a vase in my apartment.

Nonetheless, the woman leaves the shop with a blinding smile on her face and a newly claimed case tucked under her right arm wrapped in a brown bag with some string tied around it to secure it in place. Noting the lull in customers, I leave the main sales floor and head into the back where I hear a few curse words being uttered followed by the scraping of something along tiled floors.

Flinging the door open noiselessly, I catch sight of a huffing Sam keeled over a huge cardboard box filled to the open brim with what looks like piles upon piles of multi coloured children books. Her freshly bleached blonde hair sitting atop her head in an incredibly messy drunk looking bun as half of it falls out of her hair tie and falls into her face due to it being lopsided.

"You don't need any help do you?" I tease as her chocolate brown eyes meet mine, lips pressed into a firm thin line as she shakes her head before standing back up right from her bent over position.

"I'm just fine." Comes her reply laced fully with sarcasm causing me to laugh as I join her side, ready to lug the huge box about to wherever she needs it to go. "Where are we taking this bad boy." Sam physically cringes at my last words before pointing to the level above us, my jaw dropping at the sight of the rickety stairs that will no doubt collapse under our weight.

"You must be crazy. No one even goes up to the weird attic. I swear, it's haunted." I mumble with a silent shiver wracking down my back.

Denise doesn't believe me whenever I tell her, but usually when I'm the last one left to lock up, the sounds of heavy feet stomping above me on the attic floor have me hightailing it's out of there. Of course it could just be my imagination but the thought still makes me want to jump into bed and hide under a blanket like I used to do when I was a kid.

I still do that sometimes but that's besides the point.

Sam merely gives me a weird look and goes to answer but rolls her eyes when Denice's overly loud voice cuts the air as she calls Sam to take over the till for a few moments. Walking past me, she clasps me on the shoulder as she tilts her head towards the box. I sigh as I already know that means I have to take the box up to the attic type place myself. Staring after Sam trudging outside with her stomping Doc Martins, I wait a few seconds just in case she comes back but there seems to be no such luck.

Letting out another sigh, this one much more louder and exaggerated for Sam to hear which she is probably ignoring knowing her, I look at the hefty box and then the stairs before grumbling and bending down. It does take a few tries to get a good grip on the box as my hand keeps slipping. The next task consists of me trying to right myself back to my original position as my bent frame tries to lock my knees into place so that I can left the heavy box up. Two cracked knees later, I press the box into me as I blindly make my way forward, testing out the flooring with my right leg extended to see if the floor is flat or not.

It takes me a good few seconds to reach the stairs and I pause momentarily as a loud creaking noise echoes throughout the room. I know I won't be able to rush up the stairs because of the box but I don't think taking too long will be smart either. Just in case the stairs fall out from under me. The thought of landing flat on my back with a pile of books tumbling onto me isn't the most pleasant imagery.

Finally reaching the top of the stairs, I frown at the gloom in front of me. The odd shapes causing me to see things that I know aren't really there but are actually various piles of bags and odd stuff that have quite a ways to go before they're showcased on the sales floor. Biting my lip, the box lands on the floor with a resounding thud as I wince. My hand scours the edges of the wall, grinning in triumph as I come across a light switch. Flicking it on, the light doesn't seem to do much as a dim glow floats across the room. The scene looking eerier than before.

Shuddering, I scoot the box against the floor with my hand raised to cover my mouth and nose at the dust floating up from the floor. Coughing, I reach the end of the attic and shove the box into a quaint looking corner besides another box filled with some random children's toys. Stepping back, I put my hands on my hips and let out a long relieved sigh as my back cracks itself into place.

"Th-," I cut my own self off as I take a step back and bump into something. The next sound causing my ears to ring from the blood curdling scream that erupts around me. Two hands on my waist as the warmth of some thing runs through me. It doesn't take me too long to realise that ghosts aren't warm, rather cold and the two hands look very familiar. My once high pitched scream gets cut off as I whirl around and come face to face with not one but two people.

The startled expression on Gregory's face makes me calm down a bit as a sheepish smile crosses my face. My cheeks heating up as his lips part while Eva's howling laughter rings out behind us.

"Sorry about that." I mumble, my voice coming out just as sheepish which causes him to shake his head. "No. That was my fault. I shouldn't have sneaked up on you like that." My smile grows genuine before it drops into a slitted glare at Eva's continuous laughter. She doesn't seem to catch the hint that I'm not so subtly trying to pass to her. Her laughter dies down on its after a few seconds as my hands find their way back to my hips.

"No offence but why are you guys here. Especially up here." I ask as we all make our way downstairs, much to my delight. Stepping into the lightened room once more, I inconspicuously thank the Lord only to stop short as I catch sight of a smiling Denise waiting for all of us.

"Ah. I'm glad they found you." She says as she motions us to the sales floor as I trail after her hesitantly, wondering what on Earth this reunion is for.

"We're going out." Is all Gregory say simply causing my eyebrows to raise.

"Is this a regular thing now?" I joke, noting how the three of us seem to be hanging out a whole lot more than I'd expected. "Greg should deem himself lucky enough to hangout in our presence." Eva says haughtily as she pushes past Greg and comes to walk besides me.

Greg snorts as he throws an arm around Eva, just to annoy her further I'm sure, as he speaks up, "You're lucky I don't wear a paper bag on my head whenever I'm around you." All he gets in reply is Eva middles finger causing Greg to smirk in reply.

Reaching the sales floor, I rush up to Denice planning on telling her that I'll be more than happy to work an extra shift or even stay back since I don't like just up and leaving without any notice. Surprisingly she shoo's me off without a further word, telling me how she'll spend some extra time with Sam. Nonetheless, I still am going to find some way to repay her for all this.

Sliding into the passenger seat, I barely even realise that I should have offered to sit in the back but Eva doesn't seem to mind a bit as she sits in the back in the middle seat. "Where exactly are we going?" I ask to no one in particular as I glance down at my shabby work clothes.

"To the club." Eva answers simply causing me to glance at her clothes too. Not that the woman isn't dressed to perfection but I know for a fact those are not her clubbing clothes. "We're going to your place to change and then we'll be on our way. I mean we have some time to kill anyways." She motions to the clock dial in the car which notes the time barely being eight o clock. "Why exactly did I leave work so early then?" I question to no one in particular only to find Greg answering me back.

"You've been working non stop since six this morning. I wanted you to have a little break. Also not to mention, Denice told me last time that the more I take you out, even on her watch, the better." This takes me by surprise since I didn't know the woman was this generous.

Who would've thought when just yesterday she nearly cut my head off for showing up five minutes late to my shift.

Soon enough, we're reaching my apartment building and even though Gregory's seen it from outside I almost feel ashamed at the interior since I know he most definitely lives an incredibly glamorous lifestyle and probably cringes at the thought of linoleum floors in living quarters. I barely get a chance to make up an excuse before Gregory's parking the car and heading into the apartment complex with Eva fast on his heels. Hesitatingly following after them, we take the stairs as my mind fleetingly travels back to his luxurious car.

"You know, Gregory, you probably shouldn't have left your car about like that in this neighbourhood." I mumble just loud enough to be heard, already imagining the mortification at the thought of coming outside to finding nothing else but scrap metal.

"Don't worry. I have insurance." He jokes with a smile my way as we head further up the building. I let my guard down a bit as we reach my apartment and I unlock the door. We all stride in and I'm thankful enough that I cleaned the day before so otherwise it's not too bad. Gregory doesn't seem to care at all as he makes himself at home by sitting down on the sofa casually, remote already in hand.

"Make yourself at home." Eva calls sarcastically to which Greg doesn't even bother to respond. Smiling, I walk towards my room with Eva trailing behind me. It doesn't take long till we're picking out our clothes, Eva and I somewhat matching with our two pieces as we do our usual- not too overly dressed but still club appropriate- style of attire. We even eat in between as Greg comes inside at one point and lounges on the bed as we talk in between our break of having dinner while Greg taps on his phone most of the time as we do our makeup and hair. It's nearing ten by the time we leave my apartment.

Unluckily, just as we're leaving; I somehow manage to bump into Eric who's just entering into the building. The man goes to speak but stops short. Probably because of Greg or could be because of Eva's threatening glare.

"Hi." Is all he says in greeting to which I answer back but trying to be more upbeat. Gregory eyes is the two of us for a split second before going on with his task of finding the car which is thankfully, all there. I slide into the car once more, my high heels making me feel taller than I already am as I position myself comfortably in its interior.

The silence lingers on for a little while but it gets cut off as Gregory speaks up. "So who was that guy back there. Just now in the building. The one who said 'hi,'" He clarifies, "Just curious." The man further adds.

"She gets it dumbass. Ada's not going to bite. Unfortunately." Eva adds under her breath, the low mumble only reaching me which causes her to smile in answer to my glare. I knew that little wench was putting on an act. She is so going to get it later on. When Gregory isn't going to be here that is.

Can't show the guy my violent side now can I. Nope. I can't show him any of my sides because he's just a friend. Nothing more. Nothing less. I do not associate myself with bosses of any type.

"Was I talking to you Eva?" Gregory sasses back as he turns to her with a threatening scowl on his face, causing the fiery tempered woman to scowl herself, "He's an acquaintance, I guess." I answer lamely to which he nods, not prying any further.

The two bicker back and forth like kids and even when we get out of the car, Eva's grumbling continues even more as we make our way towards the entrance. Greg doesn't even hesitate to stand in line as he marches his way to the front and gives the bouncers standing there a curt nod. "Greg." One of them simply says which causes him to smile and gives a short subtle wave.

I nod in approval, liking the flow of this greeting as the bouncer even gives me a little head nod which I try to return with equal amounts of coolness.

Suffice to say;

It didn't work and probably looks like I was having a neck spasm of sorts. How come Eva did better than me?

The thumping of the music grows louder the more we approach the building and once we step foot inside it, the only thing reverberating through my brain is the heavy bass. My heart feeling as if it's slowing down to go in sync with the music. The humid atmosphere already suffocating me as the stench of sweat and a variety of perfumes tingle my senses. People grinding up against one another catch my eye and I know if I get drunk enough, I'll be joining that crowd.

Not being to this particular club before, I don't really know what to make of it but I know it's definitely one of the higher up, fancy, ones. The vibe it gives off alerted me of the fact but other than that the crowd still consists of horny fiends that are having a great time. I can already see Eva eyeing up a few guys as soon as she enters and with a little 'wing-woman' help from me, she'll have a new guy attached to her sides within minutes. What can I say? I'm great at helping other people with their dating lives. Me helping myself out? That's almost laughable. I always screw shit up one way or another.

The man besides me is living proof of that.

"Psst," I hiss as I try to catch Eva's attention, "Twelve 'o' clock." I say as I nudge her with my elbow. Hoping she gets what I'm hinting at.

Eva raises her eyebrow and gives me a disgruntled look before raising her phone and flashing it at me. "It's actually nearing ten thirty." Rolling my eyes at her daftness, I let out a sigh of defeat and instead tell her, "There's a cute guy right over there you idiot." Eva's eyes automatically widen in surprise as she swirls her head left and right before catching the eyes of the very guy I'm talking about. Luckily it's as if Cupid is working with my friend because the man seems interested as he starts to make his way over.

"Go get that ass." I encourage Eva who nods vehemently and with a thumbs up is off on her merry way.

"What just happened?" I hear a husky voice whisper in my ear causing the tiny hair on my neck to rise and a shiver to run through me. Oh boy do I get turned on easily.

"That was me helping a sister out with getting laid." I whisper back in the same tone as him, well trying to whisper.

It probably sounds like I haven't drank water in years.

"I thought you asked me for my help because of my skills." I joke lamely even though there is a hint of truth there. Greg laughs as I get my drink while he gets his own. The two of us talk here and there with no traces of Eva anymore as she's too busy having the time of her life with some cute guy whose name she probably won't remember by the time we leave here. The silence lingers on and on and I haven't even finished my first glass when I catch Greg staring down at me.

I smile up at him as I motion with my thumb behind me and towards the dance floor, "Do you want me to set you up with a temporary Chrissie?" I offer half serious but his nod is instantaneous.

"Maybe later." The man smiles but his eyes are completely void of any humour as he continues to stare into my own eyes. Almost like I can't help it, my gaze drops from his as they trail down towards his lips, taking in the sight of how they part just that little bit. My mind grows foggy just as the familiar memory enters my brain but that's enough for me to sit up right and clear my throat as I sip on the rest of my drink which isn't as alcoholic as I would've liked. A plain beer will do that to you.

"I'm just going to the ladies room. I'll be back in a bit." I say just loud enough for him to hear me over the loud music. It takes him a few seconds but he slowly nods his head, eyes glazed over but I know it's not from being drunk as he's not even buzzed. Turning around, I make my way down the corridor to where I'm assuming the toilets are since that's where the small sign takes me too. The place is dimly lit, enough to make you see where you're going but not enough to see what colour the walls are.

I barely make my way into the corridor before a hand grabs onto mine, pining me against the wall- I was just thinking about- as a warm body encases mine. My lips part as my eyes widen, about to scream for the second time today when I realise that it's Gregory holding me in place. The bright blue eyes practically shinning in the dimly lit corridor as he lets go of my hand only to let his own wander down to my hips.

"Wh-," I don't get a chance to say more as Gregory leans forwards and places a searing kiss on my lips. The pause that wracks through me is only a second long as my arms automatically wind around his neck, pushing him further into me as my lips respond to his kiss just as vigorously as his own. Gasps escape the both of us as we both tug at each other, my hands curling into his thick blond hair while his continue to trail all over my body. My brain barely manages to catch up to my actions but when they do, I seem to be filled in a lust clouded daze as a soft tongue touches my lips, my own lips further parting to allow entrance. Our tongues dance with each other for a few moments before his lips leave mine for air, trailing down the next second and onto my jaw as he goes further down, peppering kisses all onto my neck.

My hands tighten onto his hair till I'm sure its a painful grip but the satisfied husky groan emitting from his lips tells me he doesn't mind one bit. Greg's one hand that was clasped onto my hip, let's go and I'm briefly disappointed but that fades away as it wanders towards my back and further down, applying pressure and this time causing me to groan. The groan reverberates between us. The mere sound alerting my brain to something. Yet for the life of me; I can't figure out what.


AN: Yay longer chapter. Hope this was all to your liking. If you find any typos or something that doesn't make sense, let me know and I'll try to sort it out.

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