Chapter 11: Trustworthy

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The door slammed behind PSVita as she entered PSP's room. Her face held an expression of determination and anger. Before she could even say anything, PSP was already on the defensive.
"Look, I already promised, I won't tell." He said.
"I don't think you understand." PSVita hissed. She crossed her arms and got close to PSP, trying to intimidate him. "Being with 3DS is the best thing that has ever happened to me." She explained. "This is the happiest I have ever been in a long time. If PS4 found out about this, it would ruin not only my relationship, but also my life."
"I-I get it." PSP assured.
"No, you don't." PSVita growled. She had backed PSP into a wall, and poked him in the chest to emphasize her words. "PS4 already hates me and 3DS being just friends. If he found out we were more than that, I have no idea what he would do, not just to me, but to 3DS as well. I refuse to put her in harms way."
"...You really love her, huh?" PSP replied. Upon hearing this, PSVita softened. She sighed as tears began to form. PSP had struck a nerve, but in a good way.
"Yes, I do." She muttered. "And if anything happened to her, or my relationship with her I... I don't know what I would do..."
PSP placed a hand on her shoulder. Even though he was younger than her, he still understood what she was feeling. He smiled at her.
"Don't worry." He said. "Your secret's safe with me."
PSVita smiled back and hugged him. PSP rolled his eyes and hugged her back. He began to realize that maybe PS4 wasn't the amazing leader he claimed to be.
"I'm also sorry I interrupted your... session." He apologized.
PSVita blushed. "Oh... yeah... that." She muttered. "Don't worry about it."
The two siblings released their hug. "Also, for what it's worth," PSP said, "3DS is pretty hot. It makes sense why you'd want to do that with her."
PSVita snorted as she stifled a chuckle and punched PSP lightly in the shoulder. "Shut up." She laughed. Things seemed normal now, and PSVita left the room. PSP sat on his bed as his smile disappeared. He gave a deep exasperated sigh and wiped his forehead.
"This year can't be over soon enough." He muttered.

The next day, 3DS had history class again. This time, 3DS arrived early so she would get a better seat. A few minutes after she sat down, PSVita walked into the classroom. 3DS blushed intensely. She silently prayed that PSVita wouldn't notice her. Normally, she would want to sit next to her, but due to the events of the previous night, she knew any interaction would most likely be extremely awkward. As 3DS mulled over this, she noticed that PSVita actually did sit next to her, much to her dismay.
"Hey." PSVita said, not even looking at her.
"...Hey." 3DS responded. Just as she predicted, awkward.
"So... about last night..." PSVita continued. She began to blush herself.
"We don't have to talk about it." 3DS interrupted.
"I just wanted to say that PSP promised not to tell anyone." PSVita said. 3DS leaned in close and started to whisper.
"Can we trust him?" 3DS asked. PSVita was a little bit hurt that 3DS would question her brother's loyalty, but it was understandable. 3DS could see how she felt, and immediately felt bad about what she had said.
"I didn't mean it like that..." She said.
"I know." PSVita nodded. "Don't worry. PSP may be an ass, but he's always been trustworthy. He wouldn't even tell on me when we were kids."
3DS giggled, making PSVita do the same. Finally, things seemed to be back to normal. Or at least, as normal as things could get at VGA. XBox One was sitting in the back of the room, glaring at the two girls. XBox 360 sat next to him. She was lost in her own little world of aggression.
"I still can't believe I lost." XBox 360 fumed, tapping her fingers on her desk. "Stupid Wii made me lose focus..."
"Would you quit it?" XBox One snapped. He groaned. "What I can't believe is that we're in a three-way tie. Normally, the Nintendo morons aren't even a threat."
"You were right about 3DS, though." XBox 360 nodded. "She would have been really useful to us. Too bad she decided to stay with the losers... guess I can't call them that anymore."
"Yeah, but I had a little 'talk' with her a while ago, and got her to throw the Obstacle Course match." XBox One smirked. "So as long as PSVita stays out of our way, it's a sure win for us."
XBox 360's scowl turned into a sly smirk. She chuckled, putting her arms behind her head in relaxation. "Ah, my genius big brother." She said. XBox One's own smirk widened. The Obstacle Course event was in a few days. His plan would be put into action soon enough.

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