Possibly returning

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Hello everyone! I really don't know how to start this so I'm going straight to the point.

I was away not just from this story but actually from wattpad for a while, a couple months. I'm not going to waste my time and words explaining why because I've already done that in the past and plus everyone knows I do have a life despite wattpad.

I love this story and it was never my intention to abandon it, it still isn't. Every author has it's writer's blocks and those times when you simply don't have inspiration.

Now, I've seen some old comments and some people asked if I wasn't going to keep up with this story, if I didn't know what do to with it and my answer is simple:

When I say I do not have inspiration, it doesn't mean that I don't know what's going to happen or what is the future of this story because I swear to you all, I had the whole story in my mind for far more long than all of you can imagine, but one thing is the ideas and the plot, another completely different is the right inspiration to write and I haven't had it for months, MONTHS.

Now, I may be feeling it slowly coming back but I can't promise anything because I do not like to break my promises and I'm afraid that my inspiration might betray me once again and simply vanish just like that.

I was thinking about maybe starting Confusion from the button, what I mean is that re-write the first chapter, writing it differently but I'm still thinking about it.

I do not know how many of you are still here to read it or how many more will come to read this story but every day I see new votes on Fusion and that couldn't make me happier because it means people like what I do.

I'm sorry for the very formal way this "author's note" or whatever you wanna call it, came out but I've been re-watching Merlin and I'm kinda in the mood of formal things so whatever.

I hope you guys are having a great 2015 and I can not wait to keep writing this and sharing it with you.

Plus I'm going to see 5SOS live in less than two weeks so I'm pretty excited!

Much love,

Debs xx

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