Chapter 2: The Decision

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Finally, 3DS, DS, and DSi were back on the Nintendo part of the school. Things seemed a lot calmer now. PSVita was still on 3DS' mind, along with the other people on the Sony faction. PS4 especially freaked her out.
"Let's hope I never run into him again." She thought to herself.
"Hey, guys!" She heard a voice say. It was a male voice. DS and DSi seemed to recognize the voice, and turned around to wave at the two boys who were now walking over to them. One of them was about the same height as 3DS. He had white spiky hair, and wore a tracksuit coloured grey, white, and cyan. The other was much taller. His hair was also white, but a little bit longer. He wore a white hoodie over a dark gray shirt, and light grey track pants.
"Who're they?" 3DS asked.
"Oh, that's Wii U and Wii." DSi answered. "They're also in the Nintendo faction."
As she said, the two boys finally approached and greeted them.
"Nice to see you guys again, but where's GameCube?" DS asked. GameCube was Wii U and Wii's older brother, who went to the school as well.
"He graduated last year." Wii explained. "Now he's off helping to develop new weapons for the war." He glanced at 3DS, and raised an eyebrow. "You must be DS and DSi's sister. 3DS, right?"
"Yep. Nice to meet you." 3DS answered.
"DS and DSi told us a lot about you." Wii U continued. "They mentioned that your skill was speed, right?"
Every console soldier was trained in a certain skill. The three major skills were speed, strength, and agility. Some soldiers in training would train themselves in these skills before they became consoles. Indeed, 3DS had trained herself to run extremely fast, much faster than anyone she'd ever met. Her secondary weapon, her 3D glasses, helped as well. They were holographic glasses that tapped into her mind and allowed her to unlock various abilities, including extra speed.
"Yeah, I've been told that I'm pretty fast." 3DS admitted.
"Hey, GameCube had the same skill, right?" DS asked.
"Yeah; remember, Wii, GameCube, and I would all enter the Console Wars together." Wii U said. 3DS raised an eyebrow.
"Console Wars? I have no idea what you guys are talking about." She chuckled.
Wii U turned to DS and DSi. "You didn't tell her about the Console Wars?"
DSi shrugged. "We thought she knew." Wii U rolled his eyes, then looked back at 3DS.
"The Console Wars are a tournament that takes place at the school." Wii U explained. "There are 6 events, and only three members of each faction can compete. Usually, each competing member has a different skill."
"Since my brothers and I have all three skills between us," Wii continued, "We usually competed together. But now GameCube isn't going to the school anymore, so we're left without a speed competitor."
"Hey, 3DS, you should compete!" DS suggested, placing a hand on her sisters shoulder.
"M-me?" 3DS asked. "I know I'm fast, but I doubt I can keep up with half of the students here."
"C'mon, don't be modest." DSi giggled. "Believe me, you could run circles around this school... literally."
3DS blushed and rubbed her arm. "While that may be, I don't want to compete against people I don't know that well." She said. "Sorry, but I don't think the Console Wars are for me."
Wii U looked noticeably disappointed, but managed to keep a smile. "Well, maybe we'll find someone else. Wii and I are still gonna compete, though."
"Yeah, if they even let me compete this year." Wii muttered.
"Why wouldn't they?" 3DS asked. The air around the group suddenly got much more awkward.
"There was a bit of an... incident last year." DS explained. "We don't really like to talk about it." What happened was that on the Console Wars the previous year, Wii was the subject of a bit of an accident which cost the Nintendo faction what could have been their first win. Really, it wasn't that big of a deal, but word spread throughout the school quickly. Everyone had a different story about what happened. Even Wii wasn't sure exactly what happened.
"That doesn't sound good." 3DS said.
"Yeah, that's why we need someone good on our side." Wii explained. "Nintendo has never won a Console War, and my blunder in last year's Console Wars didn't help."
"To Sony and Microsoft, we're just a joke." DSi added. "We need a chance to prove ourselves to the school."
3DS now new just how much the Console Wars mattered. "I had no idea..." she said. "Well, if it really means that much, I'll do it."

3DS opened the door to the office. Wii U told her that if she wanted to compete in the Console Wars, she would have to talk to the dean of the school. In the bright white office, there was a round desk with a holographic blue computer floating over it. A woman with short black hair with blue streaks was sitting behind the desk.
"Can I help you?" The woman asked.
"Um, yeah, I wanted to talk to the dean about entering the Console Wars." 3DS answered.
"He's not in right now." The woman explained. "If you come back later, he'd be happy to talk with you about it."
"Alright then. Thank you." 3DS said. She began to turn around and walk out the door.
"By the way, what's your name?" The woman asked.
"I'm 3DS." She answered.
"It's nice to meet you, 3DS." The woman replied. "I'm the vice dean of the school, if you were wondering. My name is Steam."
"Nice to meet you too." 3DS said. The two smiled at each other, and then 3DS turned to walk out of the room. Suddenly, the door opened before she could reach the nob. There was a man standing on the other side. It was the dean of the school, PC. 3DS had met him before.
"Oh, hello, 3DS." He said. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to talk about entering the Console Wars." 3DS explained. PC chuckled.
"I had a feeling you'd want to compete. From what I've seen, you certainly have the ability for it." He said. "However, the sign up date isn't for a couple weeks. The tournament itself isn't for a few months, actually."
"Oh, okay." 3DS nodded. "I'll be sure to sign up then."
PC nodded and stepped away from the door.
"I hope you have a good time at the academy." PC said.
"I hope so too." 3DS agreed. She left and the door closed behind her. Her confidence was at an all-time high. Now that she knew that PC believed in her, she felt like she could do anything. As she walked, she didn't notice the taller boy walking towards her. He didn't notice her either, as he was too busy with his phone. They bumped into each other, but kept walking.
"Sorry about that." 3DS began.
"Watch where you're going next time." The boy snapped. 3DS raised an eyebrow and stopped.
"Excuse me?" She asked.
"You heard me." The boy replied. He smirked, realizing he was getting a reaction out of her. 3DS turned around to face him. He was about as tall as PS4, but much less formally dressed. He was wearing a long black jacket with a white vest underneath. His messy dark grey hair was lined with bright green streaks, matching the colour of his eyes.
"You're new here, aren't you?" The boy asked.
"Yeah, I am." 3DS replied.
"Nintendo, right?" He added. 3DS nodded, and the boy scoffed. "I figured. You kinda look like a loser."
3DS was about to reply with a clever retort, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw PS4 approaching. She could tell this wouldn't end well. PS4 didn't seem interested in talking to her, though.
"Harassing a new student again I see." He said. "You haven't changed a bit since last year, XBox One."
The boy, who's name was apparently XBox One, stopped smirking. 3DS took the opportunity to walk away in silence.
"I didn't think you were coming back this year, seeing as Sony lost the Console Wars last year." XBox One replied. "Didn't think you could handle the shame."
"Sony and Microsoft are tied now, if I'm correct." PS4 said. "We'll let this year be the deciding factor."
"We'll see." XBox One said, adjusting his jacket collar. "Well, I got a class to go to." He said.
"As do I." PS4 said back. The two turned and walked away from each other. Everyone in the school knew about the rivalry between XBox One and PS4. Ever since they came to the school, the Console Wars had been a battle between Microsoft and Sony. They had turned their entire factions against each other. 3DS remembered that DS and DSi had told her about the two rivals.  This was going to be a more difficult year than she had thought.

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