Chapter 13: Punishment

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"Thanks for driving me home, 3DS." PSVita said. "PS2 was supposed to give me a ride, but I couldn't find her."
"It seems weird that she would just leave like that." 3DS said, raising an eyebrow in confusion. "It doesn't make much sense."
"I sent her a text, but she hasn't responded yet." PSVita said. "Oh well. Thanks again."
She gave 3DS a quick peck on the cheek and left the car. As it sped off, she walked up to the door and opened it, quickly stepping inside.
"Guys? I'm home." She announced to the empty room. Or at least what she thought was an empty room. PS4 was standing in a darker corner of the room. When PSVita announced her presence, he stepped into view.
"Hello, PSVita." He said. "I needed to talk with you about something."
"Oh... of course." PSVita said, surprised by PS4's entrance. "What did you-"
PS4 slapped PSVita across the face with the back of his hand. It took some time for PSVita to register what had just happened, but when she did, she was slapped again.
"You lying bitch." PS4 hissed. "How long were you planning on keeping your little secret from me?"
PSVita's eyes widened. "H-how did you-" Another slap. She didn't have a chance to ask questions.
"You let 3DS win the Test of Speed, didn't you?" PS4 accused. When PSVita didn't answer, PS4 slapped her again. "Didn't you!?" He said again.
"Yes, yes I did!" PSVita admitted, cowering in fear.
"How far has this little relationship gotten?" Asked, readying another slap.
"N-not far." PSVita winced. She began to cry heavily. "Please, we haven't done anything, and I promise we won't, ever!"
"If you so much as glance in 3DS' general direction again," PS4 ordered, "I'll make sure you never set foot in this school again. Do you understand?"
"Yes." PSVita whimpered, collapsing in the corner of the room. PS4 straightened his tie and adjusted his glasses.
"Glad we could have this little talk." He said. With that done, he walked away into his own room, leaving her alone, crying in the corner of the room. She was so busy crying that she didn't notice as PS2 ran up to her and hugged her. She was crying too.
"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." She said. "I never wanted this to happen. I didn't mean for it to turn out like this."
"It's not your fault..." PSVita whimpered.
"You're right. It's mine." A voice said from the other side of the room. It was PSP. He was leaning against the wall, not looking at his sister. He couldn't bring himself to do so.
"You... told him?" PSVita asked. "But you... you promised..."
"I didn't tell him, PS3 did." PSP explained. "He found out when PS2 was talking to me about it. I tried to stop him, but... it didn't work."
"It wasn't your fault either, PSP." PS2 said.
"What am I gonna do?" PSVita asked. She had asked PS2 the same question a long time ago, and her answer had convinced her to pursue a relationship with 3DS. And now, her answer to the same question would have the opposite effect.
"I think... you should break up with 3DS." PS2 said. PSVita closed her eyes tightly, trying to hold back her tears. She knew what PS2 said was true, but that didn't make things easier.

It was the next day. 3DS was walking to her first class when she felt a vibration in her pocket, and realized it was her phone ringing. She pulled it out and saw PSVita was calling. Her sisters, who were walking with her, stopped and looked at her.
"You guys go on ahead of me." She said. The others nodded and did as they were told. As her sisters disappeared into the school, 3DS answered her phone.
"Hey, sweetie!" She said. PSVita hesitated before responding.
"Hey." It didn't sound like her usual tone. It sounded like something was wrong.
"PSVita, are you okay?" 3DS asked.
"Yeah... I'm fine." PSVita answered. "Listen... I need to talk to you about something."
"Okay?" 3DS said.
"...In person. Like, now." PSVita explained.
3DS thought on this. Her class was in five minutes, so she had some time.
"Okay, but we should make it quick." 3DS said.
"Meet me at the front of the school." PSVita said right before hanging up. This both confused and worried 3DS. There was definitely something wrong. She quickly made her way to the front of the school, where she saw PSVita facing away from her. She walked up to her.
"So, what's up?" 3DS asked. It was then she noticed that PSVita now wore a black eye. "Oh my goodness, that looks pretty bad. What happened?" She asked.
"Nothing. Listen, I..." PSVita muttered, hesitating before she finished her sentence. "I think we should break up."
3DS' face went pale as she completely froze. This was the exact reaction PSVita expected, and it only made the situation worse for her.
"I... what?" 3DS asked.
"I just think it's over between us." PSVita continued. She tried not to cry as she said this. 3DS didn't stop herself from crying.
"But why?" She asked as the first of many tears dropped down her cheeks.
"It's not you, and it's not me." PSVita explained. "It's just that... I'm bored with our relationship."
3DS shook her head. "No. That's not the reason." She said. "PS4 found out, didn't he?"
Now PSVita cried. She had hidden the real reason so that PS4 wouldn't do to 3DS what he had already done to her.
"He gave me this when he found out." PSVita explained, pointing to her black eye. "I shouldn't even be talking to you right now. If he found out, there's no telling what he'd do to me, or to you. I just wanted to let you down easy."
3DS dried her tears. "I get it." She said. "I... guess this is goodbye then."
"Yeah... I'm so sorry." PSVita said. She hugged and kissed 3DS for what she thought was the last time. And then she was gone. 3DS dried her tears again, and realized she was late for class. There was no way she could go to class now anyway. Instead, she decided to just go back to the dorms. She hurried away to the Nintendo dorms, silently sniffling as she did so. Eventually, she arrived. She opened the door, seeing Wii U at the kitchen counter. He looked up at her, with a somewhat surprised and confused expression.
"3DS? What are you doing here?" He asked. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?"
"Um... yeah." 3DS sniffled. "Something happened... and I just didn't feel up to it."
"What happened?" Wii U asked. He was concerned now. 3DS thought about what to say next. She had no reason to lie to him, but she still didn't want him to know about PSVita.
"My... girlfriend broke up with me." She explained.
"Girlfriend?" Wii U asked. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were..."
"It's fine." 3DS said. She knew Wii U could relate, since he was gay too.
"That's too bad about your breakup, though." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Still, a breakup isn't any reason to skip class." He continued. "I know you feel bad, but you gotta pull through it, just for today, alright?"
3DD nodded and sighed. "I guess you're right." She noticed that Wii wasn't anywhere to be found. She knew he didn't have classes yet today, so she had no idea where he could be.
"Where's Wii?" She asked.
"He's training for the strategy event tomorrow." Wii U explained. "Hey, I'll tell him to win if it'll cheer you up."
3DS smiled at Wii U's kind gesture. "Thanks. I guess I'll head off to class now."
Wii U paused for a moment. "You know what? Forget it." He said. "You can take the rest of the day off. As the faction leader, I have some authority at the school, so I'll pull some strings."
3DS dried her tears again and smiled wider. She hugged Wii U tightly.
"Thanks, Wii U." She said. "You're the best."
"Ha ha, I try." Wii U chuckled. 3DS released her hug and went to her room. As soon as the door was closed, her smile fell. Her tears returned and she collapsed onto her bed. She spent the next hour sobbing into her pillow.

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