Chapter 1: The New Girl

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3DS opened the car door and stepped out, closing it behind her as she did. She opened the back door and took out a large white duffel bag, and a red and white backpack that matched the colour of her jacket, skirt, and boots, as well as her hair. As she closed and locked the back door, she could hear the muffled sound of someone shouting at her. She removed her earbuds and looked up, seeing her sisters running over to her. DS was her youngest sister by 2 years, while DSi was the middle child, only younger by 1 year. They were both smiling and running over to her.
"3DS, you're here!" DS said, wrapping her arms lovingly around her older sister.
"It's good to see you too." 3DS giggled. She hugged DS back and put her down.
"This is going to be so cool!" DSi piped up. "We're gonna be training with our big sister!"
"Yeah, I'm looking foreword to it." 3DS replied with a grin. People often thought it was weird that her younger sisters were going to a training school when she wasn't, but there was an explanation. The three girl's parents always wanted her to go to VGA with her sisters, but 3DS needed to stay home due to her parents being away, developing new technology to help in the war. Luckily, they had returned home recently, so 3DS was free to enrol at the school. She looked up at the large arch over the entrance. It lead to a pathway, which in turn lead to the massive castle-like building. Everything was extremely high-tech. There were lights and screens everywhere. The sign above the arch read VG Academy, obviously the name of the school.
"So this is the academy, huh?" 3DS asked.
"Yep!" DSi confirmed. "Pretty cool, huh?"
The two sisters lead 3DS down the path. "C'mon, we'll give you a tour." DSi said. 3DS nodded. There were so many sights to see just in the front yard of the school. 3DS couldn't wait to see what was inside.

The three walked down a long hallway. It was all quite interesting. The classrooms were large and circular, with the seats circled around the centre. They reminded 3DS of sports stadiums or coliseums. Suddenly, she heard DS muttering something to DSi. She seemed concerned.
"It's okay." DSi whispered back. "They know we need to get through here. We're not intruding on anyone's territory."
"That's never stopped them before." DS muttered.
"What are you talking about?" 3DS asked. They both turned to her, both with slightly worried smiles on their faces.
"N-nothing. Just some guys gave us trouble last time we were here." DS explained.
"Wait, what do you mean 'trouble'?" 3DS asked. If anyone was messing with her sisters, they'd have to deal with her.
"It's fine. Really." DSi insisted. "Let's just keep going."
3DS raised an eyebrow and nodded. Hopefully nothing bad happened here. She continued to look around before her eyes fell on something. Or rather, someone. A girl. She was tall, looking about a year older than 3DS herself. Her hair was long and black, reaching about the bottom of her shoulders, covered by a black wool cap. Her outfit was black, white, and blue, consisting mainly of a blazer and skirt. Her eyes were icy blue, and seemed to draw 3DS in, even though she wasn't looking at her. 3DS, however, couldn't take her eyes away. She was very interested in this girl.
"Who is that?" She asked, almost in a whisper.
"Hm?" DSi asked, turning around. She looked to where 3DS was staring, seeing the girl. "Oh, her? She's PSV-"
"Uh... DSi?" DS squeaked. DSi turned back, and was met by two figures standing in front of them. They were two boys, both a little shorter than 3DS, looking about the same age as well. One of them was wearing a black jacket with a blue headband. His grey shirt had triangle, circle, square, and X symbols on it organized in a diamond shape. The other one wore a black hoodie with ripped up jeans. His scraggly black hair was covered by a black backwards cap. They both smiled sinisterly at the three sisters.
"Now, what are you two doing here again?" The one with the headband asked.
"Didn't we tell you to stay out of this hall?" The other one said.
"B-but we need to go down this way..." DS whimpered.
"Oh, t-t-that's fine, we can go the other way. It's a bit longer, but that's okay." DSi stammered, quickly turning and walking away. DS swiftly followed. 3DS didn't budge. The one with the headband looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Shouldn't you be running too?" He asked. 3DS furrowed her brow crossed her arms.
"Why would that be?" She asked.
"Wait a second... I don't believe we've met." The one with the cap said, grinning even wider. He stepped towards her. "You must be new here, right? You can call me PSP."
"I'm PS3. Nice to meet you." The other said, sticking out a hand to shake 3DS'. She still refused to budge. Something about these two gave her a bad vibe.
"Are you the two who have been bullying my sisters?" She asked.
"Not bullying, only telling them where they belong." PSP explained.
"This is a Sony area." PS3 added. "Each faction has it's own territory, and this hallway belongs to Sony. And we don't take intruders lightly."
"C'mon, 3DS, just leave it alone." DS whispered, tugging on 3DS' sleeve. She pulled her arm away, still facing the two boys. She said nothing.
"Not talking, huh?" PS3 continued. "Well then, maybe we should show you where you belong."
"That's enough, guys." A voice said. This one was female, and sounded a few years older than PSP or PS3. The voice belonged to a taller girl wearing a black turtleneck, black skirt, and glasses, accompanying her black hair which reached her mid back. She looked annoyed by PS3 and PSP's nonsense. She was followed by someone else. Another boy, thought he was much taller. He wore a jet black suit and tie with dark sunglasses. He looked older than all of them.
"Don't you have somewhere to be?" He said very matter-of-factly, adjusting his glasses while he did so.
"Ah, we were just having a bit of fun." PSP complained.
"Yeah, we were just explaining stuff to the new girl." PS3 added.
"New girl?" The taller girl asked, and she turned to face 3DS. A friendly smile crossed her face as she saw her.
"Oh, hello there. I'm PS2." She said. The taller guy turned to her as well, but his emotionless expression didn't change.
"I'm PS4." He stated plainly.
"Um... 3DS." She said, introducing herself. PS4 nodded, and turned back to PSP and PS3.
"PS2, make sure these two don't get into any trouble." He almost commanded.
"Sure thing." PS2 nodded. She walked over to the two boys and practically dragged them away from the area. When they were gone, PS4 approached 3DS. He looked her straight in the eyes.
"You're a Nintendo, correct?" He asked.
"Uh, yeah." She said. At VGA, a students faction would be decided after they enrolled. If the student had family in a certain faction, they would usually also be placed in that faction. All of 3DS' family who had gone to VGA had been in the Nintendo faction.
"Well then, you're new here, so I'll let you off with a warning, for now." PS4 continued. He leaned in close. "Stay in your own faction. Otherwise, you will have a bad time at this school."
3DS couldn't reply. Something about PS4 made her extremely uncomfortable, even more so than PSP and PS3. He adjusted his sunglasses and pulled himself back up.
"Have a nice day." He said, but he clearly didn't mean it. He walked away, leaving 3DS alone, aside from DS and DSi.
"Okay... well, let's go." DSi said.
"Yeah..." 3DS muttered. They turned and began to walk away, but someone grabbed 3DS by the shoulder. She turned around, and found herself face to face with the girl who had caught her eye before. Her face was nearly emotionless. 3DS's cheeks turned red.
"Hey, I'm really sorry about my brother." The girl said. "PSP can be a bit of an asshole sometimes."
"Oh... that's fine." 3DS said. "Um... who are you?"
"My name is PSVita." The girl said. "I heard you say your name was 3DS, correct?"
"Yeah." 3DS answered.
"One more thing." PSVita said. She held up a white and red stylus pen, about the size of a mechanical pencil. It had a button on the side, and the tip was shiny metal.
"This is yours." PSVita continued. It did belong to 3DS. It was her weapon, a "life-stylus", which allowed her to "draw" physical objects into reality. The objects only lasted for about a minute, and then they would dissolve. The stylus must have fallen out of 3DS' pocket at some point, she thought.
"You really should keep better track of your weapons." PSVita advised.
"Oh, thanks." 3DS said, taking the stylus back from her. She chuckled nervously. "I guess I owe you one, huh?"
"Maybe I'll see you around." PSVita said. With that, she walked past 3DS without another word. 3DS tried to say something else, but it was too late. She only knew one thing for sure. She definitely had a crush. She blushed as she thought about this. Nobody, not even her own family knew that she was a lesbian, and this would make it much harder to keep that secret. She shook the thoughts from her head and ran to catch up with DS and DSi.

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