Chapter 17: Final Event

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3DS ran through the forest, dodging PS3's laser blasts. After she'd come so far, she couldn't give up now. She knew she'd have a chance if she could use her life stylus, but she couldn't find it. Weapons and sub-weapons were supposed to be digitized along with the contestants, but 3DS guessed she must have lost the stylus somewhere in the digital forest. He breath was getting heavy, and she was beginning to feel a sharp pain in the side of her ribs. She couldn't keep running much longer. It didn't matter much any more, since she had managed to outrun PS3 by a long shot. She stopped pitched foreword, trying to steady her breathing. She was the last Nintendo contestant left. Losing would mean letting down not only Wii and Wii U, but also DS, DSi, and the entire Nintendo faction. But the odds were against her. For all she knew, both of the other teams had all three contestants alive, and even though one had agreed to help her, that still left it five against two. As her breathing finally became normal, she started crying. It was all she could do. She knelt on the ground, cupping her face in her hands as she began to sob. Suddenly, she opened her eyes, and saw her stylus in front of her face. It was being held by someone. 3DS turned to see who was holding her stylus, and saw PSVita smiling down at her.
"You really should keep better track of your weapons." She said. 3DS didn't respond. Instead, she got up and hugged PSVita tightly. They stood in silence for a good while, 3DS crying softly into PSVita's shoulder.
"It's okay. We'll be fine." PSVita assured. 3DS looked up at her.
"You don't know that." She said. "If I lose, everything I did is for nothing. Everything I accomplished this year..."
"Not everything." PSVita corrected. "You'll still have me."
3DS smiled, until she realized something. Her crying stopped, replaced with a deep blush and wide eyes. The event was being televised. There was a good chance they were being watched right now. They could be viewed by everyone. PSVita seemed to realize this too, and the two quickly let go of each other and backed away. Both their faces were redder than 3DS' hair.
"Anyways," PSVita coughed, trying to sound casual, "I managed to find a hide-out in a nearby tree. We could... hide out there."
"Yes, I assume that's what hide-outs are for." 3DS agreed, nodding. "Let's go."
After the seemingly awkward exchange, PSVita lead 3DS away from the area, and up to a big tree. She then opened her holo-screen, tapped in a few variables, and an opening appeared in the trunk of the tree.
"I'm able to cloak it, but not erase it completely." PSVita said. "We'll be safe as long as nobody stumbles onto it. Plus, we'll be able to see out of it."
"Neat. How'd you do it?" 3DS asked.
"It's all digital. It's not hard to manipulate." PSVita explained. She crawled through the opening, and 3DS followed. The inside wasn't much to look at. It was basically a cave, but with roots hanging from the ceiling. Light streamed in from the opening, allowing them to see everything going on both inside and out of the cave. 3DS was about to say something, but stopped herself when she heard the crunching of twigs beneath feet. PS3 was approaching. He stopped in front of the entrance, but he didn't notice it. PSVita's cloaking trick worked.
"Come out here, 3DS!" PS3 taunted. "You're the last Nintendo left. Just let us kill you and get it over with!"
"Shut up about 3DS." Another voice snapped. PSVita instantly recognized PS4's voice. "We need to find and eliminate PSVita. Her attachment to 3DS puts our chances of winning in jeopardy."
"I know she's useless, but is killing one of our own even allowed?" PS3 asked.
"It's a risk, but I'm willing to take it." PS4 said. "Now come on." With that, the two walked away. 3DS exhaled, finally able to breath without fear of being heard. She turned to PSVita, who she imagined would be hurt after hearing those things being said. As she predicted, she was sitting against a wall, lags folded against her chest, staring blankly into the centre of the room.
"Don't let it get to you." 3DS said. "Take it from me; you're amazing. They're just assholes."
This brought a small glimmer of a smile to PSVita's face.
"Thanks." She muttered. She closed her eyes and shivered slightly, feeling a cold wind blow in from the entrance. "I wish we could start a fire or something." She said. 3DS got an idea.
"Hey, did I ever show you how this thing works?" She asked, holding up the stylus. PSVita looked up and shook her head. Satisfied with the answer, 3DS got to work. She turned a small dial on the stylus, switching the material she wanted to create. She settled on wood. Then, she pressed the activation button, and the stylus began to work. 3DS drew onto the air, and a physical line actually followed her pen strokes. It just stayed there, floating. PSVita was enthralled. Once the object 3DS was drawing was finished, it dropped onto the ground. Then, she drew another one, and turned off the stylus. She picked up the objects, and held them in a celebratory fashion.
"Tah-dah!" She said.
"That's amazing!" PSVita said back. "But... what are they?"
"They're sticks." 3DS explained. "And we're gonna use them to build a fire."
After gathering some dry moss and rubbing the two sticks together for an hour, 3DS and PSVita had managed to start a small fire in the cave. Unfortunately, by the time they finished, it was night. They were leaning against a wall, staring into the fire as the moon shone through the entrance. PSVita's holo screen showed the current contestants alive and dead. Alive were PSVita, 3DS, XBox 360, XBox One, and PS4. Dead were Wii, Wii U, PS3, and XBox.
"Wonder how PS3 died..." 3DS said sleepily.
"I don't care." PSVita replied, just as sleepily. 3DS chuckled.
"Me either." She said. Against the warm glow of the fire, the two girls fell asleep, with 3DS resting on PSVita's shoulder. They felt peaceful, but not safe yet.

"3DS, wake up!" PSVita whispered. With a soft groan, 3DS' eyes fluttered open. She couldn't feel PSVita next to her. When her vision cleared from sleep, she saw PSVita standing up in front of her, but not facing her.
"What's going on?" She asked. PSVita didn't answer. Instead, she rushed foreword. Now 3DS could see what else was in the room. XBox 360. She attacked PSVita, who defended with her holo screen in shield mode. 3DS shot up to her feet, and took out her stylus. Immediately, she set to work drawing a set of metal throwing stars. When she was finished, she tossed the stars at XBox 360. Only one hit its target, her hand. With a scream of agony, she stopped attacking PSVita, and turned her face to 3DS. Her face was contorted with anger, and her hand was bloody.
"You'll be sorry for that, you brat!" She snarled. She ripped out the star and pressed her fingers to the button on the side of her glasses. Like XBox One, she had a pair of Kinekt glasses, though hers weren't as powerful. She thrust her arm out, planning on using her Kinekt powers on 3DS, but nothing happened. As it turned out, the green ring of light that glowed around the button had turned a bright red. In frustration, XBox 360 ripped off her glasses and threw them away. Instead, she decided to use the combat knife that had been provided for her in her weapons crate. Before she could attack 3DS, PSVita went in to defend her. She countered, trying to preform the paralyzing attack she had used on 3DS before, but XBox 360 caught her hand before it was able to make contact. Time seemed to stop for a moment.
"You two think you're so great, don't you?" XBox 360 hissed, her voice full of envy. "My own brother favours you over me. And you're not even on the same team as him!"
With a final shout of rage, she drove her knife into PSVita's stomach. 3DS gasped and covered her mouth in shock, and PSVita began to dissolve like the others. Before she did, she turned to face 3DS with a sad look on her face.
"I'm sorry..." She said before completely dissolving. After a few seconds, 3DS' own sadness turned to rage. She didn't even think as she rushed XBox 360, tackling the much taller girl to the ground and punching her in the face. She still wasn't thinking when she ripped the knife from her hand and jabbed it down into her chest. And she still wasn't thinking as XBox 360, like all the others, turned into a mass of blue pixels and disappeared. Her conscious thought returned to her after all this was done. She breathed in and out heavily, her rage dissipating into calm. Luckily, she regained her calmness right as she felt the barrel of a gun at the back of her head. She ducked right before it fired, and instinctively sweep kicked her attacker's legs. It wasn't until then that she realized her attacker was PS4 himself. While she was surprised about this, she snapped back to reality as PS4 aimed the gun at her again. It was similar to the one PS3 was using, but it was black instead of white. Before he could fire it, 3DS kicked it out of his hand, and rested his foot on his chest so he couldn't get up. He felt no fear, and showed it on his face as he stared up at her.
"You're strong, I'll give you that." He said. 3DS forced her foot further down onto his chest. She was trying to be intimidating.
"So you're the last Sony contestant left." She said. "I'm guessing you saw what I did to the others. What makes you think I won't do the same to you?"
"I didn't come to attack you." PS4 explained. He reached into his pocket slowly, and pulled out a white piece of cloth. 3DS recognized it as an act of mercy.
"You want to form a truce?" She asked. "Really? After all you've done!?"
"Believe me, I hate it too." PS4 muttered. "But... I can't win alone, and neither can you. XBox One will kill both of us alone. What I'm suggesting is a temporary alliance."
3DS squinted her eyes. It was a tough decision. In the end, she decided to agree with his terms.
"Alright. Fine." 3DS nodded. She took her foot off of his chest, letting him get up. "But I have one condition." She continued.
PS4 groaned and rolled his eyes. "Alright, fine. What do you want?"
"I want to know... why are you so mean all the time?" 3DS asked. "PSVita and PS2 told me stories. I just want to know, and then I'll agree to a truce."
PS4 sighed and clenched his fists. It would be easier just to kill her, but then he'd never win the Console Wars. He didn't want to revisit all his bad memories; he blocked them out for a reason. But in the end, he knew there was no other way.
"I don't like to talk about it, but fine." He said. "...My brother, PS1, was the faction leader before me. At the time, PS2 and PS3 weren't enrolled at the school, and PSVita and her brother were too young to enrol. I was forced to suffer his abuse alone. He strived for perfection, and he was much worse than I am." He removed his glasses, and 3DS could see he was trying to hide his emotions. "When I struck PSVita, I feared I was becoming like him." He continued. "I knew his ways had rubbed off on me, but I never imagined myself taking it that far. But I was far too proud to admit my guilt." He replaced his glasses. "And that's why I'm 'so mean'."
"Oh... I'm sorry. I had no idea." 3DS said. She felt genuinely sorry for him.
"It's fine. I understand how hard I've been on PSVita recently." PS4 said. "I'm sure it affected your relationship in more ways than one. And for that, I'm truly sorry."
3DS was grateful for his heartfelt apology. She was sure no one had seen him like this before, not even his own family. Then she remembered; the event was being broadcasted. Just as everyone had seen her and PSVita together, they most likely heard PS4's soul-baring tangent. The thought made her snicker, confusing PS4 greatly.
"What's so funny?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing." 3DS giggled. "It's just that everyone watching probably heard you say all that emotional stuff."
PS4 was confused by her statement at first, but his face turned a bright red once he realized what she meant. He adjusted his tie and glasses to mask his embarrassment. He knew he'd have some things to deal with when he got back to the real world. For now though, they needed to form a plan.

In the real world, it was about mid-day now. Another twig snapped underneath XBox One's foot. He had been walking for a while. He knew he was the last Microsoft contestant alive. There was only one contestant for each faction. He himself had killed PS3, and almost killed PS4. Now he was hunting down the last two contestants besides himself. His Kinekt glasses also allowed him to track heat signatures, even in this digital world. He had found two heat signatures around this area, which he guessed would lead him to PS4 and 3DS, but they were gone by the time he arrived. Or so he thought. He leaned foreword, dodging a laser blast from PS4's gun. After realizing the blast came from a nearby bush, he reached in and pulled PS4 out of the bush. Before PS4 could even react, XBox One flung him through the air, using his Kinekt glasses to get some extra lift. PS4 repositioned himself in the air and shot at XBox One. Again he dodged nearly every blast. The only blast that hit only grazed his arm. It barely even hurt. What did hurt was a throwing star that struck his other arm. And then another, and finally a third. He ripped out the three stars embedded in his arm, which distracted him while 3DS ran out with XBox 360's knife. She slashed at XBox One multiple times, using her 3DS glasses to move even quicker than normal. In retaliation, XBox One used his Kinekt glasses to throw a large rock at her. It hit her in the leg, nearly breaking it. She yelled in pain as XBox One smiled wickedly.
"So you two are working together, huh?" He asked. "What happened to PSVita?"
"XBox 360 killed her." 3DS hissed. This actually surprised XBox One. He had greatly underestimated his sister. If she was able to kill PSVita, she was much more powerful than he thought.
"Really?" XBox One asked.
"Yeah. And the I killed her." 3DS said. Before XBox One could react, she kicked him in the shin and ducked around him to escape. At the same time, PS4 shot at him again. Rather than dodge out of the way, XBox One tried something different. He used his Kinekt glasses to stop the blast in mid air. PS4 was surprised, to say the least.
"Huh. Didn't think that would actually work." XBox One chuckled. He sent the blast backwards towards PS4, giving him very little time to react. The blast hit him in the chest, sending him back and making him drop the gun. By the time he hit the tree behind him, he had already completely dissolved. XBox One ran over and picked up the gun before 3DS had the chance. They were the last ones alive, and only one of them could be the winner. 3DS ran around XBox One, narrowly dodging as he fired at her.
"Why don't you just give up!?" He yelled. Unknown to him, 3DS had a strategy, and pretty soon, it took effect. XBox One pulled the trigger on the gun again, but nothing happened. The gun ran on a charge from an electric battery, and it was apparently depleted. He ejected the battery, but he didn't have another one on him. In frustrated desperation, he chucked the gun out at 3DS. It hit her in the head just as she ran past him. This didn't kill her, but knocked her onto the ground near another tree. She groaned in pain as she saw XBox One approached her. He stood over her and grinned down at her.
"I'll admit, you had a good run." He said. "It was entertaining while it lasted. You almost convinced people that a Nintendo could win the Console Wars. But it's over now. It's time to give up."
3DS growled up at him, and then showed off a determined smirk. "It may be over, but not for me!" She suddenly stood up, catching XBox One off guard, and aimed a jab at the side of his neck. With a pained grunt, he fell to the ground, paralyzed. 3DS had just used PSVita's paralyzing attack. Without wasting any time, 3DS picked up the discarded knife, and ended the battle once and for all. She jabbed the knife down before XBox One could even react. She stood up as she watched the blue pixels that used to be XBox One float up and disappear around her. She had just won the Console Wars.

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