Chapter 6: Confession

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5 months had passed, and those months brought quite a bit of change. PSVita and 3DS became good friends, and met up to hang out regularly. 3DS had even met PS2, who, as PSVita had predicted, really liked her. On the Nintendo faction, PSVita had met DS and DSi. The three got along fairly well, but 3DS didn't want to introduce her to Wii and Wii U just yet, as they didn't seem to comfortable around the Sony faction. XBox One's advances had slowed, but not stopped. This was most likely due to him getting ready for the Console Wars. However, the biggest development was that both 3DS and PSVita had made it through the qualifying test for the Console Wars. As PS4 had said, they would both be competing in the same events; the Speed Event, and the Obstacle Course Event. The Speed Event was actually the first event of the Console Wars, and after months of waiting, the day had finally come. The Console Wars had begun.

3DS sat quietly in the dark cold locker room. Her eyes were closed, and she breathed heavily. The Console Wars were not held at VGA, but at a large circular coliseum-like building known as VG Stadium, which was only a half-mile away from the school. It had the capacity for over 90,000 people, and contained a race track that stretched over 2 miles all the way around. It was truly a massive stadium. The Speed Event consisted of a long race around the track on foot. Competing students were allowed to use speed enhancers, such as 3DS' glasses, but only if every competing student had one. Luckily all three students did. 3DS had her glasses, PSVita had her holo-screen, and the third competing member, XBox, had X-swift shoes, which were specially designed to enhance speed using a complex mechanism of compressed air and shocks. 3DS was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard someone knocking on the door.
"Hey 3DS, are you ready?" It was Wii U. 3DS breathed in deeply once again before opening her eyes.
"Oh yeah, I'm ready." She said. She got up from her seat and stood in front of the door. She took in another breath as the doors opened, flooding the room with light from the outside. The crowd's cheering was invigorating, driving her on as she walked to her position in the middle of the track. Two long white painted lines separated the tack into three sections. PSVita was next to her. She seemed focussed and determined, and stretched to warm up for the race. She glanced over at 3DS, and smiled at her. 3DS smiled back. Then she looked over at XBox, her other competitor. He was stretching as well. The way he was dressed was strange. While PSVita and 3DS were in clothing more suitable for racing, XBox was still wearing his usual hoodie and even a scarf covering his mouth. He glanced over at 3DS as well, but then quickly looked back to the track. While the three were getting ready to begin the race, PC stepped up onto an announcement podium, with Steam standing behind him. The podium was in the middle of the stadium, surrounded by the track. Everyone in the stadium cheered louder as they saw him.
"Students of VG Academy," PC announced into a microphone, "I welcome you all to the first event of the Annual Console Wars!"
The cheering intensified, before quieting as PC began to spoke again.
"As you all know, the Test of Speed is the first event." He said. "I've personally witnessed the three contestants as they've trained and prepared for this event, and I can say with absolute certainty that I cannot predict who will win. But I can predict an extremely close match. This is not only a test of the contestants themselves, but also the tools and equipment they use."
3DS nodded as she heard him say this, activating the speed ability on her 3D glasses. She was fast already, but if she wanted to win, she'd need all the help she could get. PSVita activated the same ability on her holo-screen, and XBox activated his X-swift shoes. The shoes resembled regular black and green sneakers, but two circular buttons were fixed to the side of each heel. He pressed both the buttons, and they were surrounded by a green glow. By now, PC had finished his speech.
"All right, are we ready to begin?" He asked. The crowd cheered louder in approval.
"Contestants, are you ready?" PC asked again, looking towards the three contestants. They each nodded once. "Very well." PC continued. "On your marks..."
The three contestants looked forewords, getting into position to run.
"Get set..."
3DS closed her eyes as her heart began to beat faster and faster. She needed to focus. She blocked out almost all the sound around her. She took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.
Her eyes shot open and her feet took off running. PSVita was close behind her. They were easily going at least 50 mph, thanks to their secondary weapons. XBox was not so lucky. As soon as he took off, he tripped and fell. It didn't take long for him to realize why, as he saw that the bright green light coming from his shoes had turned a deep red. He quickly got up and ran, ignoring the red ring. There was no way he could catch up to the two girls, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try. The event was a pretty standard race, consisting of 5 laps, and whoever finished first would win. With the speed enhancements, 3DS and PSVita finished the four laps within 2 minutes. As they entered the fourth lap, 3DS realized she and PSVita were neck and neck. At the rate they were going, they would tie. 3DS smirked and looked over at PSVita as they ran. PSVita looked over at her, smirking back, but she did something else. With a subtle wink, PSVita began to slow down. She hadn't tripped or slipped or anything, she was slowing down on purpose. 3DS' smile fell, and kept staring at PSVita as she kept running. She barely registered as she passed the finish line. PSVita passed a few seconds after. 3DS just kept staring.
"You... you let me win." She whispered.
"You're welcome." PSVita said.
3DS was about to say something else, until she heard PC begin to speak again.
"It appears that 3DS of the Nintendo faction is the winner!" He announced. The crowd cheered, mainly on the Nintendo side. 3DS could see her sisters, along with Wii and Wii U running up to her, nearly tackling her with hugs. When she looked back around, PSVita was gone. She practically ignored the praises of her friends, too focused on what had happened. Still, she had won. And she had to admit, it felt pretty good. But not as good as it could have felt.

Back at the school, PSVita walked through the hallway to her locker. She didn't regret letting 3DS win, but she did realize that PS4 wasn't going to be happy that she lost. She shook her head, trying to shake the thoughts from her mind. Finally, she found her locker, and grabbed her book bag and things from her locker. She heard footsteps behind her, but thought it was strange, considering nobody else should have been in that area of the building at that hour. She turned, seeing 3DS approaching her. She breathed a sigh of relief, glad that is wasn't PS4.
"Hey, PSVita." 3DS said, not exactly sounding happy.
"Hi, 3DS. Congratulations for winning the race, by the way." PSVita replied.
"Yeah... I guess I have you to thank for that." 3DS said, sounding a bit upset. PSVita picked up on her friends tone. Her smile softened, and she began wringing her hands.
"You're not mad at me... are you?" She asked.
3DS sighed angrily. "Yeah, a little." She said. "You really didn't have to let me win. We could have tied."
"But I knew you wanted to win." PSVita replied. "You said you wanted to help the Nintendo faction win the Console Wars for once. I was trying to help you..."
"Help!?" 3DS shouted, suddenly exploding with rage. PSVita jumped in surprise at being interrupted like that. "You think letting me win counts as helping me?! What, you think I can't win on my own?" 3DS continued.
"N-no, that's not it at all!" PSVita insisted. 3DS stepped closer to her so that they were only inches apart.
"I don't need your help!" She yelled. "I never wanted your help! I could have won by myself. I would have been fine even if we tied!"
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you..." PSVita tried to explain, but 3DS wouldn't hear it.
"Yeah? Well, maybe you should have thought about that before giving me a completely undeserved win." 3DS spat. "All that time we spent together... were you just testing me? Observing me to figure out my strengths and weaknesses? Did... did our friendship really mean anything?!"
PSVita gasped silently, and 3DS realized she had gone too far. PSVita's eyes began to well up with tears, and she looked down. 3DS relaxed, realizing she had hurt her friends feelings.
"I'm sorry..." PSVita whimpered.
"PSVita, I didn't mean that." 3DS said. "I was just mad, I wasn't thinking. I..."
She didn't get to finish her thought. PSVita turned and ran off, sobbing quietly. 3DS stood for a moment before chasing after her.
"PSVita, wait!" She called. After turning down another hallway, she lost PSVita. Luckily, she found PS2, who had a confused look on her face. 3DS guessed she had just seen PSVita run past her.
"Did PSVita come down here?" 3DS asked. PS2 turned to 3DS.
"Oh, hey, 3DS. Yeah, she just ran to the roof." She answered. "She seemed really upset about something."
"I know." 3DS muttered. She ran past PS2, who only got more confused.
"3DS, what's going on?" She tried to ask. 3DS ignored her, and eventually found the staircase leading to the roof of the school. As PS2 said, PSVita was there, sitting with her legs hanging off the side of the ledge. Her head was in her hands, and 3DS could hear her silent sobs. Both girls felt terrible about what they had done. 3DS walked over to the edge of the roof and sat next to PSVita. Even though PSVita realized she was there, it was a long while before either said a thing to each other. After a while, 3DS spoke.
"...Hey." She said softly.
"Hi..." PSVita replied, sniffling as she wiped away her tears.
"Look, I'm sorry for yelling at you." 3DS continued. "I know you weren't using me. I just got a bit mad."
"You only got mad because of me." PSVita replied, starting to choke up again. "If I had just beaten you like PS4 wanted, none of this would have ever happened. I just wanted to do something nice for my first real friend, but evidently, I don't know how to do that."
3DS grimaced as she heard PS4's name. PSVita and PS2 told her about him and the things he did.
"You know how pissed PS4 gets when you go against him." 3DS reminded.
"I know." PSVita sobbed. "I thought... maybe it would be worth it."
3DS cringed. She realized how much she really hurt PSVita. Even if what she did was wrong, she did it for a good reason. And 3DS yelled at her for it. She didn't appreciate what PSVita sacrificed for her.
"PSVita, I'm so sorry." She said, beginning to cry a little bit herself.
"No, don't be." PSVita replied. "I'm the one who made you hate me. I'm the one who ruined our friendship."
"No you didn't!" 3DS said, standing up. PSVita slowly stood up as well, with a confused look on her face. "You didn't ruin our friendship, and I don't hate you. I... I..." 3DS said. She began to blush as she realized what she was about to confess. She looked down at her feet. This was it. She was about to lay everything on the line. If PSVita didn't ruin their friendship before, 3DS certainly had the potential to do so right now.
"Okay, here it comes." She whispered to herself. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "PSVita... I-"
PSVita didn't let her finish. Without warning, she grabbed her friend by the shoulders and pulled her into a deep kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to get her point across. PSVita pulled away and brought her hands over her mouth. 3DS just stood there, shocked.
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" PSVita said. "I didn't mean... I wasn't thinking, I just... oh god, I'm so stupid!"
3DS shook herself out of her shocked state. She saw that PSVita had curled up on the ground and was sobbing uncontrollably. 3DS knelt down next to her and helped her up.
"Hey, you didn't do anything wrong." She comforted.
"But I..." PSVita sobbed.
"It's fine. You didn't let me finish what I was about to say." 3DS assured.
"W-what were you about to say?" PSVita asked, beginning to dry her tears. 3DS didn't feel nervous about confessing her love anymore, seeing as she felt the same way.
"PSVita... I love you." She confessed. "At first I thought it was just a little crush, but I know better now. I know that I love you, PSVita."
PSVita dried her tears with her sleeve, but more came. These weren't tears of sadness, but tears of joy. She smiled, realizing that she didn't ruin her friendship with 3DS.
"3DS, I... I love you too." She whimpered. She hugged 3DS tightly and the two girls kissed again. Their joyful tears collided and melded together as they fell from their eyes. They only stopped when they heard a voice from behind them.
"Glad to see you two are getting along." It was PS2, who was standing in the doorway to the stairwell. Both 3DS and PSVita looked over to face her, not letting go of each other.
"You... saw all that, huh?" 3DS asked.
"Don't worry, I won't tell." PS2 said. "And neither will they." As she said this, she moved to the side, showing DS and DSi standing behind her. DS giggled.
"Aww, 3DS got a girlfriend!" She said. 3DS' eyebrows lowered a bit, and she rolled her eyes at her little sister.
"PS2's right, though." DSi added. "We won't tell anyone. You can go back to making out now."
PS2 ushered the younger girls back down the stairwell and closed the door. PSVita and 3DS looked back at each other, laughing slightly as they looked into each other's eyes.
"So I guess we don't have to keep this a secret." 3DS said.
"Well, as long as PS4 doesn't find out, I don't care who knows." PSVita added.
3DS thought about this for a moment. If PS4 did find out about them... there was no telling what he'd do. But right now, neither girl cared. And as the sun went down, they passionately kissed again. 3DS knew that this year was gonna be a good one.

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