Truth or Dare

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"Truth." I said.

It was odd playing this game for the first time. Odd playing it completely sober. Odd playing with just one other person. Odd playing truth when that was so much more dangerous than dare. Odd playing when it didn't feel like a game at all.

"Truth then." Barrett nodded once firmly.

His gaze hooked mine and reeled me in, slowly, inevitably. He pulled me from the comfortable depths and held me up to the light, desperate and gasping for air. No matter how I twisted and writhed, his stare did not falter, would not release until he was satisfied with his catch.

"Do I want you, Sylvia Louise Wayne?" I blinked, my mind stuttered. That was not supposed to be the first question. He filled the air between us with his strong clear voice.

"Did I fall for you the first time I saw you, at Arnie's birthday?" I swallowed hard, biting my lip. This was not fair. He was supposed to ask about my feelings. Maybe get me to admit a couple of embarrassing sexual secrets first. He leaned forward, claiming more of my space.

"Did I become his best friend just so I could see you?" My stomach clenched. I was not ready for this, to own up to all of our history, our bond. He reached out and linked our fingers together.

"Did I set you up to be my first kiss the night of the winter formal?" My cheeks flamed. I was stripped of my confidence, my surety that I was the mastermind in control of our encounters. He pulled me onto his lap wrapping my legs around his waist.

"Did you know all of this, already, before I even said a word tonight?" Uncontrollable shivers raced through my body. I stared into a mirror at my assumptions and self-deceptions and I was powerless to look away. He pressed his forehead against mine, pushing his words against my trembling lips.

"And are you finally going to stop holding me off, pushing me away and driving me god-damn crazy with waiting, and let me love you?" Tears streamed down my cheeks, flooding my scared, shriveled heart, bursting through the walls in my mind until there was only one word.

"Yes." My voice wobbled and cracked. His eyes still held mine captive, but now with pride, with hope, and with all the love that I had been dodging and denying. I straightened my spine and cleared my throat but left alone the tears pooling in my eyes, streaking down my face. "Truth or Dare?" I whispered. He gripped the braid at the base of my neck, tilting my face to his.

"Dare." Steady, certain, unbreakable and immovable. Well hopefully not immovable. He'd better damn well move. Like right now. After putting me through all that, like right the hell now.

"Show me."

(A/N This will eventually be included in a full-length work, tentatively titled His Best Friend's Sister)

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