Chapter 12

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Hazel examined her gun closely. It was similar yet completely different from the guns her father owned. They were older and still had the sharp bayonet on the end. She put the helmet on her head and took in a deep breath.

"The battle is beginning! Soldiers to your stations!" Some random person said as they opened the door, "Now!"

Hazel scrambled onto her feet and held her gun close to her chest. Each step was filled with determination along with fear as she heard the gun shots getting louder.

"Sir, may I ask what year it is?" Sophia stepped up and asked someone hazel assumed was a general.

"Why 1945 of course!" The general scoffed and laughed, "the Allies must really be desperate for new recruits if they chose you bunch!"

Oh no. Hazel now knew why Sophia had asked: 1945 was the last year of World War II and being on the wrong side could have them all dead. By the sound of the generals accent hazel guessed they were in England, or at a British base.

"The Nazis are here!" Someone shouted and hazel heard the sounds of bombs being dropped above them.

"Get down!" Kade shouted and Hazel held her helmet tightly to her head.

The loud eruption of the bombs should have made hazel deaf, but they didn't. She could still here people screaming. Then, came the gunshots. Each one rang like its own note on an instrument. Each sounded different. Each muffled on impact with an Allie or enemy.

"Come on! The sooner this battled over the sooner this whole thing is over!" Jacob shouted and hazel and the others stood up from their hiding spots.

Jacob and Kade were already aiming and firing at the Nazi soldiers. Hazel exchanged a hesitant look with Cory who then nodded and started to shoot. Hazel took in a deep breath and aimed her gun. Bullets whipped past her head and she crouched down. She aimed at one soldier then fired. She saw him fall into the blood soaked mud and she let out her breath.

Hazel jumped as she heard Kade cry out and clutch his leg. He'd been shot in the lower thigh.

"Get down Kade, we'll take care of it when there's a break in the action!" Hazel shouted as she continued to shoot.

"Gas Bomb!" Someone screamed and hazel saw a silver container fly through the hair. She struggled with the gas mask around her neck until it was securely on. She helped Kade get his on then checked on Alex and Sophia who were hesitantly and scarily peering over the trench's edge.

Poor kids, hazel thought grimly, they were only around fourteen or so. Hazel was 17 and this was way to hard for her.

Hazel gave a nervous look at Kade who was slouched down against the trench wall. She grabbed a piece of cloth in her pocket and handed it to him, gesturing to his bullet wound.

"You need to get the bullet out," hazel tried her best to say.

Kade feebly lifted his hand and showed her a metal sphere covered in blood.

"Already done," he rasped.

"Hazel! A little help here!" Cory shouted and hazel stood up and continued firing.

Hazel could only imagine how many bullets she'd fired. How many people she killed. It isn't real. They're all fake. She thought to herself, trying to justify a horrible ordeal. The allies were good! But so were some of the innocents forced to fight against them. Hazel realized. Not everyone she was shooting at truly believed in the nazi way. Most were forced, to protect their family. Come on hazel! They're computer generated! They're fake! They can't feel pain! They can't think for themselves! They don't know how it is to live! What can you loose that you never had!? But even though she knew they were fake, it was what they symbolized which left her shaken.

A final shot ran through the depressed air and was then followed by silence. Hazel heard her own breathing and that was it. Then came a cry. A cry of victory and excitement and the trench erupted in euphoria.

"We won! We survived!" Rebecca, who had been hiding in the corner the whole time shouted.

"I did it," hazel heard her brother mutter and he smiled, hazel assumed this was his worst nightmare, she was also his sister and remembered him telling her he'd hate being alive during World War II while watching Wonder Woman.

"We're not done yet," Kade gasped in pain as his leg shifted.

Hazel knew he was right, this was only the beginning.

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