Chapter 35

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Check out my authors note for a small announcement!

Ada Johnson's P. O. V

Elissa splashes away as the clear yet slightly bubbly water catches her intrigue, the baby's chubby legs kicking this way and that which results in half of the water sloshing out of the bathtub. The rubber ducky I had placed so kindly within her reach now flung at the far tile clad wall with tremendous force that made me slightly edge away.

Who knew babies had it in them? Of course my mind wanders over to her father, the daunting man sending chills down my spine and not in a good way either. I could picture him doing the same as a child.

A grunt makes me jump out of my thoughts as I turn towards the source of the noise only to find streams of droplets running down Gregory's face, his eyes closed from the impact of the water with his lips in a frown. I can't help but to laugh at his disappointment, my eyes dropping down to Elissa who squeals in delight at the action.

"Whoops." I utter out jokingly, Gregory letting out a scoff as he turns to me, one eye popped open while the other remains shut. Before I can make a move to back away, the man is already on me and pressing a chaste kiss to my lips as I frown in disgust. Greg moves back in a state of triumph as he turns his attention back to Elissa who tries to reach for her rubber duck as I continue to gag at the bitter taste of baby wash on my tongue.

"Come on now Elissa. Bath time is over for you. Your mommy and daddy will be here to take you away from me forever." He coos at the little girl as she peers up at him in confusion, not quite understanding what the loony man is on about.

"Stop being so melodramatic," I scoff as I give the man the towel as he scoops her up out of the bath and into it, making sure to cover her head with the top of the little baby hood attached to the towel. While he goes into the main bedroom to change her, I quickly rinse the tub and make sure it's clean before heading over to where Gregory is, only to find a still wide awake baby babbling away in Greg's arms.

"Shouldn't she be a bit sleepy?" I question as my mind goes back to the list Damien and Serena left. My eyes then locate the alarm on the bed side table as I frown, something not quite adding up.

"You didn't read the list did you?" I ask in realisation while Gregory shrugs.

"Why would I need to? I've looked after my god-daughter plenty enough time's to know." He says in an almost haughty manner as he makes his was passed me and then downstairs, all while I follow after him.

"Then you should know that the list goes; give her food, change her diaper, give her a bath, and then give her a bottle of milk so that she can sleep." I comment back to which I get a baffled look.

"That's one of the most stupidest routines I've ever heard of." He says while putting the baby in her high hair, securing her before rummaging through the fridge.

"And how many babies have you had?" I tease back which only earns me a glare in the process.

A few good natured words are returned here and there, Gregory trying to feed Elissa some concoction of mixed vegetables that seem as tasty as when they're spat out by her and all over the poor man's face once again.

"I give up!" Gregory announces loudly as he sits up, hands in the air with a spoon clenched in his first as something that looks like pees splatter his forehead. I try to hold back my laugh, while also severely failing to do so. "You go take a shower. Take some 'me' time and I'll feed the baby," Greg pauses for a split second, the desperation for a shower clear in his eyes but also some hesitancy as he glances from the baby and up to the ceiling where I'm assuming his bedroom is. "Go. I'll be fine." With one last resounding huff, the man rushes past me while simultaneously shoving the spoon in my hand as he makes a run for the shower. The concoction of vegetables falling further down his face with each step causing me to cringe.

"It's just you and me again isn't it Elissa. Please don't spit at me." I coo to her in as a loving voice as I can manage, slightly perturbed at the thought of spit and veggies flying across my own face. I get a blank stare in return which results in me letting out a sigh followed by a spoonful of food trying to shovel its way into Elissa's mouth. She chews thoughtfully, regardless of a lack of teeth, before pausing, a look of concentration on her little pudgy face. Just as I'm about to make a move to duck, the little girl swallows her food and then grins wide at me, her little teeth showing off brightly.

"Aren't you a good girl?" I coo further, the baby not understanding a single thing I'm saying but slowly and steadily, I manage to get her to eat the entire bowl out, wiped clean. Picking her up, I finish cleaning her mouth with a wet paper towel as I make my way into the living room. Gregory makes his way down as soon as I step foot into the lounge, my arms tightening onto the baby at the shock of the man's shirtless chest.

I do not want to drop a ten month old baby just because I saw my boy- the man I'm dating, shirtless. That won't go down well at all.

"You've got a bit of drool there," Gregory teases, motioning to the corner of his face while I scowl at his antics, already knowing there most definitely isn't any drool. Well I'm ninety two percent sure.

"Put a shirt on. You don't want to scar the poor child's eyes now do we?" I comment sarcastically as I turn around and make my way over to sit on the sofa, flopping down on it while lazily grasping around for the remote so I can turn it on. To some child friendly content of course, I think with a mutter as I skip passed Fifty Shades Of Grey and settle on the kids Disney channel.

My eyes start to close as the baby settles on my chest, her warmth giving me a weird sense of comfort. I try to stay awake, not wanting the baby to do something or wander off which can lead to her getting hurt. As I'm thinking of all the endless possibilities, my eyes get heavier and my arms relax around Elissa, my body giving into the overdue sleep it so desperately needed. A sudden wail of a baby has me sitting up straight, my arms feeling light as well as my chest due to the lack of a child's weight on it. A gasp leaves me as I stand up, heart lurching in my chest at the mere thought of something happening to the baby. Whirling around, I go to the source of where it's coming from, rushing as fast as I can only to come to a stop at a sight that has me letting out a breath of relief.

Gregory stands there, trying to force a bottle into the child's mouth that doesn't seem interested. Another wail is let out causing Greg to roll his eyes, muttering something under his breath. A second later, I see the baby flying through the air as his hands come out quick and grab her before repeating the motion again and again. The sounds of wails not turning to that of shrieking laughter.

"Oh God." I grumble, my voice catching Gregory's attention as he cradled Elissa to his chest, the baby disgruntled once more at the lack of throwing about.

"What's wrong?" He questions as I place a hand to my chest, my heart slowly calming to a comfortable pace and not trying to fall straight out of my body and onto the shiny wooden floors beneath me.

"I fell asleep and then Elissa wasn't there and then I woke up and she wasn't there any more and then I heard a scream so I thought something happened and then I ran here an-," "Relax." Gregory says, cutting off my own panicked rambling as he comes over to me, placing a comforting arm around my shoulder will pressing a kiss to my forehead.

"I knew you had fallen asleep and not even five seconds later did I come in and take Elissa from you. She was half asleep anyways so she wouldn't have walked away or anything. Don't worry about it." He coaxes further, my mind relaxing even though one part of me still feeling guilty but trying to let it go.

"If you say so," I grumble, still slightly perturbed as we make our way once more to the living room and over to where the couches are placed, I go to sit down with Gregory who doesn't waste another second as he scoots closer to me, that same bottle pressed to Elissa's mouth which she still doesn't appear interested in. Without hesitating, the man pulls me in close as well, the three of us cuddling together while he puts on a movie. This one not as child friendly as the previous one I put on but she doesn't care since she plays away with some rattle type toy.

Half way through the movie, a pungent smell hits me head on as Greg groans besides me.

"Has she crapped?" He asks disdainfully, the unwillingness to clean up after the child clear in his voice clear as day. With a small smile and a moments pause, I bend down to sniff the baby's diaper, repelling myself backwards as fast as possible at the source of the smell. Nodding my head viciously, the man gets the hint as he groans once more.

"Damien and Serena should be here in thirty minutes. Maybe I can get away with it?" He questions to no one in particular before shaking his head at his words, "Not unless I want a pissed off Damien chasing my ass for his child getting a rash on her own." With one last groan and a slight giggle from me, Greg gets up, not bothering to pause the movie as he makes his way upstairs and to the bathroom where he usually changes her diaper. I would've offered but my laziness seems to reach a new peak today since I couldn't even muster any strength to attempt an offer.

A few minutes past by and soon enough I hear Gregory's clunking of feet coming down the stairs as lazy as I felt a few minutes ago. Before the man makes it into the room, my phone starts ringing on the coffee table in front of me. The sound resulting in a frown since nobody, and I mean nobody ever calls me. When they usually do it's so that I can cover a shift for them or something of the sorts which is why I hate getting phone calls with a vengeance.

Admittedly, I wearily reach for the device, my frown turning deeper at the unknown number a I press call.

"Hello?" I answer slowly after waiting a few seconds for the person to speak up first which they didn't do.

"H-hi. Is this Ada Johnson speaking?" Another feminine voice speaks up just as dubiously, their tone unsure and in a soft whisper causing my eyebrows to raise at the sound.

"Speaking." I mumble back, a pit of dread forming in my stomach as my gut feeling and intuition warns me that something is coming. A bit too late for me to do anything about it now as the woman's voice filters through the speaker, the grip on my phone loosening by the second as her words register within me.

"Ada Johnson? Hello? Are you there?" Is all I can hear while the phone nearly slips out of my own hand but another catches it in the process. My wide eyes trail over to Gregory who stares down at me with a worried expression on his own face as he takes the phone from me and speaks into it himself. His eyebrow raising with each word that's uttered before he sends a curt goodbye and cuts the call.

"Ada?" Gregory calls out as I stare at him blankly, barely realising Elissa isn't in his arms.

"Where's Elissa?" I question as Greg places both his hands firmly on my shoulders. "She's on the playing mat. Calm down Ada. Don't freak out on me." He mumbles as he pulls me into a deep hug, my own arms tightening around him as an odd sensation tugs at me.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I repeat once more, pulling away as I calm my breathing down, not glancing at my cell phone, knowing it'll set me off once more. Before Greg can say anything, the doorbell rings, alerting us to the presence of the couple. Gregory gives me a cautious look but I shoo him away, pushing everything to the back of my mind just as Damien and Serena enter the living room, the former rushing to his baby while the latter greets me with a warm smile.

"Hi! I hope Elissa wasn't a pain to handle," Serena sheepishly asks while I shake my head immediately, looking down at the giggling bundle as she cuddles into her fathers grasp as his blue eyes land on me. I squirm inconspicuously, feeling as if the man is gazing deep into my soul.

"Thank you for looking after her," he says with a bow of his head, his sudden kindness taking me off guard as I hurriedly mumble back a 'no problem.' Damien glances at me and then Gregory before motioning to his wife.

"We should get going." He announces whole Gregory crosses his arms and raises a mocking brow. "What? No thanks for me?" He mocks while Damien shrugs.

"You're her god- father, aren't you?" The question causes Gregory's mouth to fall open for some reason unbeknownst to me as he shuts his mouth before nodding his head rapidly. "Yup."

All of us say a quick goodbye as Gregory's mood drops once more, the man pulling me into his embrace while my own taut shoulders drop in relief, his mouth on mine for a quick distracting kiss which ends all too soon for my liking.

"We'll figure it out. Don't worry." Is all I say.

My own mind swirling at what the hell is going on.


AN: Hi everyone! Guess who has slow WiFi and nearly didn't update today? Me of course. Anyways what do you think just happened with Ada? Any hints?

I just wanted to let you all know that I've made an Instagram account by the username of @therebellionxx . You can all check it out since I'll be posting tid bits and sneak peaks about further chapters as well as giving writing tips etc (as far as I can that is lol) and if you wish to talk to me and ask me whatever questions, that's the place to ask since I'll be more likely to see them there!

Question: Do you believe in conspiracy theories and if so which one do you think is the most plausible?

Please remember to:


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