Chapter 12: Secrets Out

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3DS exhaled as the staff strapped her into the digitizer machine. Next to her on one side was PSVita, and on her other side was XBox. While PSVita seemed as nervous as she was, XBox seemed cool, calm, and collected, just as always. She turned to PSVita, who turned back to her. They nodded at each other. To the outside eye, this was just a friendly acknowledgement. But they both knew what it really meant. The staff made another round, placing the headset on each of the contestants. Once the headset was strapped onto PSVita's face, Steam walked up and spoke to her.
"You're going to feel a very intense pressure, so it may hurt a little bit." Steam said. "Your vitals are also being monitored, so if you feel like you're gonna pass out, a needle will inject you with adrenaline to keep you awake."
3DS nodded, assuring the vice dean that she understood, even though this put her on edge.
"It may feel a bit overwhelming when you land in the digital world," Steam continued, "but you'll be fine if you just remember that it's not real. Do you still feel alright with this?"
Again, 3DS nodded. While she couldn't see it happen, Steam nodded as well. Once this was told to the other contestants, and the count down began. A 10 flashed onto the headset's screen, followed by a 9, 8, 7, 6, and so on. Finally, the room fell silent as the count down hit 1. 3DS' breathing quickened as she felt the pressure Steam was talking about. What Steam didn't mention was that she also felt a stinging sensation in the back of her eyes. It felt as if she had hit the back of her head, times 5. After a few seconds of enduring this, it all suddenly stopped.

Opening her eyes, 3DS saw the digital world. It was similar to the world from the previous event, though a little different. Everything was a dark blue, and covered in a bright blue grid. A dim light seemed to come from all over the world. Just as in the real world, PSVita and XBox were beside her on either sides. She walked over to PSVita. Each footstep made an echoey, digital sounding noice
"You alright?" She asked. PSVita had a hand over her mouth. She looked sick
"I... I think I threw up." She said. "So I guess I'm gonna wake up with vomit all over me. Great."
3DS chuckled, but stopped when she realized PSVita was not joking as she glared in her direction.
"Sorry." 3DS said.
"It's fine. It is kinda funny, I guess." PSVita admitted. She still looked sick. "Ugh... I think I can still taste it."
A beeping noise sounded from all around them, and a floating screen appeared. PC's face was in the centre of the screen. The contestants realized he was using a monitor, camera, and microphone to talk with them.
"How are you all feeling?" He asked. "I know this is the first time you've all been digitized."
XBox, rather than speaking his response, held up an "okay" symbol.
"It's really weird, but I kinda like it." 3DS responded.
"Um... did I throw up in real life?" PSVita asked. PC furrowed his brow and looked offscreen for a moment, where the contestants were strapped in. He nodded, and looked back to the camera, which filmed what the contestants were seeing.
"I'm afraid you did." He said. "It's alright, it's actually quite common for first-time digitization. I'll have the staff clean everything before you wake up."
3DS looked at PSVita, who was blushing crazily. XBox laughed silently beneath his scarf. PC continued, getting everyones attention. He explained exactly what the rules were. They would have to brave a randomly generated obstacle course, and the first one to get to the end would win.
"There are also some hazards which you must avoid." PC continued. "As you know, you are in no real danger."
The contestants already knew all of this. PC asked if they understood, and they all nodded. With that, the screen disappeared, replaced with another count down. 3DS remembered what XBox One had told her. She sighed in frustration. She had to throw the match. Anything to prevent her secret from getting out. She decided that she would purposefully trip right before the finish line. Once the countdown ended, the course began. It started off pretty easy, that was until a block of the floor suddenly jutted out of the ground, launching XBox into the air. He landed on the ground unharmed, but he was now far behind PSVita and 3DS. Another hazard appeared when the floor actually disappeared in front of them. 3DS jumped over the newly formed chasm, and was quickly followed by PSVita. More hazards appeared throughout the rest of the course; fire spouts, massive swinging hammers, falling bridges, even falling ceilings were thrown at them. The end was almost within their reach. 3DS was about to win, this time with no "help" from PSVita, though she still had her plan to throw the match in mind. But suddenly, the floor crumbled beneath her. There was no time for her to jump, and she ended up falling. Luckily, she grabbed onto the edge, but the digital floor was somewhat slippery. She looked down and saw a floor made of red spikes slowly rising up. As soon as she touched the spikes, she would be disqualified. Plus, it would hurt. A lot.
"No, no, please no..." She mumbled. She completely forgot about her deal with XBox One. She struggled to pull herself up as she struggled to hold onto the edge. There was no time. 3DS had no choice but to give up. Just as she let go of the edge, she felt two hands grasp around her arm. It was PSVita.
"Don't worry! I've got you." She assured. 3DS felt a digital tear run down her face as PSVita pulled her up and over the edge. She fought the urge to hug her, as it would give away their secret. PSVita might have already blown their cover by saving 3DS, but neither cared. They were just happy to not be disqualified.
"Event over." A monotone voice echoed from all around them. They looked at the finish line, where XBox was standing. He had won. Within seconds, they were waking up in the real world.

All these events were displayed on monitors in the same theatre that showed the agility event. PS4 furrowed his brow as he saw that PSVita had lost.
"I knew her friendship with 3DS was a bad idea." He said. PS2 was sitting next to him.
"Relax, bro." She said. "We still have a chance to win this. You're in the strategy event, and PS3 is in the combat event. Have you ever lost before?" She was using the same tactic that she told PSVita to use, appealing to his ego.
"No... I suppose you're right." PS4 replied. "But still, if this continues to be an issue, PSVita will not go unpunished. Though I have to admit, this friendship has improved her overall attitude."
"See? It is a good thing." PS2 said.
Hearing PS4 talk about PSVita and 3DS, PSP was starting to get nervous. He was sitting next to PS2, with PS3 on his other side. PS2 noticed his nervousness. She already knew about how he found out about PSVita's relationship, and was afraid he was about to reveal the secret. She stood up suddenly, surprising both PSP and PS4.
"I'm gonna go to the concession." She said, establishing her cover. She glanced at PSP, encouraging him to do the same.
"I... uh... yeah, me too." PSP said, standing up as well. PS4 nodded.
"Hurry up, then." He said. The two exited the theatre, but didn't head to the concession. They hid behind a wall, where nobody would see them.
"Alright, listen." PS2 began. "Now that you're keeping PSVita's secret, you have a responsibility now. I don't care how you feel about 3DS, the Nintendo faction, or whatever. If you tell anybody about PSVita and 3DS being together, I will personally destroy you, alright?"
"Look, I get it." PSP said. "PSVita made it perfectly clear how much she would kill me herself if I let her secret out. Besides, she's my sister. What kind of brother would I be if I let out a sensitive fact like that?"
"Damn right." PS2 nodded. "What we really don't want is to arouse suspicion, which is what you're doing by acting all nervous. So can you try to keep calm about it?"
"I'll try." PSP sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "It's just really hard with... oh shit."
PS2 raised an eyebrow, but slowly understood when she caught PSP's gaze. He was staring wide-eyed at the space behind her. She quickly swivelled around, only to realize they had been followed. PS3 was standing there, staring at them. He had heard the entire conversation.
"Oh shit." PS2 repeated. Once he realized he had been spotted, PS3 ran off in the opposite direction. He was going to tell PS4. Or at least he would have if he hadn't been tackled and pinned to the ground. PSP held his arm twisted behind his back and held him down with his knees to prevent him from getting up. They had similar sizes and builds, so this wasn't too difficult. 
"Get the hell off of me!" PS3 growled.
"Not until you agree not to tell PS4 about what you heard!" PSP snapped. In response, PS3 laughed cruelly.
"Ha! Not a chance." He chuckled. "And once PS4 finds out, I bet he's not gonna be too happy with PSVita."
PSP slammed an elbow on the back of PS3's head, smashing his face into the ground. PS2 winced as she saw him do this, but didn't stop him.
"This is serious, PS3." She asserted. "We're asking you as friends, please don't tell PS4."
PS3 spat out the blood that had collected in his mouth. "Really think that's gonna work?" He hissed. Right as PSP was about to deliver another elbow, he heard a voice from in front of him.
"What in god's name are you doing?" PS4 asserted. PSP was frozen in surprise, and didn't even register as PS3 slipped out from underneath him.
"They were talking about-" PS3 began, until PS2 forced a hand over his mouth. She turned to PS4 with a pleading expression on her face.
"This doesn't concern you." She assured. "Honestly, it's not a big deal, it's beneath you, really-"
"Let him speak." PS4 ordered. PS2 was hesitant, until PS4 began to approach her more closely. "PS2, my sister, remove your hand from his mouth. Now." He practically shouted. PS2 had no choice. With a deep sigh, she removed her hand from PS3's bloody mouth.
"I'm sorry, PSVita." She whispered as she stepped back and hung her head.

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