Chapter 5: At the Mall

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3DS followed her phone GPS as she drove. PSVita had given her directions to the mall, which wasn't far from VGA. Finally, she parked and stepped out. The mall was huge. Like VGA, it was all very high-tech and futuristic. 3DS stopped for a second to take in the view before adjusting her view to look for PSVita. She found her sitting at a coffee shop and approached her. They sat and talked for a while. 3DS tried to start conversations about different things, but they all went back to the subject of training.
"You spend a lot of time training, huh?" 3DS asked.
"I guess I do." PSVita answered. "I don't have a lot of time to do much else. PS4's training regiments are pretty intense."
"So you just do whatever he tells you to do?" 3DS asked, taking a sip of the coffee she ordered.
"Yes. He knows what's best for me." PSVita explained, smiling a little bit. "He sees my potential, and he doesn't want me to squander it."
"Okay... so are you two related at all?" 3DS continued to pry. "I know you said PSP was your brother."
"No, but our families have been close for many years." PSVita continued. 3DS nodded understandingly. The two got up and walked into the mall. As they walked past the shops and stores, 3DS asked a few more questions.
"So why don't the factions interact with each other?" She asked. "The other Nintendo students were surprised to hear that we were hanging out today."
"Oh, that's normal. Even back before the school started, the factions never got along." PSVita explained. Again, 3DS nodded. The factions and their history were common knowledge among Consoles and VGA students. "I've noticed a bit of a pattern when it comes to the students in the factions." PSVita continued. "The Nintendo's, like you, are all generally polite, Sony's like myself are pretty antisocial, and Microsoft's are..." She stopped talking. She also stopped walking. 3DS looked at her and raised an eyebrow.
"Microsoft's are what?" 3DS asked. PSVita loudly cleared her throat and pointed foreword. 3DS looked where she was pointing, and saw XBox One approaching them.
"Hey, didn't think I'd run into you two today." He smirked. "Especially not you, 3DS."
"... Hi." 3DS replied. PSVita didn't say anything. XBox One was now standing right in front of them. 3DS hadn't realized how tall he really was. He was much taller than them, and obviously a bit older as well.
"You haven't accepted my friend request on Netverse yet." He continued, pulling out his phone.
"Yeah, well, I don't really know you that well." 3DS explained.
"Maybe we could change that, hm?" XBox One said. 3DS rolled her eyes.
"And you also called me a loser when we first met." She continued. PSVita smirked and crossed her arms, as if she was daring XBox One to continue. In turn, XBox One's smug smile faded into a more neutral expression.
"Eh, that was in the past." He said. "You know, you'd do a lot better on the Microsoft faction. We could definitely use someone like you. Not to mention..."
He smirked, but it seemed a bit more dark than his usual smug expression. He reached over and grabbed the sleeve of 3DS' red jacket.
"You'd look way hotter in green." He continued.
3DS' expression became slightly angry, and she pulled her arm away. PSVita quickly stepped in between the two.
"You had better back the hell off." She snapped. XBox One subtly laughed and walked past the two girls. 3DS felt his hand "accidentally" hit her butt as he left. She glared at him.
"Geez, what a jerk!" She growled.
"Yeah, most of the Microsoft faction is like that, at least recently." PSVita replied. "Don't pay too much attention to him. He's just trying to get with you, if you know what I mean."
3DS huffed. "I guess it wouldn't stop him if I told him I was a lesbian?" She said. PSVita raised her eyebrows.
"You're a lesbian?" She asked. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, I just wouldn't have guessed."
"Yeah, I try to keep it a secret, especially from my family." 3DS said. Suddenly, PSVita realized something. She blushed intensely and began to laugh.
"So that's why you got so uncomfortable when I was undressing!" She realized. 3DS blushed and laughed nervously.
"Heh, yeah, kinda." She said. Then she turned her gaze back to PSVita. "What about you? I mean, what's your... preference?" She asked.
"Hm..." PSVita furrowed her eyebrows in thought and looked down, crossing her arms. "I guess... I don't really know. I've never really felt attracted to someone before. My training with PS4 takes up most of my time, so I don't really hang out with people a lot."
"Really?" 3DS asked. "That's... a little sad, actually."
Both girls blushed slightly, but continued talking. "What about you? Have you ever felt attracted to someone?" PSVita asked. 3DS' blush increased.
"Y-yes." She said, rubbing her arm.
"What's it like?" PSVita asked. She was getting really into this conversation now.
"Um... I guess..." 3DS began. "It's kinda like... being really good friends with someone, but also thinking that you want to spend the rest of your life with them... like you could trust them with things you couldn't trust anyone else with... and that learning they don't return your feelings would be worse than death." PSVita paused to take in 3DS' words. Her eyebrows were raised, and her blush was slowly growing.
"... Huh." She finally replied. "I think... maybe I have felt that before."
As 3DS heard her say this, she looked back up at her, and their eyes locked. She felt like she was dreaming, and being drawn into PSVita's icy blue eyes. Once the girls realized what was going on, they blushed and looked away quickly.
"S-sorry." 3DS said. "You... have really pretty eyes."
"Thanks, so do you." PSVita replied. She felt something in her chest. Her heart was beating faster than normal. She thought about 3DS' description of the feeling of attraction, and realized she had felt it before. And she was feeling it right now. Suddenly, she remembered something that pushed all other thoughts out of her mind. She turned back to 3DS.
"What time is it?" She frantically asked. 3DS looked at her phone.
"It's about... 11:30." She replied. PSVita groaned loudly and placed her hands on her heads. Something was clearly wrong.
"Shit! I have training with PS4 in half an hour!" She said. "There's no way I'm gonna get there in time!"
The mall was a few miles away from VGA. PSVita had taken the bus, but 3DS drove. By car, it would take about 15 minutes to get back to the school.
"I could give you a ride." 3DS offered. PSVita stopped freaking out. Instead, she relaxed and hugged 3DS tightly.
"Thanks. You're a life saver." She said.
"Yeah.. don't mention it." 3DS replied, blushing furiously. The two left the mall and entered the parking lot. Once they found 3DS' car, they got in and almost immediately sped back toward the school.

The car pulled up into the parking lot of the Sony dorm complex. From the outside, it looked pretty similar to the Nintendo dorms, with a small exception. Where the outer walls of the Nintendo dorms were white, the Sony dorms were a mix of dark grey and black. 3DS turned to PSVita and smiled.
"Well, here we are." She said. PSVita's eyes were fixed on something else. 3DS followed her gaze to the digital clock on the stereo system. It read 12:03.
"I'm late..." PSVita said.
"Oh, only by 3 minutes." 3DS assured. "I'm sure it won't matter."
"Yeah..." PSVita replied. She tried to force a smile. 3DS obviously didn't know PS4 that well. "Thanks for the ride. I'll see you later." She said. She exited the car before 3DS could reply. She waited until the car backed out of the parking lot before turning back to the dorms. Her smile faded. She sighed deeply and quickly walked to her dorm. Before she opened the door, she braced herself for what she knew would be waiting for her on the other side. Her prediction was correct. PS4 was standing at the door, not looking too pleased.
"You are late." He stated.
"I know... I'm sorry." PSVita replied, looking downwards. PS4 gestured inside the dorm.
"Get in." He ordered. PSVita walked inside without question. She saw PS2 in the room as well, sitting in a black armchair. She waved happily at PSVita as she saw her. PSVita smiled sadly and waved back. Even though PS2 wasn't related to her, she felt as if PS2 was her big sister. PS2 felt the same way. Her smile fell as she looked at PS4, who was now facing PSVita.
"I told you to be here for training at 12:00 pm, did I not?" He asked.
"It was only 3 minutes..." PSVita muttered, repeating what 3DS had told her.
"The time itself is not the problem." PS4 asserted. "You were late, which means you were clearly distracted by something. 3DS must be a bad influence on you. I knew letting you interact with her was a bad idea."
"It wasn't her fault." PSVita replied. PS4 furrowed his eyebrows and stepped closer to her.
"Are you talking back to me?" He hissed.
"N-no..." PSVita muttered, looking back down. PS4 adjusted his glasses and straightened his tie, attempting to regain his composure.
"I won't have that Nintendo girl ruining Sony's best student." He said. "I forbid you from seeing her again."
PSVita's eyes widened and she gasped. She was about to reply, when PS2 stood up.
"That's going a bit too far, I think." She said. She began to walk over to them. She stood next to PS4, facing him with her arms crossed.
"PSVita finally made a friend, and you're forbidding them from seeing each other?" She continued. PSVita winced as she heard her say the word "friend". She knew PS4 wouldn't be happy to hear it either.
"So you did want to be friends with her." PS4 growled. "Not only are you late to training, but now you're lying to me?"
"Of course she wants to be friends with her." PS2 replied. "You train her so hard that she can't make friends otherwise. Her hanging out with 3DS is a good thing."
PSVita looked up at PS2. She couldn't say anything now, but she made sure to remember to thank her later. PS4 was still not convinced.
"3DS is a Nintendo. We do not associate with them." He insisted.
"You don't have to associate with her." PS2 insisted. "But it's wrong to force PSVita apart from her only friend."
PSVita smiled, keeping her head down so PS4 wouldn't notice. After a few seconds, he sighed, adjusting his glasses once more.
"Fine. You are allowed to be... friends... with 3DS." He said. "But this change in behaviour will not go unpunished. We'll begin training at 12:30 instead, and for twice as long this time. Do not be late."
"Thank you." PSVita replied. PS4 nodded and walked into the hallway, out of earshot of the two girls.
"Thanks for standing up for me, PS2." PSVita said. "But you were wrong when you said 3DS was my only friend."
"Oh really?" PS2 replied.
"I actually have 2." PSVita continued. "3DS and you."
"Aww, get over here." PS2 said. She hugged PSVita tightly. The two girls were about the same height, and looked pretty similar overall. If it weren't for their eye colours, PSVita's light blue and PS2's deep red, they could be mistaken for siblings. They let go of each other and sat on the couch across from them.
"So, tell me, what's 3DS like?" PS2 asked.
"Well, she's really nice." PSVita replied. "She's sweet, kind, and pretty cute, actually. Her eyes are absolutely beautiful. You'd probably really like her." As PS2 heard this, she chuckled.
"The way you talk about her, you sound like you're in love with her." She joked. PSVita blushed and looked down. She began wringing her hands for a few seconds, and PS2 realized what was going on. Her smile fell.
"Oh... oh my god, you are in love with her, aren't you?" She asked. PSVita nodded silently. PS2 tried to search for the right words to say, but she couldn't think of anything. PSVita turned to her. Tears were starting to well up in her eyes.
"What am I gonna do?" She asked.
"I... don't know." PS2 admitted. "This is kind of outside my area of expertise. I've never felt what you're feeling right now."
"You've never been attracted to someone?" PSVita asked.
"PSVita, love and attraction are two different things." PS2 explained. "Attraction is just thinking someone is hot. Love is more than a feeling. I've been attracted to a lot of people before, but I've never been in love."
"I see... so I'm not in love with 3DS, I'm just attracted to her?" PSVita asked. PS2 smiled reassuringly, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"I told you, I've never felt what you're feeling." She explained. "Trust me. You're in love. And it's not gonna be easy, but it'll be well worth it in the end. Just give it time, and you'll be fine."
PSVita smiled and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I thought you said this was outside your area of expertise." She said. PS2 giggled.
"Well, I guess I know a little more about love than I thought." She smirked. She glanced at the clock, realizing it was now 12:15, and her smile fell.
"You'd better get ready for training." She said. "PS4 won't be happy if you're late again. And I doubt I'd be able to stand up for you this time."
"Good point." PSVita nodded. She hugged PS2 again to show her thanks, and then sped off to her room. PS2 sighed and shook her head.
"That poor girl is gonna get herself hurt." She muttered.

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