Chapter 4: Daydreaming

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The next day, there were no classes. 3DS took the opportunity to sleep in. Her hair was messed up, and all she was wearing was a big white T-shirt and a pair of shorts. She groaned as she heard her alarm ring. She opened her eyes and saw that the time was 6:30.
"Dammit, I hate clocks." She groaned. Rubbing her eyes, she slapped her hand on the snooze button. She had to hit it a few more times before the old clock finally turned off. Instinctively, she grabbed her phone to check her notifications. She had a text message. Clicking on it, she saw it was from PSVita.

PSVita: Do you still want to hang out today?

3DS gasped. She had completely forgotten. She hastily texted back.

3DS: Yeh, sure. Where do u want to go?

She waited for a few moments, and got a response about a minute later.

PSVita: How about the mall?
3DS: Sounds like fun :)
PSVita: I'll txt u after I get back from the gym.
3DS: K, I'll see u then.

3DS remembered that Wii U had told her about the gym on the school grounds. It was open to students of the school, and completely free. She was thinking about going there with the others later in the day. She decided to check Netverse Live, an online social network app. She saw that she had some friend requests, and clicked on the icon. There was one from Wii U and one from Wii. She accepted both, and then she saw there were two other requests. First, there was one from PSVita. 3DS's heart jumped as she saw the name. Maybe PSVita was interested in being more than friends with her. She relaxed and shook her head.
"No, I'm just getting my hopes up." 3DS sighed, laughing a bit. She accepted the request. Then the other one popped up. This one confused her. It was from XBox One.
"Why does he want to be friends with me?" 3DS thought. Before she could decline, she saw that he had also sent her a message, which she read.

XBox One: Hey, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. You're pretty cute, actually. Maybe we could hang out some time. :)

3DS rolled her eyes. While she was flattered by the compliment, sort of, it was obvious he wasn't interested in a relationship. Most likely, he just wanted to get in her pants. She wasn't interested, for many reasons. One of those reasons was that she wasn't interested in guys, and another was that XBox One was a jerk. She decided not to reply. She didn't want to instigate anything. Instead, she declined the request. If things got out of hand, she could simply block him. She looked at the clock, seeing it was now 7:00. She remembered that Wii U said they weren't going to the gym until 8:30, and decided that now was a good time to get up. She walked out of her room, and saw the others in the kitchen eating breakfast.
"Hey, you're finally awake." Wii U said.
"Good morning." 3DS yawned. She poured herself a cup of coffee and sat down with the others. "So, what's everyone planning on doing today?" She asked.
"DS and I are gonna see a movie tonight." DSi said. DS nodded in agreement, looking up from her bowl of cereal.
"After the gym, I was gonna head to the mall and pick up a new tablet." Wii explained. "My old one broke a few days ago. I finally saved up enough money, so I'm gonna buy one."
"I've got some stuff to take care of here. One of the many perks of being the faction leader is the insane amount of paperwork." Wii U said sarcastically. "What about you, 3DS?"
"Oh, I've got plans to hang out with PSVita at the mall." 3DS explained. The room fell silent and 3DS looked up from her mug. She gave a confused shrug and smiled nervously.
"What?" She asked.
"You're hanging out with PSVita?" Wii asked. "But she's from the Sony faction."
"So? Does it really matter?" 3DS asked.
"Hey, you were asking about PSVita when we were walking through the halls yesterday." DS added. "You seemed pretty interested in her."
3DS blushed. "Yeah, I just wanted to meet her. She seemed... cool."
Wii U shrugged. "Alright, you're free to hang out with who you want I guess." He said. "Just try not to get into trouble."
"Thanks, dad." 3DS said, sarcastically rolling her eyes. Still, the things they had said didn't leave her mind. Why would they be so worried about her hanging out with PSVita? She remembered that PS4 had told her to stay in her own faction, and what the others had said about the Nintendo faction. A Nintendo student meeting with a Sony student was probably unheard of. 3DS sipped her coffee as she thought. She decided not to dwell on the factions for now.

The VGA School Gym was impressive to say the least. There were two floors with cardio and weight lifting equipment lining the walls. There were also showers and dressing rooms on each floor, closed off in a separate room. 3DS was in the girls dressing rooms, putting her black bag in a locker. She was wearing a different outfit now, a white t-shirt and black running shorts. She pulled out her phone and earbuds, but accidentally dropped them. She leaned down to pick them up, but she saw another hand reaching for them. Looking up, she saw PSVita smirking at her.
"We've been running into each other a lot lately." She said.
"Oh! Uh... hey there." 3DS replied. She picked up her headphones, placing them back in her pocket. It was the she noticed PSVita's outfit. She had also changed clothing for the gym. She didn't have her hat on, and instead had her black hair tied into a tight ponytail. She was wearing a high-cut sleeveless shirt, along with black gym shorts. White training tape was wrapped around her arms and hands.
"You look good." 3DS muttered.
"Um... thanks. A gym outfit isn't really supposed to look good, though." PSVita replied. Her smirk faded a bit.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." 3DS said, finally coming back down to earth. "So did you just get here?"
"No, I was just leaving." PSVita replied. "I was just about to text you actually." As she talked, she opened her locker and began to pull off her clothing. She was undressing right in front of 3DS, who blushed and looked away.
"W-what are you doing?!" She asked. PSVita stopped undressing, pulling her shirt back down.
"What? We're both girls, aren't we?" She replied with a small laugh.
"Yeah, but..." 3DS stammered. "Still, it's a little weird."
PSVita laughed a little more. "Do you want me to use a change room?" She asked.
"No, sorry, I'm just being... silly." 3DS replied, blushing and biting her lip as she looked back at her. PSVita nodded and continued undressing. While she was still wearing underwear, 3DS could see much more of her than she could otherwise. And she certainly wasn't complaining.
"So, are we still going to the mall after you're done?" PSVita asked, unaware of 3DS's situation.
"Y-yeah." 3DS said, trying not to stare. "We can meet up there if you'd like."
"Okay, I guess I'll see you then." PSVita replied, buttoning up her jacket. She pulled her hat back on and waved goodbye. 3DS waved back as PSVita walked out the door and back outside. As soon as she knew she was gone, 3DS nearly collapsed. Her breathing became heavy, and sweat dripped down her forehead. She had to sit down to catch her breath.
"Holy crap she undressed right in front of me." She whispered, beginning to laugh nervously. She had to wait for a few seconds before standing back up. This was gonna be a long day.

PSVita swung her gym bag over her shoulder as she exited the building. She knew PS4 would be standing outside waiting for her, but she didn't look as he approached her from behind. The two walked together back to the Sony dorms.
"You and that Nintendo girl are getting awfully close." PS4 said. "Are you sure you're not trying to be friends with her?"
"Of course not." PSVita lied.
"Good. Because you're going to destroy her." PS4 added. PSVita was startled by his words, but kept her composure. She didn't want PS4 to get suspicious.
"What do you mean?" She asked. PS4 adjusted his glasses and smirked.
"From what I've heard, both of you are up to compete in the speed event in the Console Wars." He explained. "And you are going to destroy her, along with the rest of the competition. You are going to win."
PSVita nodded, but the information stuck in her mind. She didn't want to compete against 3DS, and she certainly didn't want to humiliate her in front of the whole school. But if she didn't, there was no telling what PS4 would do to her.
"Have you been listening?" PS4 asked.
"Hm?" PSVita replied, snapping out of her thoughts. PS4 gave an exasperated sigh and pushed up his glasses.
"Daydreaming again." He said. "I thought you were past that."
"Sorry." PSVita said in a quiet voice.
"No matter." PS4 said. "But you obviously need more training. The Console Wars are in 5 months. That's more than enough time. As long as there are no further distractions."
PSVita nodded again. The rest of the walk, both were completely silent.

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