Chapter 7: Close Call

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3DS took her seat next to her sisters. Wii was on her other side, an excited expression on his face. It had been two days since the Test of Speed, and now it was time for the Test of Strength. Wii U was competing, against PS3 and XBox One. The event was held in a large outdoor theatre-like structure, with the contestants on stage, and the audience in the seats. The event would begin soon. As she gazed across the aisles, she spotted PSVita walking to her own seat, followed by PSP and PS4. PS2 followed close behind them. PSVita saw 3DS looking at her and smiled as she took her seat. Making sure no one was looking, 3DS waved and blew a kiss at her. PSVita wanted to giggle and return the gesture, but instead nodded towards PS4. 3DS nodded, understanding the situation. Luckily, PS4 did not see their exchange. He was too focused on something else.
"Pay attention, PSVita." He said. "You might learn something from PS3."
"Yeah, you might learn how to win something for once." PSP chuckled. PSVita clenched her fists as she fought the urge to glare at her brother. Instead, she stared foreword, putting on an emotionless expression.
"It was a minor slip up." She said. "It's my fault; I was late for training a few days before. It won't happen again."
PS4 nodded. Unknown to him, PS2 had taught PSVita how to appeal to PS4. She said this would help her to hide her relationship with 3DS. PSVita learned that as long as she agreed with him and showed little to no emotion, he would suspect nothing. So far, it looked like it was working. She turned her attention back to the stage, where PC and Steam had appeared. PC began his speech again. Meanwhile, 3DS smirked at Wii, who was practically shaking in his seat.
"You're really excited to see your brother in action, huh?" She asked.
"Oh, yeah, totally." Wii replied. "Wii U's been training for this event for months. There's no way we can lose this one."
"How does this test work, anyhow?" 3DS asked.
"It's pretty simple." Wii explained. "Basically, they bring this huge machine onto the stage. It's supposed to simulate weight by pushing down onto the contestant. They increase the weight by 10 lbs at a time until the contestant buckles under pressure. At that point, the machine stops."
3DS nodded, understanding the test now. She looked back to the stage, where PC had finished his speech. The audience clapped as he and Steam left the stage.
"I wonder how Wii U's feeling right now." 3DS thought.

Wii U stretched as he watched the school staff wheel the weight machine out onto the stage. He had done this before, and knew what to expect. Finally, he finished stretching and want to stand next to the other contestants. They each wore clothing more suitable for intensive exercise. Wii U had training tape covering his forearms, and was wearing a white tank top. PS3 had removed his jacket, and had put on fingerless gloves. XBox One on the other hand, was wearing his regular clothing, and had his hands casually resting in hos pockets. This seemed strange to Wii U.
"Isn't that jacket a little... restrictive?" He asked. XBox One looked at Wii U, but looked back foreword after a few seconds.
"Isn't that tank top a little feminine?" He retorted. Wii U raised an eyebrow.
"What does that have to do with anything?" He asked.
"Just saying." XBox One replied. "Keep wearing that, people might start thinking you're gay or something."
PS3 snickered as he overheard this. Wii U frustratedly exhaled.
"You do know I am gay, right?" He asked. XBox One froze and looked back at him.
"Wait really?" He asked.
"You're kidding..." PS3 said, having overheard the conversation.
"Nope." Wii U replied, looking back foreword. "I don't try to hide it or anything. I thought everyone already knew." He thought the conversation was over, but he noticed XBox One and PS3 were still looking at him. Wii U sighed and rolled his eyes.
"Look, if you really want to know more, how about we talk about it after the test, huh?" He suggested, sounding a little bit passive-aggressive
"Nah, it's... whatever." PS3 responded, looking foreword again.
"I'm good, thanks." XBox One agreed, doing the same. Wii U rolled his eyes again. Finally, the staff had finished setting up the machine. The first contestant was PS3. Wii U watched as he stepped out onto the stage, and prepared himself underneath the machine. He placed his hands on the two metal bars hanging from the metal platform above him. As the platform lowered, the simulated weight was increased and shown on a digital scale facing the audience. At 100 lbs, PS3 began to struggle, but stayed determined. A bead of sweat dripped down his forehead, but he simply blinked it away. His muscles strained under the weight, and at 150 lbs, he could take no more. He finally buckled, and the machine stopped and lifted back up to its starting point. The audience, especially the Sony faction, clapped as he walked off stage. Now, it was Wii U's turn. He turned to XBox One and smiled cheerfully.
"Wish me luck?" He said.
"Nah." XBox One replied, not even looking at him. Wii U's smile fell, but returned as he walked out onstage. He waved to the audience as they applauded his arrival. Eventually, his eyes fell on Wii and 3DS. They were standing up and cheering for him, giving him a huge blast of confidence. He got into the same position as PS3 had before. The machine began to lower, and Wii U could already feel the weight on his shoulders. He remembered that PS3 struggled at just 100 lbs. He could feel at least that amount, and he felt fine. He smirked, but kept his composure. 150 lbs was placed on the machine. At this point, PS3 buckled. But Wii U was still able to lift it easily. A high pitched dinging noise coming from the speakers around the stage signified that he had surpassed PS3. The audience in the Nintendo faction cheered and applauded. Meanwhile, PS4 squinted his eyes and sneered, arms crossed. PSVita noticed his demeanour, and internally breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that his anger had shifted from her to PS3. Turning back to the stage, she saw that the weight counter had gone up to 220 lbs. Wii U was starting to struggle. Finally, he buckled under 250 lbs. The machine went back to it's usual position, and Wii U walked off stage as the audience cheered him on. Finally, XBox One was up. There weren't many cheers as he walked onstage. 3DS grimaced and crossed her arms as she saw him. Meanwhile, XBox 360 smirked and leaned the armrest on her seat.
"Let's hope we don't lose to a Nintendo again." She muttered. XBox, who was sitting next to her, showed no emotion, as usual. He pulled up his scarf and sank into his seat. They watched as the machine increased the weight to 100, and then 200 lbs. Another dinging sound signified that the machine reached 250 lbs, and that XBox One had surpassed Wii U. Finally, after another 100 lbs were put onto the machine, XBox One buckled. As he got back up he smirked to himself. Unknown to the entire audience, he had cheated. Unlike the Test of Speed, sub weapons were not allowed. But XBox One had used his sub weapon to help him. His sub weapon was a pair of Kinekt Glasses. They enabled him to lift solid objects without even touching them. There was a limit, however. They could not lift living things, and the weight of the objects could not exceed 350 lbs. Nobody aside from his siblings knew his glasses had this capability, which enabled him to wear them into the test. As he walked offstage, he knew he had gotten away with his plan.

PS4 paced back and forth as he reprimanded PS3, who had his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets and his eyes pointed downwards as he received PS4's verbal lashing. He silently grumbled to himself. He hated when PS4 got like this.
"What do I always tell you?" PS4 asked. PS3 looked up and rolled his eyes.
"Sony never loses." He muttered.
"Exactly." PS4 nodded, resuming his pacing. "Not only did you lose to XBox One, but you lost to a Nintendo." Upon hearing this, PS3 looked up at PS4 and gritted his teeth.
"So did PSVita!" He argued.
"Yes, but PSVita at least got second place." PS4 reminded. He stopped pacing again as he said her name. "Where is PSVita anyway? I haven't seen her since the Test of Strength."
PS3 shrugged. As if on cue, the door opened. PSVita, not realizing that there were others in the room, stepped into the room, smiling and humming happily. Once she realized PS4 and PS3 were staring at her, she gasped.
"Oh... hello." She said. "I didn't think you'd be back at the dorm so soon."
"What were you so happy about?" PS4 asked.
"W-what do you mean?" PSVita asked, trying not to show her nervousness.
"You seemed very happy about something as you entered the room." PS4 continued, stepping towards her. "Why is that?"
PSVita couldn't reply at first. In reality, she had just met up with 3DS after the Test of Strength. They didn't have much time to talk, but a few kisses were shared between them. Obviously, she couldn't tell this to PS4. She quickly formulated something in her mind.
"I... was just excited for the... Test of Agility." She replied. She remembered that it was the next event in the Console Wars, and that PS4 was competing in it. "I'm looking foreword to seeing you compete." She continued.
PS4's eyebrows raised in surprise. He did not expect her to say this. His expression softened as he straightened his tie.
"Oh. Thank you." He responded. He eyed PS3, who was still standing behind him. "I was wrong when I said you could learn something from PS3." He told PSVita. "I think PS3 could learn something from you."
PSVita blushed as she received the compliment, while PS3 gritted his teeth in restrained anger. This made PSVita smirk, but it quickly fell as PS4 turned back to her.
"I almost forgot, there will be no training tomorrow." He said. "Well, not for you anyway. It's become apparent that PS3 needs more training, so I won't have time to train you."
PSVita nodded. "I understand." She said. Inside, she was extremely happy about this fact. She again glanced at PS3, who was practically seething with rage. PS4 continued to speak.
"Since you have a free day tomorrow, I suppose I could let you... 'hang out' with that... friend of yours." PS4 suggested. PSVita gasped. Without thinking, she hugged PS4 tightly. Once she realized what she was doing, she quickly let go, leaving PS4 surprised and confused. PSVita cleared her throat.
"Um, thank you." She said. "It's quite late out. It think I'm going to go to bed now."
She excused herself from the room and hurried off to her bedroom. PS4 adjusted his glasses.
"She's been acting strange these past few days, hasn't she?" He mentioned.
"Yeah... she has." PS3 muttered, realizing that PS4 was right.
"No matter." PS4 said. "Either way, our training will begin tomorrow morning at 8:30. Do not be late."
PS3 groaned in frustration. Without another word, he trudged back to his room. He turned his head to look at the door to PSVita's bedroom. He could hear her laughing happily inside, which made him even angrier. She was hiding something, and he was gonna find out what.

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