Chapter 18: Ceremony

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Coming back to the real world after being digitized was strange. The transition itself wasn't difficult. What was difficult was what happened afterwords. As soon as 3DS woke up in the real world, she was met by Wii, Wii U, and her sisters in a massive group hug. This was the first time in years that the Nintendo faction had won the Console Wars. 3DS had literally made history. Even though she usually didn't like making a big deal out of herself, she had to celebrate herself now. PSVita was also happy for her, obviously. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw PS4 approaching her. Since she exited the digital world before he did, she heard what he said while he was talking to 3DS. The entire Sony faction did. As he approached her, he didn't seem as stiff or strict as usual.
"Hey..." PSVita responded.
"Hi." PS4 said back. "I suppose you heard what I said during the Console Wars, but I just wanted to apologize in person."
"Oh... okay." PSVita said. "Apology accepted."
"No, don't." PS4 said. "I don't deserve it."
PSVita felt bad for PS4. Beneath his tough exterior, she realized he didn't have the highest self esteem. She did the only thing she could think of. She hugged him.
"Yes, you do." She said. "And I'm going accept your apology, wether you want me too or not."
PS4 said nothing. Eventually, he peeled PSVita off of him.
"You know, I've been thinking about resigning as faction leader." He said. "But I think you have what it takes to take my place. If you'd like, I think you should apply."
"Really?" PSVita asked. She couldn't believe what she just heard.
"I'll even write a letter of recommendation, if you'd like." PS4 continued.
"T-thank you." PSVita replied. She smiled up at PS4, who smiled back. It was the first time she had seen him smile genuinely before. It seemed strange, but PSVita didn't mind. For the first time in a very, very long time, everything seemed to be changing for the better.

This was not the case for the Microsoft faction. XBox 360 slammed the door as she entered the dorm. She was angry, and she wanted the whole world to know. She flopped down onto the couch and crossed her arms. Right now, the only thing she wanted to do was watch TV and stew in her own rage. She almost got her wish until XBox One walked through the door. She glared at him.
"Hey, XBox 360." XBox One said.
"What do you want?" XBox 360 growled.
"I heard something about you... during the Console Wars." XBox One explained. "I heard that you killed PSVita."
"Yeah, so?" XBox 360 replied.
"Not everyone can beat PSVita in a fight." XBox One said. "It's pretty impressive, actually."
"Yeah, but I still got killed by that damn 3DS." XBox 360 snapped.
"So did I." XBox One reasoned. "Look, my point is, I was wrong about you. You are strong. Maybe not as strong as me, but... whatever, I was wrong."
After hearing him say this, XBox 360 wasn't angry any more. She was about to respond, but XBox One had already left. Still, she smiled and looked down.
"Thanks." She said. Then she went back to watching TV.

The very next day, the Console Wars were officially over. Outside on the school grounds, the contestants were lined up on a stage, with medals hanging around their necks of various colours. The Nintendo faction was in the middle, with the Microsoft and Sony factions on each side. The rest of the school's students were all standing in front of the stage, applauding and cheering them. After some time, PC stepped on stage behind a podium.
"Congratulations, to all of our contestants!" He said. The audience applauded louder as he said this. "I can say with absolute certainty that I am proud of each and every one of you." PC continued. "But of course, I have to congratulate 3DS of the Nintendo faction for winning the Arena event. 3DS, I'd like to invite you up here to say a few words."
3DS blushed. She was appreciative of the praise she was receiving, but she stayed where she was. She didn't want to give a speech to the entire school, as she had no idea what to say. But after some encouragement from the rest of the Nintendo faction, as well as PSVita and the audience, she finally gave in, and stepped foreword to the podium where PC was standing. He handed her his microphone, and the audience began to listen intently. 3DS began her speech.
"Um... hi." She said. She nervously cleared her throat as she thought of what to say. Finally, she decided what she should say. She was just going to speak her mind.
"So, my faction won the Console Wars..." the audience clapped and cheered as she said this, but stopped when she continued. "...but what does it matter?" She said. The crowd fell silent. This statement confused the audience, as well as the other contestants. PC also raised an eyebrow, but nodded, signalling 3DS to elaborate. She cleared her throat and finished her speech.
"Why do we constantly judge who's better?" She continued. She gestured to the other contestants behind her. "I've seen every one of these people show their amazing talents and skills these last couple of weeks. And it's these skills that make us all awesome. We may be different, but deep down, we're all the same. It doesn't matter who you are, what faction you belong to, or even who your friends are... even the ones you love." She glanced at PSVita as she said this, making her smile and blush. Then, she turned back to the audience. "I may have lead my team to victory, but that doesn't make me better or worse than any of you. That's... all I wanted to say, really."
After a few seconds, the audience began to clap, and then applaud. Then, they started cheering. 3DS smiled. Showing her pride in her school was a great feeling, but she had one last idea. After handing the mic back to PC, she walked over to PSVita. She didn't quite know what 3DS was doing, but she had a good idea. Right before anyone could ask what 3DS was doing, she grasped PSVita tightly and pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. The audience gasped and the applause stopped. Literally everyone was surprised by her doing this, even those who knew they were dating. PSVita was the most surprised. This was the hardest 3DS had ever kissed her before. It was aggressive, but still gentle enough that it felt good. Eventually, she accepted what was going on and began to kiss back. Both girls began to blush, realizing all eyes were on them right now. They even heard PC drop the mic in surprise. Finally, 3DS pulled away from PSVita. 3DS brushed some hair behind her ear nervously, and PSVita adjusted her hat and stepped back to her group. 3DS did the same and ran back to her own group. While both were staring at the ground, the audience started applauding again, slow at first, but eventually picking up in volume. PC cleared his throat and picked up the mic.
"Well... congratulations, contestants!" He said. There really wasn't much else to say. Eventually, the audience left, and the contestants left soon after. 3DS caught up with PSVita. They both kept walking, holding hands lovingly as they did so. It felt good now that they didn't have to keep their secret any more.
"That was a little unexpected." PSVita remarked. "But I liked it."
"So... what do you want to do next?" 3DS asked.
"I dunno." PSVita replied. "This is all sort of... new to me."
3DS agreed. Whatever was going to happen in the future, they were both excited to see what it had in store. This was the beginning of something entirely new for both of them.

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