Chapter 22

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Gregory William's P. O. V


That's the only word I can think of right now as I push the woman in my arms, further up against the wall. Her soft pants sending a burning electricity all over every inch of my body as my hair stands on end, goosebumps erupting on mine as every nerve ending in my body wishes to reciprocate the same feeling into her.

"Ada." A voice groans and it takes me a while to realise that it's me groaning into her mouth as I reclaim her lips once more. My hand moving to the base of her neck as my fingers entangle into her thick mane of hair. Tilting her head upwards to get a better angle, I slot our lips together already cherishing the hot swollen feel of her against my lips. A breathy moan ensues from her and that's enough to drive every fibre in my body mad with lust. Our lips tangle up with one another's as my breath starts to catch, her chest rubbing up against mine as mine too pants with exertion. Parting my lips from hers, I trail them across her jaw and down to her neck, another breathy moan escapes from Ada's mouth as my lips suck onto her neck; every part of me begging to make our mark visible on her neck.

"Gregory!" A sharp voice comes from behind me, my head jerking up immediately but I stop in place as Ada catches me off guard. Her head tilted back and her hair an unruly mess giving her an incredibly sex appealing look. Her swollen red lips parted and her eyes closed as she breathes in sharply. My eyes stayed glued to her body as I watch her chest raise up and down vigorously. The sight taking my own breath away just at the mere look of her.

"Gregory?" The voice speaks up which finally causes me to tear my eyes away from the woman and to behind me. Two men catch my gaze standing a little ways away from me, eyes squinted and trying to figure out if the person they're calling actually is their friend. Turning away from them, I glance down to Ada again whose cheeks are ablaze as she avoids eye contact with me, glancing down and running a hand through her hair as she simultaneously tries to adjust her blouse to cover any traces of the act we'd just performed.

A weird feeling of disappointment runs through me at the thought of her covering up her mark that I gave her but that turns into a smirk as her shirt doesn't reach high enough onto her neck to actually cover it up. Clearing my throat, I give her one of my charming smiles as I watch her face turn into a scowl, cheeks still ablaze as I turn around to my two friends.

The jaunt in my step of a very accomplished very happy man as I approach my friends, arms outstretched like I wasn't stuck helplessly under Ada's spell just a few seconds ago.

Not that I'm complaining. Definitely not.

"He-," I cringe at my croaky voice before clearing my throat and starting over again, "Hey. What are you guys doing here?" I question as I cross my arms over my chest, trying to rearrange my features into something akin to innocence especially when I hear the sound of heels clicking behind me. I glance at Ada out of the corner of my eye, watching as she gives the two men a shy smile, her hair over her shoulder causing my smirk to drop slightly.

Wrong move sweetheart.

Bruce's smile lights up more than I would like it to as he stares down at Ada, eyes glazing as his eyes rake down her. My smirk sharpens but not into amusement as I have to force it through, the feeling of sudden annoyance taking me off guard slightly as I try my best to- casually as possible- throw my arm over the woman's shoulder, completely ignoring the annoyed look she throws my way. Bruce's eyes cut off quickly as he looks away, the smile slightly dimming as Charles steps forward.

"It's nice to see you again Ada." He greets as he pulls Ada into a hug, my arm dropping to my side in disgruntlement. My eyes narrow as Bruce too joins in quickly. All three of them hugging like they're some sort of happy fucking family.

"Why don't you guys find a booth to sit in, we'll join you in a bit." I cut off their hugging as all of them turn to me. Bruce and Charles nod happily and walk off towards the dance floor and across to the booths while Ada stands there looking down at her high heels.

"Um. Well that was-," she cuts herself off as she puffs her cheeks out before letting out a long breath, my smile becoming completely real once more as I turn towards her.

"Great? Amazing? Sensual?" I coo at her as her own stern gaze flails, her lips curling up slightly at the sides and I'm sure she's internally scolding herself for her actions.

Not that I mind her actions. Not at all.

"We should head back. They're probably waiting for us. We need to find Eva too." She mumbles and turns to walk off but I stop her in place. My hand automatically going to the love it likes quite a lot as I cup the back of her neck. Bending down, I slot my lips onto hers in a fierce chaste kiss which makes that same delicious heat crawl up my spine once again. Stepping back, I relish that dazed look in her eyes as I force myself to turn away and head off in the directions my friends wandered to.

"Come on now Ada. They're waiting for us." My voice full of cocky attitude as I hear a gentle scoff behind me, followed by stomping high heels following directly in the same direction I am headed.

Finding the the two idiots amongst the crowd is easy as I spot them huddled together on one of the booths at the back end, practically screaming so that they can be heard over the loud blaring music coming from the DJ's private podium. Sliding in, I look behind me only to see that Ada isn't with me like I thought. My eyes scan the crowd and some worry that was nibbling away at me vanished as they land on a pissed off looking Ada trying to drag an overly eager Eva towards us, tugging at her by her hand.

"What's up buttercup?" I goad as Eva comes within hearing distance, the woman trying to slump down into the space I'm sitting in but spreading my legs, I make sure there isn't any just to piss her off. Ada smiles slightly and shoves my legs closed before scooting into the booth right besides me, Eva following suit after  her as we face the two men watching on in amusement at the childish antics.

Scooting a bit further towards the side, I pull Ada along with me to make sure there's enough room for all of us to sit comfortably. That's exactly why I've made sure Ada's pressed up against me so nice and tightly. Definitely for comfort.

Thankfully Ada doesn't seem to mind as Eva leans forward and glances at the two guys seated in front of her. She narrows her gaze for a second before speaking up, "Bruce and Charles right?" The two of them and it's almost immediately that all three of them jump into an animated conversation about God knows what. I'm sure Eva's met them a few times at some formal event of my office some time or another, maybe that's how she knows them.

Sighing, I lean back into the booth as I throw my arm around the back of it, watching how Ada joins the conversation here and there too. I barely notice as she leans back slightly and says something to me but the loud music drowns out her words, leaving me frowning. Tilting my head down towards her mouth, I ask her to repeat her words as her voice reaches my ears with more ease now.

"I said, 'Why are you bored?' Is something wrong?" She questions with her pretty little lips pulled down into a frown as her eyebrows furrow together. She doesn't miss how my eyes trail down to her lips before leisurely raising them up again to meet her green coloured doe eyes.

Lowering my head, I purposely press my lips closer to the shell of her ear so that every time my lips form a word, they brush against her skin as I speak in my the most seductive voice I can manage, "Who wouldn't be bored when I'd much rather have you pressed against the wall like I did a few minutes ago." The shiver raking down her spine is enough to make me know that I do indeed have an effect on her and the boosting to my ego is definitely going to piss everyone off.

Like Eva says, I won't be surprised if my head won't fit through the door.

With that being said, I inconspicuously bring one arm forward and flick at her hair to which she swats my hand away with a few choice words. The smile stays on my face and only widens when I catch a certain interaction going on.

Charles squirms in his seat as a strong and hard headed Eva grills the poor guy. A short burst of laughter escapes my lips as Charles raises his hand and rubs the back of his neck like he always does whenever he feels nervous; the sheepish smile on his face enough to confirm my suspicions. The man, nonetheless, answers the nosy Eva who smiles in delight upon his reply while I shake my head at the poor man.

God help the guy who has a crush on Eva.

"So you're a fashion designer?" Charles sputters out as he clutches the beer bottle tighter in his grip, nursing it while Eva's smile brightens up even further.

Now she's gonna talk off all of our ears about fashion.

I mean I love the girl, she's my cousin and I wouldn't be able to go long without having to meet her annoying ass but boy can she talk. Especially when it comes to her clothes.

"Yup. I even have my own boutique. You should come by sometime. I'm sure I could help you out." Eva flirts back as she throws Charles a seductive grin, the man turning even redder than I thought possible.

Ada's shoulders move up and down besides mine as the action causes friction against our arms. Looking down at her, I see the huge smile on her face as she tries to hide her chuckles behind her hand. Probably laughing at Eva's attempt to get a boyfriend.

This catches Eva's attention, however, as her eyes snap to mine and then darting to the woman besides her who sobers up immediately under the small angry woman's prying eyes. Eva's opens her mouth to speak up but it shuts just as fast as her eyes widen and her mouth slightly drops open before they dart to me and then back at Ada.

Not inconspicuously at all, Eva points her finger at Ada's neck as she throws Charles and Bruce a look who are already too busy wrapped up in their own conversation.

"Ada, is that a hickey?" The woman questions, her eyes still wide as they dart to me and back to Ada again.

"Wh-what?" Ada splutters out as her whole body freezes up, her mouth opening and closing as she struggles with what to say to my cousin. "Pssht." Is all that comes out of Ada's mouth as she waves her hand through the air, dismissing Eva's thoughts like she's a mad woman for asking her something like that.

"This," she says as she points to her neck, Ada hesitates again as I roll my eyes and go in to answer but she seems to gain her wits as she speaks up again, "This is just a burn mark. I burned myself on the straightener when I was straightening my hair. Also why are you being so nosy; I didn't ask you question while you were practically suffocating that man on the dance floor." Ada jokes while Eva smiles at her friend but I can tell it's forced.

"You're right. I shouldn't have pried." Eva, much to everyone's surprise, says.

We both settle down after the mini interrogation as Bruce says something once more, directing his question at Ada and irking me all over again. My disgruntled expression is clear to see for everyone and I'm assuming that's what catches Eva's attention as both our eyes clash together. Brown on Blue.

"I'm getting a refill. Anyone want anything?" Eva asks nicely to which Bruce and Charles respond along with Ada. "Greg, why don't you come and help me bring the drinks?" She asks even nicer which causes my suspicion to raise tenfold. Knowing the woman won't budge even slightly, I sigh and ask Ada to give me way so I can get up and 'help' my cousin out.

The whole way there, Eva doesn't say anything even when we reach the bar and order our drinks. It's only when we're waiting for them to be prepared is when she turns to me with a questioning gaze but a soft voice. "That wasn't a burn mark from a straightener, was it?" She voices only a quiet tone as I practically have to strain my ears to hear.

The serious expression on her face let's me know that she's looking for an honest answer and not a half assed lie like she'll know I'll try to tell her, "No. It wasn't." I mutter in the same tone as her. Eva sighs and shakes her head, her brown eyes gazing past me and to where I'm assuming our table is.

"Listen Greg. I don't want to offend you or anything. Even though I act like I hate you, you know I love you but Ada's my best friend and I love her too. I don't want you messing around with her and breaking the woman's heart." She says despondently as much mouth drops open, looking for answers while my brain seems to be at its capacity for some reason.

"Why would I be messing with her?" Is all I manage to get out, swallowing harshly after I've said it and looking at the bartender busy with our drinks so that I can down it as soon as possible. The man lays the drinks down in front of us as I thank him but for some reason my hand doesn't reach to down the alcohol, instead it stays perched on the edge of the counters bar.

"Well for starters Ada told me about everything." She says simply, as if that's the answer to my question.

"Told you what?" I ask as she lets out a sigh.

"About why this whole thing is going on in the first place? You befriending Ada because you want to get with Chrissie. She told me how you went to her and asked for her help because you've been wanting to date Chrissie for a while now but she's playing games. Greg, I'm scared that Ada's going to fall for you while you're going to be taking it like it's some casual thing and forgetting about my best friend the minute Chrissie comes into the picture and gives you the attention you've been wanting all along."

My mouth dries up and it feels like my tongues grown twice it's size as my mouth feels weirdly heavy. Her words register in my brain as I try to process and piece everything together. Only realising the true extent of everything. Eva seems to realise my dilemma as she pats me on the shoulder, and picks up their drinks.

"Just don't hurt Ada. That's all I'm asking." With that, the woman leaves me along at the bar as my hand goes up to grasp onto my drink and downing it in one go like I've wanted to for the past few seconds.

Eva's words playing around in my head like a stuck record but one thing emerging from my thoughts with horns rearing and sticking with me.

Rather the lack of thought that causes me to feel weird yet strangely content at the same;

For the first time in a long time Chrissie has been out of my mind. Especially when I'm around Ada.


AN: Quite a few of you have been asking for Gregory's point of view so here it is! I hope it's up to your expectations and that you like it.

I've found a face model for who I think Gregory looks like, would you guys be interested in me attaching a picture? If not I understand since it ruins the image for some people but if you want, I'll upload it with the next chapter.

Question: Do you have some actor/model in mind when you picture Gregory? If so, who?

Please remember to:


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