Chapter 2

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Anakin went to argue but decided against it, knowing it wouldn't make a difference, Obi-Wan always said that the young boy was just like his father and he couldn't be more right, that's why he knew he wouldn't be able to change his mind, a few minutes later, everyone stood up and left

"Obi-Wan" Anakin called as he left the chamber, Master Kenobi turned and smiled at his former padawan "I still don't like the idea of Luke going there by himself, it's too dangerous and I don't think he's ready to do it, he is just a child" Obi-Wan placed a hand on his shoulder

"Even if it was me to suggest it, I don't like the idea of him going alone either, but I can't help but disagree in the age topic, you were his age when you went on your first mission, I didn't think it was a good idea, but it turned out pretty good" the oldest of the two said, Anakin smiled at the memory of him and Padmé on Naboo, when all that mattered was their love

"Pretty good? I almost got kicked out when Master Windu found out we were married and she was pregnant" Master Skywalker retorded, it was nice that after everything they'd gone through their friendship was still unbreakable, Obi-Wan laughed and Anakin chuckled


"Look Anakin, you need to talk to him, I don't want him to go on his own" Padmé said as she sat next to her husband

The Jedi Knight looked at her and smiled weakly "I don't want him to either, but I know he won't listen to me, he is just the way I was when I was 19" Padmé chuckled, remembering how he always got what he wanted, being the spoiled Padawan was fun, especially Obi-Wan's

"We'll go together then" she said standing up and taking Anakin with her to their son's room

Both of them stopped in front of the door, not wanting to be the one to tell their son he wasn't doinng what he wanted, they weren't scared of their son, he was just heartbreaking to see when he was sad or disappointed, he was always really cheerful so it was sad when he wasn't "I know you're there, just walk in already" Luke said from inside the room, Padmé and Anakin looked at each other and walked inside the room "I don't care what you say, I'm going, I already promised"

"We didn't say that you are not going, we're here to tell you that you're not going on your own" Anakin said

Luke tilted his head to the side, he had to go alone, that's what Master Kenobi said "but I have to, you heard Obi-Wan, he's never wrong, he trained you and it turned out amazing, you are the best Jedi ever, why don't you trust him?" he asked, Padmé walked over and sat next to the young Jedi

"I do trust him and I trust you, who I don't trust is Vader and Han" Anakin said, Luke frowned at his father's statement, he knew he was right, so why did it hurt? "What is it?"

Luke then realized he was frowning, he wondered why, he knew he wanted to go and kill Han, it was what he wished, even if it wasn't 'the Jedi way' but he didn't know why he was frowning, what was wrong with him? "I- nothing" the boy smiled, he was over thinking, that was it. Luke sighed, he knew they were right, but since he got on the ship and left the Death Star, he felt the need to go back, he didn't know why but he did "okay, I will tell the Council that I'm not going by myself" he said sadly, his parents smiled and Padmé planted a kiss on her son's forehead before leaving, but when Anakin was at the door, he stopped, turning to his son and closed the door, the young Jedi tilted his head to the side "what is it?"

Anakin walked back to him and sat where his wife was earlier, he frowned "why do you want to go so badly?" The man asked, knowing the answer but not wanting to believe it, when Luke didn't answer, he knew something was happening "what happened when you were with Solo?"

Luke's eyes widened, what was he thinking? His mind drifted to the moment when they spoke, his eyes, his smirk, his laugh... the way he said sweet dreams made Luke's heart flutter, why if he didn't mean it? He always sounded slightly caring. He was snapped back to reality by his father shaking his shoulder. What happened then? He asked himself, he tried to bite back a smile and shook his head "nothing" he said, trying to convince himself more than anyone else

"Don't lie to me, Luke, what happened? I won't judge you, just tell me" Anakin said sternly, Luke laughed

"You sound like mum" the young boy said, he then sighed, knowing he had to tell someone "I just- I like his face" he mumbled, Anakin frowned, not understanding a word, and Luke hoped it could stay that way "I think I like his face" he repeated, this time his father understood, it was obvious by the look on his face

"You what?!" he exclaimed, after a couple of seconds, he asked more softly "is that the reason why you want to go back?" Luke nodded "you realise that if I let you go you'll end up falling in love with him, right?"

Fall in love? Why would Luke fall in love with Han? He just liked his looks "I won't fall in love with him dad, he's a Sith" Anakin raised an eyebrow not believing him at all "I just like his face, that's all, don't worry"

The oldest of the two scoffed "the 'I like his/her face' is how I started, that's how everyone started, so I am going to worry, but not because you like him, but because he may hurt you" he told Luke

"I know, I promise I won't let him" the boy reassured, Anakin didn't really trust Han when it came to protecting his son, but he just sighed and left

"Alright, you'll go"

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