Chapter 12

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The Emperor approached Luke, the boy felt trapped, he couldn't go back, he was standing between the two Sith, that just wasn't fair, two of the most powerful Sith to ever exist against a 19-year-old Jedi, the two Sith knew that the Padawan couldn't run, and even if he could, he wouldn't, he wanted to get revenge, he didn't really care about the 'Jedi way' when it came to hurting who killed his father "maybe you'd like to follow us"

Luke wanted to leave, he knew that the two Sith could and probably would win, but he didn't really care at that time, no matter what, he would not give up

Palpatine glanced at the boy and then at Vader, smirking


Han's eyes fluttered open, he was laying on the floor, everything hurt too much, what had happened earlier? He tried to remember, but all that came to mind was Luke's eyes, they looked scared, but why? The Sith tried to get those eyes out of his mind but he couldn't help but wonder what was happening wherever Luke was

He walked out of the dark room and to the corridor "----------, do you know where the Emperor and my father are?" He asked as he walked to --------

"I think they are in Mustafar, your father wanted to do something and the Emperor followed him, I'm guessing they'll be here soon" Han nodded and walked to the docking bay to wait for them

As the ship landed, the Sith felt something - or someone - he really didn't want to encounter at that moment, do he ran back to his room, he really didn't want to see the Jedi while feeling like this
The ship landed in the Death Star and the door opened, Luke was scared, what was going to happen? He was already exhausted, fighting Vader was way more tiring than he thought, and he was not ready to face Palpatine now, he was lead to the room where he first met Vader and Han "we have something you may want" the Emperor said sitting on the throne "bring her" he ordered a couple of imperial guards, who left the room and came back a minute or so after with someone way too familiar to Luke "I'm going to make this easy for you, everyone will be alright if you do as I tell you"

The young Jedi couldn't believe what he was hearing, and how did Palpatine get Leia? "So you're telling me that the only way to save my sister is to turn and kill her myself?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, the Emperor frowned

"What I'm telling you is to use your hatred"

Luke glaced at his sister, he should feel relieved that she was alive but he knew it was a matter of time, the Emperor would kill them both if he didn't give in to the Dark Side, the boy shook his head "I'll never turn to the Dark Side, you failed your highness" he walked to Leia and held her hand, giving her a small smile and then looked at the Emperor, standing a few feet away from him "I'm a Jedi, like my father before me" one of the guards left again and Palpatine walked to them, killing Leia in a quick move, the boy looked at her and then at the man, who was looking back at him angrily

"Maybe you want to run the same fate as your father" he said, Luke couldn't help but feel hate swelling in him, the Emperor smirked, knowing how the young Padawan was feeling

"Anything before becoming someone like you!" The Jedi exclaimed, he felt someone else walking inside the room and he certainly didn't like that

"So be it... Jedi" Palpatine said, voice full of anger, Luke heard a saber behind him and he turned to see who was there, he already knew, but he was hoping he was wrong "kill him" the man said, Luke ignited his lightsaber and tried to forget about Leia as he fought the guy who killed his father and broke his heart

Neither of the two really wanted to kill each other ir be there, Luke still loved Han, they both knew that, but the Sith wasn't really sure of how he felt, he didn't know if he loved him or if he was just having a fucked up mind "well Luke, you heard him, if you don't want to die like your father and sister, I would do what you were told" the young Sith said, the Jedi frowned, "awe, c'mon kid don't be like this, live a little"

"Well, I would if I were free" Luke shot back as their sabers clashed, Han stepped back, wanting to leave the room

"But you are free... if you do what you have to" Han pouted, the Padawan rolled his eyes "this is what happens when someone gets heartbroken"

"Don't get my mother into this, she was married, there was no way she'd go with your father after what he did" Luke said as they left the room

"Just as if Anakin was any better" Han retorded

"I highly doubt you knew him" Luke stated, the Sith chuckled

"Do I need to remind you that he was my father's best friend?" There was no way Han remembered Anakin from when he was a youngling, right? "I remember more stuff than you think, kid, I remember what happened before you were born and when you were born, so don't you fucking dare thinking I don't remember anything from back then, trust me, I wish I didn't"

Han remembered Luke's birth? And what the hell happened before? No one ever told him that! Han Force pushed Luke to a wall, the boy groaned in pain as his head hit the floor "I'm waiting for you to say it, kid, that is the only reason why I haven't killed you yet" the Sith said kneeling down next to the Jedi

Luke really wanted to tell him that he loved him, he knew Han wouldn't kill him, but he knew something way worse would happen "I don't know what you're talking about" he said through gritted teeth

"Too bad"

Han turned on his heel, knowing that Luke would soon be unconscious, and walked to the Emperor "what do you want me to do with him? He is unconscious, he will tell us whatever we want to know" he said, not wanting the Jedi to get killed... but why

"Bring him back to me when he's finally awake, take him somewhere where he can't escape" the Emperor said, Han nodded and took Luke to his room, knowing that he wouldn't try to leave if he was there

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