Chapter 15: Tiebreaker

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The final event of the Console Wars had arrived. It was the event everyone had been waiting for. The Test of Combat. The contestants were placed on a digitized battlefield, and given swords and shields. The object was simple; the winner was the last one standing. Wii U was at home with the weapons, as his primary weapons in real life were a sword and shield. The digital world was also more advanced than the other two. The battlefield was more realistic. There were large concrete pillars and structures with allowed the contestants to hide. The event had begun already, and Wii U was walking through the battlefield, looking for the others. He guessed they were hiding somewhere, but he couldn't find them. Suddenly, he heard something at his feet. It sounded like clanging metal. He quickly looked down, and saw a shield that had just been thrown at him. He quickly looked up to the place where the shield was thrown, and saw XBox One running towards him. Both hands were wrapped around his sword, and he had no shield. Wii U realized he had thrown his shield at him to distract him. Wii U barely had time to react as XBox One swung his sword down at him. Luckily, he managed to block by swinging his own sword back at him.
"Looks like you're my first opponent." He said.
"Not for long!" XBox One snapped. They clashed blades again and again. Wii U blocked another blow with his shield, catching XBox One off guard, and swung at his leg. This worked, and XBox One fell onto his back. He managed to roll away before Wii U could deliver the final blow. While he had less defence without his shield, there were also some advantages. For one, he had more maneuverability. This allowed him to lunge at Wii U with his sword, but he was able to block with his shield again. While XBox One was distracted, Wii U picked up his discarded shield and tossed it at his face. As it made impact, XBox One's nose cracked and he fell onto his back. He hissed in pain as he snapped his nose back into place.
"You'll pay for that." He growled.
"We'll see about-" Wii U began. He didn't get to finish his sentence, as he suddenly felt a sharp pain pierce through his back. He looked down and saw another sword through his chest. Since he knew there was no danger of dying in the digitized world, so his only reaction was to groan in annoyance.
"Great." He muttered before he suddenly dissolved into blue pixels and disappeared from the digital world. Standing behind him was PS3. He scowled down at XBox One, who quickly got back up to his feet and brushed himself off.
"Thanks. But that doesn't mean I won't kill you too." He said. Before he got a chance to grab his sword, PS3 swung back at him.
"You won't get the chance." He said. XBox One growled and swung back, but PS3 blocked with his shield. XBox One started to regret tossing his shield away. He saw it on the ground and dove to grab for it. Just as his hand brushed the digital metal of the shield, PS3's blade sliced down through his wrist, digitally severing his hand. Before he had the chance to swing again, XBox One blocked with his own sword, using his other hand.
"Thanks. I'm actually better with this hand." XBox One smirked. PS3 took advantage of XBox One's current position and kicked him in the face. While he was incapacitated, he swung down a final time. Just like Wii U, XBox One dissolved into blue pixels. A disembodied voice announced that the event was over. PS3 had won.

News traveled around the school quickly. The final event had resulted in a tie between all three factions. This had never happened before in the history of VGA. Everyone was wondering what was going to happen. It was a day after the Test of Combat, and the entire school was gathered in the stadium where the first event was held. PC had just entered the stadium, followed quickly by Steam. The audience applauded as PC approached the podium. He began his speech.
"Students of VGA, by now you know that the Console Wars have resulted in a tie." He said. "Don't worry, there will be a tiebreaker. Steam and I have developed a new tiebreaker match that we call 'The Arena'."
The audience seemed confused. PC stepped away from the podium, allowing Steam to approach. She typed a few keys into her digital clipboard, and images appeared on the screens around the stadium.
"The Arena will involve all three contestants from all three factions." She explained. "Everyone will be digitized and placed into a large digital world, designed by myself and PC. There, they will fight until there is only one contestant standing."
Reactions were varied throughout the audience. PS4 and XBox One nodded in acceptance of the idea, while 3DS and PSVita didn't like the idea of fighting each other again. Overall, though, the Arena built up excitement in the students. PC stepped up to the podium again.
"The final event will take place in one week." He said. "To the contestants, I suggest you train accordingly. And I wish you all the best of luck."

XBox One removed his glasses and wiped his forehead with a towel. He had been training in the schools gym for the past hour, mainly with a punching bag. It was late at night, and nobody else was there. Or at least, until XBox and XBox 360 walked in. XBox One heard their footsteps as them approach him. He turned slightly and saw them out of the corner of his eye.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"PC said we're allowed to work together during the Arena event." XBox 360 said. "I was thinking we should start planning our strategy."
XBox One turned to face her completely. His face held a slight sneer. "What strategy?" He asked. This confused XBox 360, but she managed to hide it.
"Well we don't have one yet, but..." She began, until she suddenly realized what XBox One meant by this. He didn't want to work together. "You want to work alone on this?"
"Yeah. Why would I want to fight with someone who never won an event?" XBox One spat. XBox 360 clenched her fists. He wasn't just referring to this Console Wars. He was referring to every Console Wars she had ever competed in. She lost every event. She knew it was her own fault, but that didn't stop her from getting angry.
"Well, sorry I'm not a perfect Console like you!" She snapped. With that said, she turned tail and walked away. XBox followed behind her.
"Good riddance." XBox One muttered. He turned back to the punching bag, and continued his training. He was sure he would win, no matter what.

Things weren't much better in the Sony dorms. PSVita and PS3 sat at the table in the kitchen, while PS4 sat on the other side, developing their strategy.
"We still have a week to complete our tactics." He explained. "I've worked out a basic idea for now. PS3 and I will work together." He turned to PSVita. "You, however, are on your own."
PSVita knew this would happen. But somehow, hearing it come out of PS4's mouth ignited something in her. Her hands, which were resting on the table, curled slightly into fists. She was about to do something she had never done before. She was about to stand up to him.
"I don't think that's fair." She muttered. PS4 stopped, turned to her, and scowled. His eyes narrowed behind his glasses.
"What did you just say?" He asked through slightly clenched teeth. PSVita was looking down at the table before, but now she lifted her head up to stare determinately at him.
"I said I don't think that's fair." She repeated, standing up from her chair. PS3 stood up as well, but PS4 nodded at him, signalling for him to sit down. He wanted to handle this himself.
"I'm sick of you pushing me around." PSVita spat. "You've ruined my life more times than I can count. Just because I started dating someone you don't like, you just decide my abilities? You know how strong I am. I'm way stronger than PS3!"
PS3 glared at her, but she still continued.
"You know what? I'm glad we won't be working together." She snapped. "And I'll be glad when I win the Console Wars, and you two are the first to die."
There was a long silence in the room. PS3's wide eyes darted between PS4 and PSVita, who were staring daggers at each other. After some time, PS4 stood up as well. He marched over to PSVita, and reared his hand back to hit her again. She flinched, waiting for the inevitable. But it didn't come. What she didn't know was that, like her, PS4 felt something unfamiliar to him. For the first time in a long time, he felt a twinge of guilt. He lowered his hand, and PSVita opened her eyes.
"I've punished you enough already." He said. "Now leave before I change my mind."
PSVita was confused by PS4's words, but didn't question it. She did as she was told and walked away to her room. She rain into PS2, who was standing in the hallway, smiling at her.
"That was a really brave thing to do." She said. "I'm proud of you."
PSVita smiled back. For the first time since she broke up with 3DS, she felt happy. "Thanks. That means a lot." She said.
"You know, with this new bravery, I have an idea of what you should try." PS2 suggested. PSVita was confused at first, but eventually realized what she was suggesting. Her confidence had grown quite a bit recently. She made up her mind. At night, she would go and see 3DS.

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