Chapter 9: Going Farther

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Winter was slowly approaching, and as such, the weather had gotten a bit colder outside. Most students were wearing heavier clothes, including XBox One and 3DS. XBox One had on a black heavy trench coat, along with a dark grey scarf and a black wool cap, while 3DS was wearing a red parka with grey fake fur lining the inside, with red mittens on her hands. She also wore a pair of blue earmuffs. They were a gift from PSVita, and also doubled as a pair of functioning headphones. She wasn't listening to any music as she approached XBox One. He smirked as he saw her. 3DS was learning to hate that smirk.
"You finally showed up." He said.
"Just cut to the chase. I have shit to do after this." 3DS snapped. XBox One's smirk fell slightly, and was replaced by a wicked-looking half grin.
"Hm. One thing I always did like about you was your tenacity." He said. He began to walk down a pathway, and expected 3DS to follow him, which she did.
"Yeah, another thing you like about me is my tits." 3DS sarcastically grumbled.
XBox One laughed. "Well, you're not wrong." He said. "Gotta say, though, you were a lot hotter when I didn't know you were a dyke."
3DS fought the urge to beat the crap out of him for using the slur. Instead, she kept walking, but refused to reply. Even though she wasn't showing it, XBox One knew he was getting a rise out of her, which was exactly what he wanted.
"Okay, so listen. I know you're dating PSVita." XBox One confirmed. "I also know you're trying real hard to keep it a secret, so unless you want me to spread some gossip, you're going to do exactly as I say."
3DS raised an eyebrow. "You're not implying what I think you're implying..." She growled. XBox One scoffed and laughed, realizing what she meant.
"No, don't worry." He replied. "I may be a dick, but I wouldn't stoop that low... yet."
"Whatever." 3DS shrugged. "Just tell me what you want."
XBox One explained his demand. It was just one thing. He knew she was competing in the Obstacle Course event, which was the fourth Console Wars event. All he wanted from her was for her to throw the match, losing on purpose. 3DS was initially defiant, but realized that the Console Wars wasn't as important as her secret. Reluctantly, she agreed to his terms. XBox One grinned and stuck a hand out for her to shake, which she did.
"Pleasure doing business with you." XBox One chuckled.
"Just leave me alone, alright?" 3DS asked. It was more of a request than a demand. She was just sick of dealing with him, and was politely asking him to quit pestering her.
"Yeah, sure." XBox One replied. His tone implied that he had no intention of leaving her alone. Having the matter settled, 3DS began to walk to her car. Watching a movie with PSVita was just what she needed after the last few hours.

To 3DS' surprise, PSVita was actually waiting near her car. Like most of the other students at the school, she was wearing some heavier winter clothes. Specifically, she wore a black peacoat and blue scarf. She was also wearing a pair of gloves coloured a light grey, almost white. She also had a pair of black cloth boots. 3DS thought she looked really cute, though she predicted that PSVita would disagree. After making sure no one was around, the two ran at each other and hugged.
"Hey, what're you doing here?" 3DS asked. "I thought I was gonna meet you at the theatre."
"I wanted to see you more." PSVita said. She blushed, but 3DS thought this could also be caused by the cold weather. "Also, I wanted to ask you something."
"Yeah, sure. What's up?" 3DS asked.
"Um... in one of your messages, you called me... 'sweetie.'" PSVita explained, wringing her hands a bit nervously. "You've never called me that before..."
"Yeah, sorry, I thought it would be cute." 3DS replied, blushing a bit herself now. "If you don't like it, I won't call you that anymore."
"N-no, that's not what I meant." PSVita continued. "I was actually wondering... could you call me that more? Like, in real life too?"
3DS smiled, feeling her heart melt at PSVita's request. She leaned in and kissed her on the cheek.
"Sure, sweetie." She replied. PSVita's blush increased further. She thought she wouldn't be able to hold back any longer, but she still strained to keep herself from making out with 3DS right then and there. Luckily, she didn't have to wait for much longer.
"C'mon, let's get in the car." 3DS suggested.
"R-right." PSVita agreed. They got into 3DS' car and drove to the the movie theatre. It wasn't too far from the school. Because of this, it was a popular after-school hangout for students of VGA. It was also popular for showing movies a few days before they were supposed to officially release.   PSVita and 3DS both agreed on a movie that was supposed to come out the next day. When they got to the theatre, PSVita bought both their tickets. This worried 3DS slightly.
"Thank you, but you didn't have to spend money on me." She said. "I can pay you back if you want."
"No, it's fine." PSVita replied. "Think of it as an early birthday present."
She was referring to 3DS's birthday, which was in a few weeks. She was turning 19 soon, meaning she would technically be the same age as PSVita, who was half a year older than her. 3DS was touched that she remembered.
"Aww, thank you!" She said. Since nobody they knew from school was around, it was safe for them to kiss, which they did. PSVita pulled away, smiling as she pulled something out of her wallet.
"And that's not the best part." She said. She pulled out a blue card with a yellow plus symbol on it. This was her Plus membership card for the theatre. PS4 arranged it so that every Sony student got one for free, using as an incentive to gain more members. Other members could get one, but they'd have to pay for it. A Plus membership allowed the cardholder to get free rewards, and also purchase private showings. Private showings were super expensive, but a student could only buy one if they had a membership. It was easy for 3DS to guess why PSVita brought out her membership card.
"We're seeing this movie in private." PSVita confirmed. 3DS gasped.
"Oh my god, you're the friggin' best!" She said, hugging PSVita again. "C'mon, let's go before the movie starts." She let go of PSVita, and the two girls rushed into the theatre.

The private showing was a great idea. The movie was good, but 3DS thought it was even better in an almost empty theatre. PSVita seemed to enjoy herself too, but for a different reason that 3DS was unaware of. She had a plan. They were halfway through the movie, so PSVita thought it would be a good time to put it into action. She turned to 3DS, who looked at her in turn.
"3DS, I need to admit something." PSVita said. "I had an... ulterior motive for buying a private screening."
3DS furrowed her brow and tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Oh really? What would that be?" She asked.
"It was so I could do this." PSVita said. Before 3DS could ask what "this" was, she got her answer when PSVita kissed her deeply. This was much more sensual and passionate than their usual kisses. 3DS was relieved, as she had wanted to do something like this for some time now, but never had gotten the chance. There was a bit of a problem, as there was an armrest between them. They adjusted their position so that 3DS was straddling PSVita's lap as they made out. Since 3DS was the smaller, and subsequently lighter, of the two girls, she was on top. They were barely even paying attention to the movie anymore. As they continued, 3DS tried to take it further, placing a hand on PSVita's breast. She realized it was probably not the best idea, but rather than getting angry like 3DS thought she would, PSVita instead placed her hand on 3DS' hand, and subsequently placed her other hand on 3DS' posterior. 3DS was fine with this, but didn't expect PSVita to go further. To her surprise, she felt PSVita's hand drift away from her butt, and move around her leg to brush against her thigh. 3DS thought PSVita was going a little too fast, but she didn't want to stop. Eventually, it got to be a little too much, When she felt PSVita's hand approach her crotch, her' eyes snapped open. She quickly pulled away from PSVita as they both breathed heavily. PSVita realized she had gone too far.
"I-I'm sorry!" She said. "I j-just wanted to... it's just that I..." She sighed as she tried to explain herself. 3DS was starting to calm down, holding a hand over her chest, feeling her heartbeat.
"I've been having these thoughts about how to further our relationship," PSVita began, "and I guess I went a bit too far. I'm just... I'm sorry."
"It's fine, it's fine." 3DS panted. She took her hand off of PSVita's boob, realizing that she probably helped to instigate PSVita's forwardness. "I'll admit, thoughts like that have crossed my mind a few times too. I'd love to do that with you some day, but you just surprised me a little."
PSVita blushed and smiled. 3DS warmly smiled back. She got off of PSVita and sat back in her own seat, continuing to watch the movie. The movie ended a half-hour later. 3DS enjoyed it, but PSVita was thinking about something else. She cursed herself for trying to move so fast with 3DS. There was one thing she did still enjoy about the experience, and that was when 3DS put a hand on her breast. She wasn't focussed on the sexual aspect, but instead, the small ways 3DS showed her affection. The gentleness of her hand mixed with the closeness PSVita felt to her was overwhelming. It all felt so good that it pushed her to move a bit too fast. Even though she regretted trying to do what she did, she remembered what 3DS said; she'd love to further their relationship with each other at some point. And for now, that's all she could ever want.

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