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The supple leather jacket settles over my shoulders. I arch my back stretching, looking at my sisters. It's been a while since we've raised some much-deserved hell.

The stage is set, a party room in the city's hottest club. Our special guest star sits spotlit front and center, ankles shackled to a spindly chair, about to have an unforgettable bachelor party.

The sound effects die down. The three of us drop silently down from our perch above the stage, surrounding him. We weave around him, pouncing, clawing, hissing. Tiger, that's me, slices his shirt open with a sharp claw. Cheetah and Leopard drag the sleeves down to restrain his arms.

"You've been a very bad boy, haven't you?" I purr. Bachelor boy nods while his friends in the audience holler. "Let's see just how bad you can be..." I straddle him and use one hand to click the remote for his special retrospective video. "Ooooh you ARE a bad boy. Look at you in the boss's office, taking some files to work from home." Click, next slide. "Oh and here you are having a nice lunch with some very proper gentlemen. Wait, those are your competitors. They seem very happy to see you though, and those files too.

Drunk as he is, bachelor boy has figured out that his special day has gone slightly awry. He struggles to escape but Cheetah plants a stiletto heel in his gut and pushes just a bit. "Ah, ah, ah" she cautions. "We aren't finished yet. When those files were discovered missing, who took the fall? Your assistant Chelsea. You fired her publicly, blacklisted her and then offered to make her your mistress." Copies of lewd texts filled the screen.

The image changes and Leopard shimmies behind our prey. She shoves his tie between his teeth and uses the excess to turn his head toward the screen. "Don't blink now, naughty boy. There's more." Photos of a gorgeous tropical estate flicker overhead along with paperwork for bank accounts in Switzerland and the Caymans. "Tell me, did these assets get split in your divorce three years ago? No? Your ex-wife Lea received 50% of your student loan debt but somehow you managed to keep all of this."

Bachelor boy is panting with fear now. I return to center stage, curling up on his lap. "Easy now dirty boy. All is not lost. You still have the love of your fiancee Tylah. Oh and also these ladies apparently." Explicit photos scroll by, with the ladies faces censored.

A tortured groan escapes from our broken boy as the lights cut on. His guests file out silently except for a couple of plainclothes detectives. We toss our masks at his feet and each kiss his cheek one last time. "Bye-bye bad boy. Have fun in jail while your ex-wife enjoys a vacation in your ex-house with your ex-secretary and ex-fiancee."
Hell hath no fury like a woman...purrrrr.

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