Chapter 10: Caught in the Act

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The Test of Agility, the third event of the Console Wars, had just begun. It was a much smaller event that the other two. The contestants were not observed by the audience in person. Instead, they appeared on monitors inside of a small theatre. This is because the next four events in the Console Wars were digitized. Digitization was a process in which contestants were literally sent into a virtual world, tough not with a headset. They were physically turned into data and transported to this virtual plain. The technology was originally designed for combat. It was still in development, but it was still safe enough that people could use it with little to no problems. Inside the theatre, the monitors showed the contestants being strapped into the digitization machines. PS4 was emotionless as usual as the headset was fastened over his face. XBox 360 was seemingly calm as well, but Wii appeared to be a little nervous. The monitors then showed PC and Steam. PC nodded, signalling Steam to flip a switch on the wall, activating the digitization process. The contestants were engulfed in a blue light and suddenly disappeared. The monitors switched their view, showing the digitized world. The "sky" was a deep blue, and the ground was a thin white line grid. Each of the contestants were all in the same world, and they were able to look around the world as well as at each other. Now the test began. In order to test their agility, projectiles were shot randomly at the contestants. The projectiles did hurt, but the contestants were not in danger. While in the digital world, "dying" only meant that the contestant woke up in the real world, completely unharmed. The Nintendo faction watched the monitors intently as Wii dodged the projectiles that were shot out at him. He only lasted a little less than a minute before he was hit on the arm. Immediately, his arm dissolved into bright blue pixels, followed by the rest of him. One monitor switched back to the real world, showing Wii waking up in the real world. He seemed to have a disappointed look on his face as the headset was removed. The other monitors still showed the digital world, specifically PS4 and XBox 360. Upon realizing that Wii had been taken out, XBox 360 laughed at his failure. Well, it was more of a cackle than a laugh. Either way, this forced her to let her guard down, and a projectile hit her as well. The monitor switched back to the real world, where XBox 360 reformed and woke up. Realizing she lost as well, she groaned angrily. Rather than waiting for the staff to remove the headset for her, she ripped the headset off herself and stormed out of the room. XBox One, who was watching her monitor, shook his head and grimaced at his sister's screw-up.
"She has too much confidence." He growled. XBox was standing next to him, and agreed with a nod. Both of them looked over at the Sony faction. Most of them were cheering for the fact that PS4 had just won. 3DS spotted PSVita in the crowd. While she herself was disappointed that Wii had lost, she was happy that PSVita was happy. They locked eyes and nodded at each other once before looking back at the monitors, which now showed PS4 waking up in the real world. To everyone's surprise, he was wearing his sunglasses even with the headset. While PS4 was congratulated by the crowd, 3DS thought about the current results of the past Console Wars events. She had won the first one, followed by XBox One winning the second, and now PS4 had won the third. This meant that all three factions had a single point. It was a three-way tie. However they were still only at the half-way point of the Console Wars. The winner would be decided by the next three events.

"Are you sure you don't want to come?" PS2 asked. She and the others from the Sony faction were going out to celebrate PS4's victory. PSVita had decided not to go.
"No, I'll be fine here." She replied. "You go on ahead."
PS2 nodded, grabbing her fluffy black hoodie from the wall. She heard a loud knock on the door, and a voice came from outside.
"Hurry up!" It was PS3. PS2 rolled her eyes at her brother.
"I'm coming, just be patient!" She responded. Before opening the door, she looked back at PSVita one last time. PSVita glanced over and smiled, assuring PS2 that she would be okay on her own. PS2 smiled back.
"I'll see you later tonight." She said before opening the door and exiting the room. PSVita breathed a sigh of relief as she heard the door close. After a few seconds, she bolted to the sliding glass door on the other side of the room. The door connected the room to the balcony, which PSVita ran onto. She leaned down over the railing, facing the bushes about a foot below her.
"The coast is clear." She whispered. No sooner than when she said this, 3DS emerged from the bushes, looking up at PSVita.
"Finally! I was crouching down in there for nearly half an hour." 3DS said.
"I know, I'm sorry." PSVita replied. "I thought they'd be gone sooner."
"Well, it doesn't matter." 3DS shrugged. PSVita helped her up and over the railing, and the two entered the dorm. After brushing some of the twigs and debris out of 3DS' hair, the two sat down  on the white couch.
"So everyone's gone?" 3DS asked, looking around the room. It was much larger than hers. In fact, it might have been larger than her entire dorm.
"Yep, they're all celebrating PS4's victory." PSVita explained. "We have the whole dorm to ourselves."
"So... what should we do first?" 3DS asked, exited to spend an evening with her best friend. However, when she saw PSVita blush a deep shade of red, she remembered they were more than just best friends.
"Well, I was thinking..." PSVita began, wringing her hands nervously. Her blush got deeper as a sly but nervous smirk crossed her face. "I was thinking... we should take our... relationship... to the next level."
3DS blushed deeper than PSVita. She knew exactly what she meant by "next level", especially because of the events in the movie theatre the previous day.
"Y-you... want to have... sex?" She stammered. PSVita's eyes widened and her smirk fell away. Her blush became even darker.
"I-i-it was a dumb idea, we don't have to if you don't want." PSVita stammered back. "I-I'm sorry, I'm just not good with relationships..."
"Okay..." 3DS answered. PSVita didn't hear her, and continued rambling.
"...I mean, you're the first real friend I've ever had and..." PSVita stopped stammering as she registered what 3DS had just said. "...What did you say?" She asked.
"Okay...let's do it." 3DS answered. "But only if you're okay with it too."
"Oh, y-yes, I'm perfectly fine with it!" PSVita replied. She ran over to 3DS and hugged her tightly. "As long as it's with you, I'll be okay." She said. 3DS giggled.
"Alright then, is there a bed we can use?" She asked.
PSVita pondered this. No one would see them in her room, though if everyone came back early, there would be no way for 3DS to escape. And obviously they couldn't go to any of the other rooms. Then her eyes fell upon the large black couch in the side of the living room. Nobody would be able to see them at first, as there was a cornered hallway to get from the front door to the living room. 3DS could also use the sliding glass door if she had to leave abruptly.
"Perfect." PSVita whispered.
"Hm?" 3DS asked, putting on a confused face.
"We'll use the couch." PSVita explained. "Believe me, it'll be safer and easier that way."
"Oh... okay." 3DS said back. She was excited and nervous, and she could tell that PSVita felt the same way. She sat down on the couch, and PSVita sat next to her.
"So... where do we start?" 3DS asked, brushing her hair behind her ear.
"How about we start here?" PSVita suggested. She leaned in and kissed 3DS. She knew she was doing something right when 3DS placed her hands on her arms and heard her begin to moan softly. They both knew what the next step was. PSVita slowly moved her hands to 3DS' jacket and removed it. 3DS did the same with her blazer. Then, PSVita reached down once again and grasped the bottom of 3DS' white t-shirt. She pulled away for a moment, both to regain her composure and to get the shirt off.
"Are you ready?" PSVita asked.
"Y-yes. Go ahead." 3DS replied, her cheeks beginning to heat up. PSVita nodded and slowly began to remove 3DS' shirt. Once she could see what was underneath, she gasped. 3DS nervously covered up her medium-sized chest with her arms. She was wearing a black, plain-looking bra that helped to cover up everything, but she still looked unbelievably cute.
"Don't stare... it makes me feel weird..." She mumbled.
"It's okay. You look... amazing." PSVita assured. "Here, I know how to make you feel more comfortable."
She began to remove her own shirt. While 3DS wore a simple white T-shirt, PSVita's shirt was a long sleeved button-up top. It took her a while to get them undone. Once she did, 3DS blushed even more. PSVita's bra was lacy and black, like 3DS'. But unlike 3DS, her breasts were a little bit more than medium sized.
"They're... bigger than mine." 3DS mentioned.
PSVita giggled. "It doesn't really matter, does it?"
"Guess not." 3DS agreed, managing to tear her eyes away. "What's next?"
"Let's just pick up where we left off." PSVita said. She kissed 3DS again. This time, she gently pushed her down onto the couch, positioning herself on top of her. She heard another moan resonate from 3DS, and she moaned back. Their bodies were less than centimetres apart, but PSVita didn't want to rush things. She felt 3DS pull away from the kiss, and opened her eyes to see her smirking up at her with a seductive glance.
"Come on, don't keep me waiting." 3DS said. PSVita noticed how she had somehow become even sexier. She wanted her now more than ever.
"Alright. Here we go..." PSVita replied, trying to match 3DS' sensual tone. She moved her hand to 3DS' leg and began to rub slowly, moving it inward and upward, like she tried to do in the movie theatre. She watched her expression as she began to moan and sigh at the feeling of her hand. She bit her lip and closed her eyes as her back began to arch. PSVita chuckled.
"I haven't even done anything yet, and your already losing control." She smirked.
"Don't talk... ahn... just keep going." 3DS moaned. PSVita did as she was told. Just as her hand began to border on the edge of 3DS' skirt, she heard a noise. A door opening and closing.
"Hey, PSVita, you still here?" It was PSP. "I forgot my wallet... where are you?"
"Oh shit." Both girls whispered at the same time. There was no time to escape. Even if 3DS could hide in time, how would PSVita explain being half naked in the living room? She hadn't even thought about that when she decided on the couch. They were trapped. As soon as PSP entered the room, he saw them. His eyes widened in shock.
"What are you... who is..." He began. He barely registered as PSVita ran at him and pinned him against the wall with her forearm. Her eyes became engulfed in rage.
"Whoa, whoa, what's going on?!" PSP tried to ask.
"If you tell anyone, I will kill you. Do you understand?" PSVita said, pointing a finger at him. PSP looked past his sister, noticing 3DS sitting on the couch staring at them in shock. She wasn't wearing a shirt. Then he looked down at PSVita, who was also not wearing a shirt. The wheels began to turn in his head, and he finally understood.
"Wait... were you two... about to have sex?" PSP asked.
"You will not tell anyone." PSVita growled.
"But... she's a Nintendo... and a girl!" PSP though out loud. PSVita forced her arm down on his throat more, practically choking him.
"You will tell no one! Especially PS4! Got it?" She growled.
"Okay! I promise I wont tell!" PSP finally agreed. PSVita finally released him. He rubbed his throat and coughed.
"How long has this been going on?" PSP asked.
"About one week now." PSVita replied.
"Have you two... done anything yet?" PSP continued to ask.
"No. We were hoping this would be our first time, but evidently, that's not happening." PSVita replied, obviously annoyed. She sighed. "Look, just... please, keep it a secret. Especially from PS4."
"Oh... okay..." PSP said. He understood why she didn't want PS4 to know. He also understood how much PSVita really loved 3DS.
"Promise me." PSVita ordered, regaining her threatening tone.
"Y-yeah, yeah, I promise." PSP replied. "I... don't think I'm gonna go back out. I'll call the others and tell them I'm just gonna stay home."
"Fine." PSVita said through clenched teeth. PSP walked away. Once she was sure he was gone, she turned to 3DS, who was staring at her with wide eyes.
"I'm sorry..." She began.
"I should go." 3DS interrupted. She began to put her shirt back on.
"...I think so too." PSVita agreed. She picked up 3DS' jacket and handed it to her. "I'm sorry this got so out of hand."
"No, it's fine. It wasn't your fault." 3DS assured, taking the jacket. "And for what it's worth, I still had a really good time." She gave a cute smile and put on the rest of her clothes. PSVita smiled back.
"Maybe... we could try again?" She asked. "Maybe at your dorm next time?"
"We'll see." 3DS said.

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