Chapter 1

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Vader jumped over Luke and his son towards Anakin "Keep an eye on him Han" he demanded, so Han, nice name, Vader threw Luke's lightsaber at the young boy "keep him entretained son, we don't want our new guest to get bored" Luke ignited his lightsaber and started battling against the slightly older guy in front of him as Vader fought his father

Luke feared for his father's life, Anakin was the best Jedi ever, he knew that, but Vader was almost as good as him, he almost ended his life so who knew what could happen, if Anakin did something wrong, the consequences could be hideous "why are you a Sith?" Luke asked Han while fighting "I know your father is and that shit but you can always do what you want" he stated, his eyes sparkling due the light of the four lightsabers ignited in the room

Han chuckled "I am doing what I want, it's the right thing to do, the rebels like you are the ones who are tearing the galaxy apart, everything was fine until you, your father and friends got here to ruin everything!" He exclaimed, after that, Luke felt paralyzed, he couldn't move at all, Han smirked "not so easy to fight now, am I right?"

Anakin hurt Vader and glanced at his son "LUKE!" he yelled knowing what was up, then, Vader hit him and the fight continued, why were they hurting Luke? He was just a child, all he wanted was the galaxy to be fair and to see his sister again. Han kept Luke paralyzed and after a few seconds let him go

The last thing Luke heard before drifting into the darkness was Han's voice say "sweet dreams young Jedi"


Luke was woken up by a bright light, he wasn't laying down, but at the same time he was, he laid on a similar thing to a table, but it was vertical, he slowly opened his eyes, adjusting them to the light, his head was pounding and heart beating fastly, what had happened earlier? Was this because of the paralyzing? It probably was, it was the last thing he remembered and he knew he wasn't hit, after a few seconds of questioning everything, someone waked inside the room, it wasn't a Stormtrooper, it wasn't Vader nor anyone from the rebellion, he got used to the bright light and saw Han "did you sleep well?" He asked mockingly, Luke rolled his eyes, why was the guy like this? Seeing Luke wasn't going to answer he pouted "there's no need to be rude" he then looked at Luke in the eye "let's make a deal, I'll take those cuffs off if you promise to behave" Luke wanted to run, look for his father and leave this place, he knew that sounded like he was a coward, but he also knew that something would happen to him and Anakin if they stayed in there, Han took the bracelets off of Luke's wrists and they both sat on the floor "your father is fine" he announced before Luke could ask "he was able to run before my father could kill him" Luke sighed in relief but Han frowned "that won't happen next time, I will make sure he dies, even if I have to kill him myself" he threatened

The Jedi looked at him angrily "I don't think you'll be able to, he's the best Jedi in the entire galaxy" Han laughed at Luke's statement and the young rebel frowned "what's so funny?" Han chuckled and Luke couldn't understand why he found that funny "what?"

"The 'best Jedi in the entire galaxy'?" he said putting air quotes as he repeated what the boy had said "you are catching up and I got you in the blink of an eye" he laughed, Luke was getting pissed off but also worried, what if he was right? What if Han could actually kill his father? Anakin was the best, but so was Luke and Han left him unconscious in no time, the older boy chuckled "don't think about it too much kid, there's nothing you can do to change it... especially without your lightsaber" he smirked "no mind tricks, telekinesis nor dead people can help you here"

Luke sighed, knowing he was right, he was in the Death Star, sorrounded by Sith and other stuff "there has to be something I can do" he thought out loud, he then looked at Han in the eye "please don't hurt him, I'll do anything, he's gone through a lot already, he doesn't deserve to be in pain" he pleaded

"Kid, two things. One, if there was something you could do, do you really think I'd tell you? And two, he won't be hurt or in pain..." Luke sighed and Han smirked "he'll be dead" with that, he got up and walked out, leaving Luke sitting on the floor, thinking.


Han walked inside the room where he first met Luke and saw his father giving instructions to a few Stormtroopers and, when they left, he turned to his son "how was your talk with Skywalker?" The man asked, Han's heart sped up, what was he meant to talk about with the kid?

"Uh... Good?" He said, even though it sounded more like a question than a statement, he was rather unsure about what he should've done, should he have killed him? Torture him? Or just hurt him? Maybe what he did was good? "I got slightly closer to him, I don't think he'll take long to tell us where the Rebel base is" he said, hoping it sounded convincing enough "what do you know about him?"

"Why do you want to know?" Vader asked, Han didn't know why he asked or why he felt the urge of knowing something about those blue eyes, why did it feel so good when he saw the Jedi's eyes open? Why didn't he feel happy or proud when Luke was unconcious? Why did he catch him before the boy hit the floor? Why did he feel sorry? "Han" his father said sternly

"Um... just to know his weak spots and what we have to do for him to join the dark side, y'know?" Han lied, why was his heart and breathing fastening? He didn't understand and he didn't like it "what's his weakness?"

His father hesitated for a few seconds "Anakin" was all he said before leaving the room. After a few minutes, shooting was heard, when the sound faded, the blond boy ran inside, Han stood there frozen, was he really that stupid? Did he really leave him there and the door open?

"Are you gonna stop staring or...? I'd like to make sure you don't kill my father" Luke said, Han ignited his lightsaber and so did the rebel, where did he get it from? "A Stormtrooper had it" he explained as the question flew through Han's mind

Both boys found themselves not moving, both frozen, looking at each other, none of them understood why, this wasn't because of the Force, that's for sure "why aren't you moving?" Han asked after a few seconds, breaking the silence

"Why aren't you?" Luke asked back, the Sith saw his father walking in, he wouldn't let him see what was happening

Han attacked Luke, who blocked the hit, the Sith smirked and did it again, cutting his hand off, Luke screamed in pain and the older boy looked towards his father and saw Anakin at the door, he paralyzed both Sith and smirked "surprised that I can do that too?" he helped his son and they ran to the ship

They walked to the main room of the ship, where some other Jedi were waiting "We need to do something, someone should go and learn what's their weakness, I'm sorry but I think Luke is the only one who can do that" Master Kenobi suggested, Anakin looked at the other Jedi wide eyed as they all agreed

"Are you crazy?!" He asked rather loudly "you're not sending my son to do that! It's suicidal!"

Either way, Luke thought otherwise "I'll go, I know how to get to Vader's son, if I get to him, I'll get to all of them" the youngest of the Jedi said

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