Chapter 3: Combat Class

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"Welcome to Combat class." The professor said. "I'm your new combat instructor Professor Arcade, and from here on out, I'll be teaching you everything there is to know about combat."
Arcade was not dressed like a typical professor. He wore a yellow martial arts outfit, with a red headband and blackbelt. He continued talking about combat and the art of fighting. 3DS listened intently while taking notes on her tablet. The classroom fit over a few hundred students, and was separated into thirds, with one section for each faction. Arcade stood on a small stage in the middle. 3DS was sitting next to her sisters, while Wii and Wii U sat in front of them. Everyone else seemed bored, but 3DS was very interested in what Arcade was saying. She was no stranger to combat herself, but she was excited to learn from a real master.
"Now, the best way to start learning combat is through example." Arcade continued, wrapping up his speech. "Has anyone in this room ever been in a combat situation?" 3DS raised her hand, along with about half the people in the room. Out of all the people who raised their hands, Arcade looked directly at her.
"You, with the red hair." He said. "What's your name?"
"3DS, sir." She said, nodding. Arcade nodded back, and then turned to the Sony corner of the room.
"And you with the hat," he said, "what's your name?"
"PSVita, sir." 3DS' eyes widened. Turning to the sound of the voice, she saw that PSVita was indeed standing up with her hand raised.
"Alright then, miss PSVita. You're going to spar with miss 3DS." Arcade said.
3DS hesitated to walk down to the stage, but the cheering and encouragement from her fellow Nintendo's, including her sisters, was enough to make her decision. Finally, she was on the stage, facing PSVita.
"Looks like we ran into each other again." She whispered nervously.
"Yeah, I suppose we did." PSVita replied.
"This will be a hand-to-hand match." Arcade said. "Use of weapons is prohibited, but secondary weapons are allowed."
3DS nodded and activated her 3D glasses. The glasses appeared as a hologram over her face that resembled wraparound sunglasses. While wearing the glasses, 3DS was able to access a heads-up display, allowing her to activate the different abilities provided by the glasses. She selected the strength ability. That combined with her natural speed skill made her a force to be reckoned with in combat. At the same time, PSVita used a similar technique. Instead of 3D glasses, she used a secondary weapon called a holo-screen. Essentially, it was a holographic screen that floated in front of PSVita's face. She was able to manipulate the screen directly through touch. The screen allowed her the same abilities as 3DS' glasses. PSVita selected agility. Once they had activated their abilities, Arcade stepped back.
"Combatants, are you ready?" He asked.
Both girls nodded, though 3DS was definitely not.
"Alright then. Battle commence!" Arcade continued. The fight began. PSVita's emotionless expression was unchanged as she got into a battle stance. 3DS was still slightly hesitant, but still put on a confident smirk. Even though she may have had a crush on PSVita, she still liked to win. She ran towards her at full speed, hoping to surprise her with an attack. PSVita was surprised, but didn't show it much. She dodged 3DS's attack, and struck her on the arm. 3DS winced in pain, but followed up with a kick to PSVita's midsection, winding her. The entire classroom was cheering now, except for Arcade, who simply observed and nodded. Recovering from the kick, PSVita stood herself back up. She threw a set of jabs at 3DS, who dodged most of them. Finally, PSVita finished the attack with a low sweeping kick, knocking 3DS off her feet with a yelp. She quickly rolled over and stood back up. She also brought her arms up in a defensive stance.
"Geez, she's tough." She thought. She could already feel bruises forming. She didn't have much time to think about this, as PSVita was readying another attack. She delivered one quick jab to the side of 3DS's neck. The rest of the class seemed impressed. 3DS paused for a moment to place and hand on the place PSVita had jabbed her. To her surprise, she found that she couldn't move. She flopped over onto the ground, completely motionless. The only things she could move were her eyes and mouth.
"What the..." She muttered.
"A paralyzing attack?" Arcade said. "Impressive, especially for a student." He walked over to PSVita and stood next to her, arms crossed. "I think we know who the winner of this match is."
The crowd, especially the Sony faction, cheered loudly. After a few more seconds, 3DS stood up.
"What was that?" She asked.
"We'll go over paralyzing attacks in the more advanced lessons later in the year." Arcade said. "You both show potential to become great Consoles. But for now, you may take your seats."
PSVita nodded and walked back to her seat. 3DS did the same. Sitting down at her desk, she was greeted again by her sisters, along with Wii and Wii U.
"That was amazing!" Wii U said. "I had no idea you could fight like that."
"If we have you on our side, we're totally gonna win the Console Wars!" Wii added.
"But I didn't win." 3DS said.
"Yeah, but you got pretty close." DS said. "If she didn't pull that paralyzing attack at the end, you probably would have won." 3DS laughed nervously, rubbing her arm.
"Thanks, I guess." She said. But she wasn't really listening. She wasn't listening to anything at that moment. Her eyes were still locked on PSVita. As she was staring, she noticed PSVita glancing over at her. They locked eyes for a moment, and PSVita gave a small smile and wave. Realizing this, 3DS blushed and looked back down at her tablet. She didn't see PSVita silently giggle at her response. It wasn't a mean or condescending giggle, but just a simple giggle at 3DS's cute awkwardness. PSVita liked 3DS, but as far as she could tell, they couldn't be more than friends. But she was fine with that. She was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a pen tapping on her desk. This was PS4, who was sitting next to her.
"Pay attention." He said quietly, trying not to draw attention.
"R-right." PSVita replied. She re-activated her holo-screen, moving the screen to her desk, using it as a keyboard to take notes. PS4 continued talking.
"Your combat skills are very good so far. I've trained you well." He said. "But you are nowhere near perfect. We still have some work to do."
PSVita nodded. PS4 was the leader of the Sony faction. Every faction had a student leader, who basically controlled everything the students did that the Dean couldn't control. Most of the Sony students agreed that PS4 was a bit of a hard-ass, but PSVita saw him differently. PS4 saw some sort of potential in her. He treated her like his secret weapon. He had forced her to train until she wasn't afraid of anything. In truth, the only thing in the whole school who truly scared her was PS4 himself.

It was the end of the day. Classes were over, and the students were either going home, or back to their dorms. PSVita was at her locker, packing up her things to head back to the Sony dorm. As she closed the locker, she saw 3DS approaching her.
"Oh, hey. We've run into each other a lot today." PSVita said.
"Heh, yeah..." 3DS agreed. "Um... that paralyzing attack was pretty cool."
"Thanks. Sorry about beating you in that fight, by the way." PSVita apologized.
"Oh, no, that's fine." 3DS said. "You're just better at fighting, that's all... But there was something I wanted to ask you."
PSVita said nothing, but her eyes gave the impression that she wanted 3DS to continue.
"Would you like to... hang out with me tomorrow?" She asked.
"Hmm... maybe." PSVita responded. "I'll have to check my schedule. Here, let me give you my number, we can talk later."
PSVita pulled out a small white card with her phone number on it and handed it to 3DS.
"Oh... thanks." 3DS said.
"I gotta go, but I'll see you later, yeah?" PSVita asked. She smiled again. It was only the second time 3DS had seen her smile.
"Y-yeah! I'll text you later." 3DS said. PSVita swung her bag over her shoulder and walked away. Once 3DS saw that she was out of sight, she turned and started giggling uncontrollably.
"Yes, yes, yes, I got her number!" She screamed to herself. Even though she had gotten beaten in that sparring match, today was a great first day. 3DS definitely looked foreword to the rest of her year at VGA.

PSVita's smile fell as she turned the corner. PS4 and PS3 were standing there. Along with PSVita, they were both competing in the Console Wars.
"What took you so long?" PS4 asked.
"I was... talking to the new girl." PSVita explained. PS3 raised an eyebrow.
"The Nintendo? Why were you talking to her?" He asked. "Unless you were gloating about your win today."
"No, that's not it at all." PSVita snapped. While she may have been afraid of PS4, she definitely wasn't afraid of PS3. "She wanted to talk to me."
"About what?" PS4 asked, raising his voice slightly. The three began to walk to the Sony dorm.
"She... wants to hang out tomorrow." PSVita responded.
PS4 glared at her behind his sunglasses. "She doesn't seem to understand anything about the factions."
PSVita looked down at her feet. "I was... thinking about accepting 3DS' offer." PS4 stopped walking.
"What?" He asked, through gritted teeth. PSVita and PS3 stopped and turned around. PS3 grinned at her smugly.
"Ooh, you're in trouble now." He whispered. PSVita glared at him, then looked back to PS4.
"I was just thinking... she's new here. She needs someone to tell her about the school." She explained. "I mean, you said it yourself, she doesn't understand anything about the factions."
PS4 seemed to calm down. "I see." He said. "So you have no intentions of becoming 'friends' with her?"
"No." PSVita lied.
"Fine, then, I suppose I can allow that." PS4 said.
PSVita nodded. "Thank you." With that, all three began to walk to the dorm in almost complete silence.

XBox One opened the door to his room. His sister, XBox 360, was sitting spread out on the couch, watching TV as usual. XBox One rolled his eyes.
"Did you skip classes again?" He asked.
"Pretty much." XBox 360 responded. She was a few years younger than him. She shared his dark grey hair colour, with a long bright green streak on the left. She was wearing a tight grey skirt with a black midriff-bearing shirt, exposing her athletic build.
"I don't need to take classes." She continued. "I can just copy off of you anyway." She chuckled as she said this.
"You do realize that if you don't go to class, they're not gonna let you compete in the Console Wars." XBox One reminded her.
"I have ways of getting what I want." She said, shrugging. XBox One rolled his eyes.
"Hey, where's XBox? He should be here by now." XBox 360 asked.
As if on cue, their younger brother, XBox, walked through the door. He was much shorter than them. He never spoke, and he always wore a hoodie and scarf over his mouth. He usually had dark bags under his eyes. He usually didn't get much sleep, either due to long studying sessions or browsing the internet. This also explained his pale skin.
"There you are." XBox One said. "Come on, you two. Console meeting."
XBox 360 didn't respond, being too busy with the TV. XBox One gave an exasperated groan, picked up the remote and switched it off, making XBox 360 sit up suddenly.
"Hey, I was watching that!" She yelled.
"C'mon, we gotta discuss something." XBox One explained.
"You're a dick." XBox 360 muttered. She got up and walked over to the table in the middle of the room. XBox was already sitting.
"Alright, what do you want?" XBox 360 asked.
"Well, if you actually went to class today, you'd have seen that the Nintendo's got a new student." XBox One explained.
"So?" XBox 360 said. "It's Nintendo. They pose no threat to us."
"This one may." XBox One said. "Her name is 3DS. I saw her fight. She lost to PSVita, but if she didn't pull out that paralyzing attack at the end, I'm pretty sure 3DS would have won." XBox, who was also in the combat class, nodded in agreement. He didn't talk, but he was able to communicate through subtle gestures.
"Damn... she took on PSVita?" XBox 360 asked. Pretty much everyone in the academy knew about PSVita's training at the hands of PS4. She was probably one of the best fighters in the school. Anyone who could last more than 30 seconds against her was pretty damn tough.
"She could be a problem." XBox One admitted. "We're gonna need to bring our all if we want to get past her."
"The Nintendo's might pose a threat this year?" XBox 360 asked. "That'll be a first." She chuckled a bit. "I'll have to meet this '3DS' at some point."
"Well, if all goes well, you're gonna meet her real soon." XBox One explained. "I've got a plan. And if it works, she'll abandon those Nintendo losers and come to our side."

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