Chapter 14: Sisters

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3DS did not want to go to the Test of Strategy for many reasons. For one, she knew PSVita would be there. Seeing her again would be too much. Another reason was that she didn't want her sisters to see her like this. They didn't know about the breakup yet, and they would probably ask her about it. Also, seeing PS4, who was also competing, would just make her angry. Seeing anyone in the Sony faction would be too much. So while the others went to support Wii, she stayed home in bed with the lights off. She was done crying. Right now she was just lying in bed. Suddenly, she heard a vibrating coming from her bed-side table. It was her phone. Someone was calling her. It wasn't anyone in her contacts, and she didn't recognize the number. Despite this, she still answered.
"Hello?" She answered. She realized her voice had become raspy from crying so much.
"Hey, 3DS. It's PS2." The voice on the other line said. She spoke quietly. 3DS guessed she was still in the audience for the Test of Strategy.
"Oh... hi. Um... what's up?" 3DS asked.
"I heard about what happened." PS2 said. "I'm so, so sorry. It's partially my fault. See, PS3 found out, and I wasn't able to stop him before he told PS4."
"I heard that PSP smashed his face into the pavement." 3DS said. She had a small chuckle in her voice.
"Yeah, he did." PS2 replied. She spoke with a bit of a laugh as well. "He had to get stitches for an hour. PSP got suspended, unfortunately."
"Well, tell him I said thank you." 3DS said. "I'm fine, but thanks for checking in. It really does mean a lot."
"No problem... you know, PSVita is here. Do you want to talk to her?" PS2 asked.
"N-no!" 3DS stammered. She heard a voice on the other end that seemed to agree with her. PS2 didn't seem to listen to either of them, as she handed the phone to the other person.
"...Hi, 3DS." It was PSVita. 3DS was silent for a long time.
"...H-hi..." She finally responded. After a few more seconds, both of them hung up at the same time.

"Why would you do that?" PSVita whisper-shouted at PS2. She was being quiet so she wasn't disturbing the audience around her.
"PS4's not here, and you two need to talk." PS2 explained.
"We don't need to talk!" PSVita hissed through clenched teeth. "We understood each other perfectly."
"That's not what I meant." PS2 said, putting her hands on her hips. "You two need to interact with each other again."
PSVita sighed sadly. "You're not making this any easier for me." She whispered. PS2 understood. She saw PS3 lean in and glare at them. He was sitting in front of them.
"Would you two shut up?" He snapped. "The rest of us are trying to watch the event." PS2 glared back at him.
"I think the nurses should have stitched your mouth shut." She retorted. The day before, PS3 had to go to the school medical centre due to PSP injuring him after the Obstacle Course Test. PSP himself was suspended for harming another student. PS2 thought this was especially unfair, considering what PS4 had done to PSVita. After PS2's little comeback, PS3 turned back around to face the monitors onstage. The strategy event was digitized, and involved the contestants strategizing to defeat each other. It was essentially a glorified board game. Out of all the events in the Console Wars, this one was by far the longest and most boring. The rules were extremely convoluted and hard to explain. Basically, it was like a larger version of chess, but the players could acquire up to 500 pieces each. They would have to use a certain number of assets to buy more pieces, and they had a finite number of units each. XBox 360 had been defeated the earliest. She wasn't as disappointed about this, since the Microsoft faction was already in the lead. The last hour had been spent observing a war between Wii and PS4. PS2 and PSVita were secretly rooting for Wii. Eventually, their rooting payed off. PS4 began to lose. He ran out of units, in his number of pieces was decreasing. He could catch up and win, but Wii had a better chance to beat him before he was able to do so. After a little while longer, all of PS4's pieces had been removed from the board. Wii had won. Never before had Nintendo won two events in a row in any Console Wars. This was a historical event, and Wii was to thank for it. His damaged reputation had been restored.

The next few days, at least for 3DS, were excruciating. While she was happy for Wii, she was also still recovering from her breakup. She remembered many years ago that she read something in a book about the five stages of grief. She had already been through the first three. Denial was a weird stage, as she kept thinking about ways for her to get back together with PSVita, all of them nonsensical. Anger was an embarrassing stage, signified by the fist-shaped hole that was now in her wall. Wii U promised to get it fixed eventually, but 3DS was pretty sure he was furious with her. The most recent was bargaining. She went so far as to talk with PC, trying to get PS4 expelled. While harming another student as severely as what PS4 did to PSVita was an expellable offence, PS4's family was rich enough that PC was able to turn a blind eye. Now, 3DS was in the fourth stage, depression, which meant laying face-down in her bed. Throughout the last two days, she hadn't talked to her sisters once. They were currently peeking into her room.
"I'm worried about her." DS admitted.
"Me too." DSi nodded. "I hope she pulls herself together soon."
"She will." DS said. "Wait... I think I have an idea."
She bolted away from 3DS room, much to DSi's confusion.
"Where are you going?" She asked, following her sister.
"3DS can't talk to PSVita without getting in trouble, right?" DS said, while running. "Well, we'll just talk to PSVita for her!"
DSi understood now, and thought it was a great idea. They ran out the door and headed over to the Sony dorms. The Sony dorms were just a few minutes away from the Nintendo dorms. Finally, they reached the black door. DS knocked on it enthusiastically. Unfortunately, PSP opened the door. Due to their previous encounters, DS and DSi had low opinions of him.
"What are you two doing here?" He asked. He didn't snap at them, it was just a question.
"Um... w-we..." DS began. PSP realized she was stammering because she was scared of him. He sighed in realization.
"Look, I know I was a dick before, alright?" He said. "I'm sorry. I'm a different guy now. I have your sister to thank for that."
The two sister relaxed as they heard this.
"So, what did you two need?" PSP asked, putting on a warm smile. DS and DSi returned the smile and nodded.
"We wanted to talk to PSVita." DSi explained. PSP's smile fell.
"Oh... uh... she's not available." He explained. "She's..."
"In bed, face down. groaning sadly into her pillow?" DS guessed. PSP blinked a few times.
"...Yeah. How did you know?" He asked.
"3DS is doing the same thing." DS explained. "Is PS2 there at least?"
"Oh, yeah, she's here." PSP said. He left to go get her. After a while, PS2 ran to the door, worriedly ushering the two girls away from the door.
"What are you two doing?" She asked through clenched teeth. "Do you know what PS4 will do if he sees you?"
The two gulped. They hadn't thought about this. DSi still spoke.
"We wanted to talk to PSVita." She said. "But she's... busy, so we wanted to talk to you."
PS2 sighed. "Alright, look. I know you girls wanna help your sister," she said, "but coming over here is dangerous, for you, your sister, and PSVita. I'm sorry, but I can't let you see her."
DS bowed her head in apology, but DSi was still determined. "Can you at least tell PSVita something for us?"
"Yeah, sure." PS2 nodded. "What do you want me to tell her?"
"Tell her that 3DS doesn't blame her, and that she tried everything to get back together with her." DSi said. "She's going through exactly what PSVita's going through right now."
PS2 nodded. "I'll be sure to tell her." She said. "Thanks girls."
The two nodded, said goodbye, and walked away. PSVita walked back into the house, hoping that PS4 didn't see her.

Author's Note: Just interrupting the flow of the story for a little to give a bit of a shoutout. My bro just started publishing his own Wattpad story called KT Adventure. I actually helped him out a little with some of the characters, and I drew the cover for him too. Actually, he helped me out a lot on this story as well. I think you guys would really like his story, so please go read it and help him out! Thanks!

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