Chapter 8: The Deal

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Another day dawned on VG Academy. 3DS opened her e-reader app on her tablet, scrolling through until she found her history textbook. Her next class was history, and she was on her way to it now. She was thankful that it was the only class she had for the day.
"3DS, wait up!" She heard DS approaching her from behind. She guessed DSi wasn't far behind. They eventually caught up with her, and they walked together through the hall.
"We didn't see you come in last night." DSi said. "Where were you?"
"Oh, I was with PSVita." 3DS explained. She remembered when she came back to the dorms, everyone else was asleep. "Night time is kinda the only time we can hang out." She continued.  "But she told me she had a day off from training today, so that might change."
"You two have been getting pretty close, huh?" DS asked.
"Yeah... I guess we have." 3DS sighed, blushing slightly. She hugged her tablet a little bit as she thought of PSVita.
"So... have you two 'fricked' yet?" DS asked. 3DS stopped in her tracks. She looked back at her little sister with and expression that seemed to be a mix of confusion and shock. DSi also gasped at her sister's inappropriate question.
"DS!" She shouted. "That's kind of personal!..." She turned to 3DS. "But I also kinda want to know."
3DS laughed slightly. "No, we haven't 'fricked' yet." She replied. "And even if we did, what makes you think I would tell you?"
"Oh... never mind then." DS replied. DSi giggled in response, while 3DS rolled her eyes and continued walking.
"Should I ask why my sisters are so interested in my love life?" She asked.
"It was just a question!" DS answered with a laugh. The classroom wasn't too far away now. It was just around the corner. When 3DS turned the corner, she ran into someone standing in front of her. She recognized this person as XBox 360. While they had never met, 3DS had seen her around the school before. XBox 360 smirked down at her.
"You must be 3DS." She said. "I've heard a lot about you. My brother won't shut up about you."
3DS quickly glanced behind herself, seeing that her sisters were nowhere to be seen. She guessed that they were afraid of XBox 360 and ran off. Her gaze returned to XBox 360, who was still smirking.
"Your brother's XBox One right?" 3DS asked.
"That he is." XBox 360 replied.
"Well then I want nothing to do with you." 3DS stated. She attempted to walk past XBox 360, but was surprised and annoyed when she stepped in front of her, blocking her path.
"C'mon, I just wanna talk." XBox 360 said. 3DS scowled at her.
"I can't, I have a class to get to." She replied. She made another attempt to walk around the taller girl. XBox 360 was not about to let this happen. She grabbed 3DS's arm and brought her back to where she was standing.
"Wow, so rude." XBox 360 mocked. 3DS pulled her arm away.
"What is it with your faction and grabbing me?!" She snapped, remembering when XBox One grabbed her sleeve in the mall. "Just leave me alone, alright?"
"Sure, but I do have something to ask." XBox 360 said. "How long are you planning on keeping your little girlfriend a secret?"
3DS froze in surprise. XBox 360's smirk warped into a sinister grin. After a few seconds, 3DS surprise was replaced by anger.
"How did you know about me and PSVita?" She asked, trying to stay calm. XBox 360 laughed, making 3DS a little bit madder. She crossed her arms.
"It's not hard to figure out when you're talking about it in the halls." XBox 360 said. "You should be more careful. Someone might try to use that information against you." She glanced up at the clock.
"Uh oh. Looks like you're gonna be late for class." She said in a slightly mocking tone. "I guess I'll see you at the Test of Agility."
She walked past 3DS, and disappeared down the hallway. 3DS scowled at her.
"Looks like I have something else to worry about." She muttered to herself. Glancing up at the clock, she realized XBox 360 was right. Class started at 9:00 am, and it was currently 8:59. Luckily, the classroom wasn't far away, and 3DS was fast. If she hurried, she'd be able to make it easily.

The history classroom was different from the large scale combat training room. It was smaller and more traditionally designed. The seats were placed two to a desk, and there were no seating arrangements for specific factions. When 3DS got to the classroom, class still hadn't began. The professor must have been late. Everyone else had taken a seat, and there was quite a bit of chatter between the students. She saw PSVita sitting next to PS2. When they noticed her, both of them waved. 3DS waved back, but was a little disappointed that she didn't  get to sit next to PSVita. The only available seat was at the back. Someone was sitting in one of the seats. 3DS couldn't see who it was, as they had their back turned, and there were some people standing in her line of sight. Still, she walked to the back of the room and took the remaining seat. She turned to see who was sitting next to her, and was unfortunately surprised to see XBox One smirking at her.
"Couldn't stay away from me, huh?" He said. 3DS groaned and rolled her eyes. She was about to get up and find another seat, until she heard the door close, and saw all the students sit down. She begrudgingly did the same, realizing that the professor had just arrived. This was Professor Dreamcast. Unlike Arcade, he resembled a more typical professor. His dark orange hair was beginning to grey slightly, and a pair of round glasses rested on his face. After apologizing to the students for being late, he began the lesson. 3DS turned to XBox One, glaring at him as a warning.
"Don't bother me, alright?" She whispered.
"Of course." XBox One whispered back. They were at the back of the room, so Dreamcast was unable to hear them or see them talking. 3DS listened intently to the lesson, typing notes on her tablet. Suddenly, a notification popped up on screen. She had just received a message on Netverse Live. Even though she knew she shouldn't, she opened the message. It was from PSVita. 3DS smiled as she read the message.

PSVita: I saw you sat next to XBox One. Are you okay?

3DS' smile widened at PSVita's concern. She quickly replied.

3DS: I'll be okay, sweetie. I can handle myself.
PSVita: Okay, but if he messes with you again, tell me and I'll beat him up.

3DS giggled. She looked up at PSVita, who was sitting a few rows in front of her. She saw her close Netverse Live after PS2 noticed what she was doing. They wouldn't be able to message each other, for now, at least.
"We can talk later today." She thought. She was about to close down Netverse Live on her tablet, but with another notification, she got another message. This one was not from PSVita. It was from XBox One. She looked up at XBox One, who was staring at his laptop as if he was taking notes, but she could see Netverse Live open in a window. 3DS contemplated not opening the message, but decided against her better judgement to check it out.

XBox One: Meet me in the courtyard after class. I need to talk to you about something.

The message was not what 3DS expected to see. Though she was confused, she rolled her eyes, suspecting it was just another ploy to get with her. She replied almost immediately.

3DS: No.
XBox One: Unless you want your little secret to become public information, you'll do what I ask.

3DS' eyes widened, but managed to stop herself from gasping and alerting the class to her conversation. Her heart was pounding faster and faster. She took a minute before replying.

3DS: How did you know?
XBox One: XBox 360 messaged me a few minutes ago. She told me everything.

3DS sighed angrily. She glared up at XBox One. Realizing she was looking at him, he smirked and moved his eyebrows up and down. His cockiness enraged 3DS, but she still replied to his message.

3DS: You just want to meet and talk after the lesson?
XBox One: That's all I ask.
3DS: Fine. But now that you know my secret, I doubt you'll keep hitting on me.
XBox One: We'll see about that.

The class went on for about another hour. Finally, the bell rang, signifying end of the lesson, and the end of the day for 3DS. She had no further classes for the day. Before she got up, she thought about what XBox One wanted. He already knew that she was dating PSVita, so he most likely wanted to blackmail her. XBox One had already left, so 3DS knew she had to leave soon. As she got up, PSVita approached her. They smiled as they saw each other.
"So what do you want to do now?" PSVita asked. 3DS' smile fell.
"Um... I have something to do right now." She explained. "I'm sure it won't take long."
"Oh, okay." PSVita nodded acceptingly. "I was thinking we should see a movie tonight."
"That sounds good." 3DS replied, her smile returning. "You can go ahead, and I'll meet you there later."
Satisfied with their plan, they both nodded once. This was part of a code they had created so they could communicate, or more accurately, flirt, in public. Nodding once meant "I love you". After PSVita went to talk with PS2, 3DS left the classroom. Her smile fell again as she walked down the hall to the courtyard.

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