Chapter 13

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Three hours had passed. Luke's eyes fluttered open and he saw Han, sitting on the floor, back against the door, the young Jedi was beyond confused. The Sith looked at him and smirked coldly "what's the matter, kid? Didn't you sleep well?" He asked sarcastically, the youngest rolled his eyes sat up "we have to finish what we started" he said taking the Padawan to the throne room again "master, he's here" he informed the emperor "do you want me to do anything else?" He asked, it felt weird to Luke to see Han so submissive, he always liked being in control of everything, but he didn't really worry about that, what really worried Luke was that Palpatine dismissed Han

Luke glanced at the Sith, slightly panicked, he didn't think it'd help, but maybe, just maybe, he had a heart... but he just loooked back  at him and walked out. The Padawan sighed, he had no idea of what would happen now, but it wouldn't be good, he looked at the emperor and, for a split second, he knew what was coming, he got his lightsaber to deflect the lightning but it was too late


The three remaining masters were in a council meeting, the three of them knew something was wrong, but there was something that made them  believe everything would be alright. However, it was taking too long and everything was just  getting worse

Obi-Wan got up, walking to the door "where are you going?" Master Windu asked, Yoda shook his head, both of them knew where he was going "you should wait" he said

Master Kenobi looked at him in disbelief "I would, but remembeer what happened the last time I waited?" Both masters looked at him sadly, they hadn't forgotten, and they probably wouldn't, Obi-Wan left and headed towards the Death Star, it was located near Mustafar, and it wasn't nice


Han walked past the throne room, he stopped, but he didn't hear anything, he frowned but ignored the feeling. Luke and the emperor had been in ther for too long and that made him feel uneasy, and slightly frightned

He walked past a couple of stormtroopers. One of them carried a lightsaber, too familiar to the Sith "where'd you get that?" He asked, trying to sound just curious, but he was too concerned to hide it completely

The stormtrooper let out a laugh "why don't we go ask little Luke?" He asked mockingly, but the laughing was cut down as the trooper was being chocked

"Where'd you get that?" He asked angrily, tightening his grip, the other stormtrooper answered and Han let go, rushing to the throne room

As he got inside, he was greeted by a bloody Luke on the floor and Palpatine, who was smirking, Han felt hatred towards the man, but he knew he couldn't do anything, and if he tried, he'd end up dead. Luckily, Vader walked inside "master, Obi-Wan Kenobi is here" he informed, the two oldest Sith walked to the docking bay and Han was left alone with the Jedi... why did he feel like when they used to be together? He was so confused, and for the first time, he didn't hate it completely

He walked to the boy and kneeled down beside him, he wasn't unconscious, but he looked extremely weak, Han knew what he had gone through "I'm sorry... I should've taken you out of here when I had the chance" he said stroking the Padawan's hair "I-"

"What the-?" Master Kenobi was at the door, what was going on?

"I- I..." why did Han feel so powerless suddenly? He had just felt like this once and it was with the emperor... and they all knew how that story went

"What is going on between you two?" At this point, Luke was sitting up, the exlovers wide.eyed

"Nothing!" Luke said, trying to sound truthful

"What does he mean by that, kid?" The Sith whispered, slightly confused

The Jedi master chuckled "guys, you've been more obvious than Anakin and Padmé" Han shook his head, somehow remembering "however..." he told the Sith "this guy right here is the one I'm meant to protect now, so you hurt him and I can assure you I'll be right here to kick your ass"

Luke looked back and forth from Han to Obi-Wan "oh, come on master Kenobi, you know I was your favourite before he was born" Obi-Wan chuckled

"Maybe you'd still be if you hadn't turned" the Sith shook his head in amusement

"But we're not together anymore, master, we were... I'm not going to deny it, but we broke up" Luke explained "before..." Han saw pain in the Padawan's eyes and cut him

"Yeah... it was when, as I've heard, he refused to take an order from the council" the Sith didn't understand why he felt so bad suddenly, he should be proud of having killed Anakin Skywalker, the best Jedi that had ever existed, even better than Yoda, Anakin was the chosen one... but he felt terrible everytime he remembered that moment

"Are you sure that there's nothing between you two?" The master questioned

The two glanced at each other "yes" Luke said "no!" Han said at the same time

"Okay..." Obi-Wan chuckled feeling slightly awkward "so you're not sure"

"What do you mean there's something? You told me you hated me and you ki-" the Padawan was cut by Han kissing him softly, master Kenobi watched, he wasn't shocked, but he wasn't fond of the idea of Luke dating the one who almost ended the Jedi

"I am positive that it's not over... I'm sorry for everything I've done to you, kid" Luke smiled and looked at Obi-Wan

"I am too... I know it's not over" the master smiled and looked back, Han stood up and ignited his saber, Luke looked at both of them pleadingly "don't hurt each other"

"Don't worry, I won't, kid" the Sith said lovingly, Vader approached them and ignited his saber, going to attack Obi-Wan from behind

Luke's eyes widened and glanced at Han, begging him to do something, the young Sith walked to him and pretended to attack the defenseless Padawan so master Kenobi would move, luckily it worked and Vader missed

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