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Just in case you get confused, please keep in mind that I can't obviously write everything specifying all 'cause otherwise it would be no fun, you guys will understand everything along the chapters, this is just the beginning, it's normal if you get a bit confused but you will have all the answers to your questions in the future, just gotta keep reading.

Chapter 2

Alexis' P.O.V

"How can I help you miss?" The sailor asked while turning to face me and that was when everything else made sense.

I wasn't so sure of the amount of times I blinked my eyes to be sure that was real, but they were for sure a couple. I really couldn't believe Calum lied to me and I didn't even doubt about it, he was there, he was actually there.

Saying I almost fainted would be exaggerating but my reaction towards that moment wasn't anything near normal.

"I hate you!" It was the only thing I was able to say right before jumping into his arms for a warm and passionate hug.

"I missed you too!" he said back in a mix of irony with happiness while we broke the hug and both his hands met my cheeks "Gosh, I missed you!" He confessed in relief and quickly pulled my face towards his sticking our lips to each other.

Nothing or no one could ever explain what that kiss made me feel like, all those feelings merging inside me, merging like a fusion, a fusion of our own.

Suddenly I started feeling my arm shaking, like there was something touching it nonstop.

"Alexis!! Alexis! ALEEEEEEEEEEEXIS WAKE UP!!" The sound of Isabella's voice echoing in my head basically made me wake with a huge headache. Great! Now apart from having to deal with the fact that I was dreaming about the past, again, I also would have to deal with a hex inside my head. Yes, that was what Bels' voice sounded like when she was waking up someone.

"What?!" I asked rubbing my eyes and getting up of the living room's couch.

"It's your brother!" Brother...as soon as Isabella pronounced that word I felt dizzy and my body threatened that I would throw up at the sound of it one more time. "Are you listening to me?!"

"Yes, I'm sorry. What's wrong with Michael?!" I asked getting back to reality.

"Do you even need to ask?" She rolled her eyes and I sighed. "Exactly!"

"Where is he?" I asked while putting on my denim shorts and havaianas.

"In the beach." She answered and we both left the house, running towards the beach.

It was definitely a hot afternoon, but then again, when was it not hot in Calpe? Right, basically never.

"Hijo de puta!" I heard Mario insulting my twin in Spanish just before his fists touched his face for what looked like the millionth time.

"Alright! Alright, guys that's enough!" I said approaching them but none seemed to give me ears so I did what had to be done. I quickly kicked off my flip flops to the sand, raised both of my hands in the air, then I brought them to my chest and snapped my cuffs.

Without giving time to anyone think about it, I took the time that Michael was getting ready to hit Mario and quickly I threw both of my fists onto their faces making them stepping back a little dizzy.

"Sorry bro." I said putting my hands on his shoulder to help him stand still.

My boxing classes along with all the other things were surely paying fine.

"What was that for Alexis?!" Mario asked cleaning some blood that coming out of his lips.

"Sorry buddy, but you were hitting my brother." I excused myself and all the people around us who were previously enjoying their stupid fight, started laughing.



"Last night."

"Oh, you know how Michael is when he has a little too much to drink." I told him making a sort of funny face and he showed me his middle finger "Ouch! That hurt." I replied ironically and turned my back at him "A new day, a new amount of bruises you get in that face, am I right?"

"Your brother doesn't seem to learn!" Isabella said clearly upset and I knew exactly why.

"What is wrong with her?" My brother asked while watching Bels walking away from us.

"Only a blind guy won't see." I confessed and he raised both eyebrows "Forget it! Let's go home!"

"Oh, but I was having so much fun!" He said laughing while punching the air "And by the way, did you seriously had to hit me? AGAIN?"

"As long as you will keep getting yourself into stupid fights that will be the way they end."

"But you make me look like I can't defend myself plus you punching me just makes you look like a tomboy."

"Does it look like I give a fuck?" I asked and he nodded while rolling his eyes.

Michael's P.O.V

Alexis was scaring me even more day by day. Almost a year has passed since it happened, since we found out about it, about that...Months later both of us decided to move to Calpe, in Spain because it all would be so much better, being away, meeting new people, a fresh new start. We could pretty much say that she was taking that too serious.

My twin sister wasn't the fragile and weak girl she used to be a year ago, the girl she used to be when she met him. Alexis was so strong, inside and out or at least outside.

Ever since we moved to Isabella's house, because she had a room to rent, ever since we started our new life in Spain, Alexis was someone I didn't recognize but despite that and all the tough stance she had, I knew the old her was still there somewhere, I knew the broken into pieces Alexis was still in there, and that was what scared me the most.

She had nightmares every night, nightmares that were real, secrets figured out too late. Besides the nightmares, I also knew that she had a lot of flashbacks going through her mind from minute to minute, she looked so distracted sometimes.

"Michael!" She called out my name bringing me back to reality.

"What were you thinking about?"

"You." I was sincere.

"Aww, that's so touchy bro." She said laughing and I gave her a fake smile


"You know I'm serious. I'm worried about you Lexi."

"I don't know what you talking about." She said coldly and suddenly getting up from the table taking an apple with her.

"Yes, you do."

"Look, Michael it's been months. I'm fine, really."

"I hope so." I confessed grabbing an apple myself.

"You want me to punch you again to see how good I am?" She joked around and I had to laugh with her.

To be very honest, it was good to see her tough like that but on the other hand, I knew that she was still suffering, and much worse, inside keeping it all to herself.


A/N: HEYYYY GUYS OMFG I'M BACK I'M BAAAAACK, I MEAN FUSION/CONFUSION IS BACK! Okay omfg you guys are probably "WTF IS THIS SHIT?" but oh well heheeh You will see what's coming :b and I just wanted to let you know that this sequel will be based a lot on flashbacks/dreams from the past alright? And also and as you can see in this chapter there will be more POVs apart from Luke's and Alexis' :D Okay omfg

Just in case you get confuse, please keep in mind that I can't obviously write everything specifying all 'cause otherwise it would be no fun, you guys will understand everything along the chapters, this is just the beginning, it's normal if you get a bit confused but you will have all the answers to your questions in the future, just gotta keep reading.

Plus I'm really sorry I haven't write for months so I'm a bit rusty and I didn't even revised this because I was so excited to post it so excuse any mistake, I'll edit it later because I'm too tired!

Oh and btw I made an ask account so you guys can make me some questions you might have c: ♥ http://ask.fm/irwinthegodwp

G'night everyone! LOVE YA ALL

Debs xx

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