Chapter 16: Back Together

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3DS snored lightly. It was midnight. She had spent the last hours since PC's announcement strategizing with the others. They had decided they would work together in the Arena, which Wii U thought would give them an advantage. Now, 3DS was trying to get some sleep. She heard a tapping on the window. It first, she thought it was just the wind blowing a tree against the glass, but after some more tapping, she realized there wasn't a tree near the window. She opened her eyes. After some time, she heard the tapping again. She was facing the window now, and saw that the tapping was being caused by tiny rocks hitting the window. 3DS was fully awake now.
"Who's there?" She thought to herself. She cautiously walked to the window, and peered out. A face suddenly appeared, staring at her through the glass. 3DS recognized the face immediately.
"PSVita?" She asked. She quickly opened the window, and PSVita stuck her head into the room.
"W-what are you doing here?" 3DS asked.
"I had to see you again." PSVita replied. She climbed in through the window. "I don't care what PS4 says anymore. I won't let him stand between us."
3DS smiled, but was still concerned. "Why did you have to come here so late?" She asked, locking to door to her room.
"Everyone else is asleep... and I guess you were too. Sorry." PSVita said.
"No, no, it's fine." 3DS replied. "But... I'm not even dressed." She snickered as she realized what she was wearing. Her hair was down, and she was wearing nothing but an oversized white T-shirt and boxer shorts.
"Oh, that's alright. You look adorable." PSVita giggled.
3DS blushed. Her smile faded when she realized that they would have to fight each other during the Arena. PSVita guessed what he was thinking about, and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Hey, don't worry." She said. "No matter what happens in the Arena, you and I will be fine. I'm not working with PS4, so I won't have to kill you or anything."
"Maybe we could team up?" 3DS asked.
"I think I'd like that." PSVita smiled back. "Well, I'd better leave now. The others might wake up." She hugged 3DS tightly, and the room fell silent. 3DS reciprocated the hug.
"It was really great to see you again, 3DS." PSVita said. "I love you."
PSVita tried to leave, but she felt something on her wrist. Looking back, she saw that 3DS was holding onto it.
"Wait... don't go." She said. "Please don't leave..."
"But I-" PSVita began, but she was cut off when 3DS pressed their lips together. PSVita's mind changed in an instant. She couldn't leave now; she couldn't bring herself to. Plus, she really didn't want to. As the two continued their kiss, 3DS gently pulled PSVita down onto her bed.

The next morning, PSVita woke up in an unfamiliar place. Soon, she remembered what had happened. The other night, she had snuck into 3DS' bedroom. The events following were fuzzy.
"We didn't... did we?" PSVita asked herself. She looked down and realized she wasn't wearing any clothes. This only strengthened her suspicions, which were ultimately confirmed when she saw 3DS in bed next to her. Like PSVita, she was also not wearing clothes.
"Oh my god. We did." She whispered. She heard 3DS stir from sleep. As her eyes opened, PSVita could see the same realization hit as it did for her before.
"Oh... I... last night wasn't a dream?" 3DS asked.
"No, it wasn't." PSVita confirmed. She was about to apologize, but to her surprise, 3DS smiled, though she also seemed concerned.
"Well, I'm glad it wasn't. It was amazing." She said. She yawned and brushed her hair behind her ear. "That was... my first time."
"Mine too." PSVita said. "So... I guess we're back together."
"I guess we are." 3DS agreed.
PSVita exited the bed and quickly pulled on her clothes. As she was buttoning up her jacket, she realized her hat was nowhere to be seen. She looked on the bed, under the bed, on the floor, even under 3DS.
"Hey, what're you doing?" 3DS asked, giggling as PSVita looked underneath her. It tickled slightly.
"I can't find my hat." PSVita explained. "It's... kind of important that I wear it, especially when PS4 sees me again." 3DS understood the situation and sat up. At first, she covered herself with the blanket, until she decided to get up from bed. She grabbed one of her oversized t-shirts from the ground and threw it on.
"I'll help you find it." She said.
While she was thankful for 3DS' help, she was also concerned about something else. She had come in through the window, but it was early morning now. If she left the way she came in, someone would definitely see her. She decided that she would have to leave through the front door. She turned to 3DS, who was currently searching under the piles of unwashed clothes.
"Hat or no hat, I need to leave." PSVita said. "I'll go out through the front door. I doubt anyone else would be awake at this hour."
"But what about PS4?" 3DS asked.
"I'll figure something out." PSVita smiled. 3DS smiled back, and kissed her goodbye before she left. After the door closed behind her, PSVita quickly tiptoed down the stairs. The dorms were dark, and it looked like nobody was awake, as PSVita had predicted. Just as she was about to get to the door, the lights turned on. Her heart practically jumped into her throat. She slowly turned around to face the one who had turned on the lights. It was Wii U. 3DS had told her about him. He was holding her hat.
"Looking for this?" He asked.
"Um... yeah. Thanks." PSVita said sheepishly. She was about to take it from him, until a thought crossed her mind.
"Wait... how did you get this?" She asked.
"I knocked on 3DS door about an hour ago to ask about... the noise." Wii U replied, raising an eyebrow. PSVita blushed and looked away. "She was asleep, but I saw that she had found a 'companion' for the night, so I left, but not before taking your hat."
"Oh... well, thanks anyways." PSVita said. She took the hat from him. "Um... why did you take my hat in the first place?"
Wii U shrugged. "I dunno. I guess I just wanted to meet you." He said. "You're PSVita, right?"
"Yeah... and you're Wii U." PSVita replied. "3DS told me about you."
"Well, pleased to meet you." Wii U said. The two smiled and shook hands. "You'd better get going now. PS4's gonna be pissed."
PSVita raised an eyebrow. "How do you know about PS4?" She asked.
"We're both Faction Leaders. We meet up every month." Wii U replied. "He still doesn't talk to me that much."
PSVita chuckled. "That sounds like him." She said. She took Wii U's advice and left through the door. Before leaving for the Sony dorms, she looked around to make sure nobody noticed her. There were some people around, but nobody saw her leaving the Nintendo dorms. With a sigh of relief, PSVita pulled her hat onto her head, and hurried over to the Sony dorms.

The rest of the week passed. It was finally time. The true final event of the Console Wars was about to begin. The Arena was the most anticipated event in the history of VGA. Not only would it decide the first three-way tie in the Console Wars, but it was also a triumph in technology; this many people had never been digitized all at once before. PC and Steam both assured everyone that it was perfectly safe. If anything went wrong, it was on the both of them, so it made sense that they would want to make sure it was safe. The entire event was going to be broadcast on TV and the internet too. It was anticipated nearly all over the world. Unfortunately, this put a lot of pressure on the contestants. 3DS was currently feeling this pressure as she, Wii, and Wii U appeared in the digital world. This world was much larger and extremely detailed compared to the worlds created for the other events. The part of the world they landed in resembled a forest, with lush trees and bushes all over the place. All three of them knew that the other factions had appeared in the other parts of the world.
"Okay, so what's the plan?" 3DS asked.
"Let's check those out first." Wii U said.
In front of them were three metallic crates, each with holographic signs that displayed their names. Wii U looked at the one meant for him, and reached his hand for the button on the top. As his hand pressed it, it opened up, revealing a laser sword and shield.
"They're weapon crates." He announced. "Looks way better than my normal sword. Almost like military class."
"No way!" Wii said. He ran over to the crate meant for him and clicked the button. Inside was a pair of laser swords, similar to the one Wii U received, but shorter.
"Wonder what's in mine." 3DS said. As she reached a hand to the button, but before she could press it, she heard a rustling through the bushes. The others heard it too. Just as they turned to face the noise, a blue laser flew out of nowhere. It hit Wii U straight on, making him dissolve into pixels and disappear.
"What the-" Wii began. They heard another rustling in the bushes, and the source of the laser appeared. PS3 ran out of the bushes, brandishing some sort of gun. It looked like an assault rifle, though the barrel was made to shoot lasers rather than bullets. Wii turned to 3DS.
"Run!" He shouted, right before PS3 shot him. Like Wii U, he dissolved and disappeared. PS3 laughed.
"Looks like I got the first two casualties." He mocked. "Two down..." he cocked the gun. " to go."
3DS took off running. Before chasing her, PS3 eyed her weapons crate. He kicked the button, and the crate opened. Inside was another gun, though this one more resembled a pistol. He chuckled.
"Pathetic. Just like her." He spat. And then he took off after her.

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