7 Reasons Why...Purple Ducks Are Taking Over the World

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"Why do you shove the arcade players into games?" I asked Pierre. He smiled at me, if ducks can smile.

"Oh Lee, don't you understand?" Pierre asked me, ruffling his purple feathers. "The games are just holding cells until I can add them into my purple duck army!" He waved his wings in the air.

"Why do you need an army?"

"So that I can take over the world! Lee, you of all people understand being judged. If you join me, we will be unstoppable! When the world is under my control, everyone will be equal-"

"You mean they all will be purple ducks," I said, cutting him off.

"Yes, but they will al be equal!" the crazed duck exclaimed. "There are seven reasons why I want the world to be mine, and since you aren't going anywhere, let me tell you them."

I grumbled, but that didn't stop Pierre from talking. "The world is where it is now because of technology. When I am in power, all technology will be destroyed. No more games, apps, social media. All gone. Another reason the world is in this state is because of inequality. So when I rule, everyone shall be equal.

"Yet another reason I feel that the world needs a universal ruler is because of war. War will be vanquished when I am the world's leader. And we can't forget education. The world Hingis that children are learning these days! I just can't believe how bad the schools have become.

I had to stop this, this...duck! "And why am I so important?" The crazy duck turned to look at me.

"Lee, don't you understand?" he asked with such passion, I didn't know what to say. "Lee, I can make the world a better place. Don't you want that? The government has been failing in many countries. People have been ruining the natural environment for years."

"Um," I was at a loss for words. "But how will a duck ruling the world make it better?"

Pierre face palmed, if that's what you could call it. "Humans have ruined this world. But I can see you. You're different from everyone else. You are the one who figured out what happened. I need you."

"So let me get this straight. You want to take over the world, and your reasons are: technology is bad, inequality is bad, war is bad, education is bad, the governments are bad, the environment is bad, and what else? You said there were seven reasons, but that's only six." I was stalling for time. If this didn't work, I had no idea what would.

Pierre was pacing the room. "You have listed the reasons I have given you. Now let me tell you my last one."

I gulped. I was drenched to the bone with sweat. What could this insane duck's last reason be?

"My final reason is humanity," the purple duck said. "If there weren't any humans, then there wouldn't be any war, technology, government, education, or inequality. The environment would be thriving. When I rule the world, humans will be extinct, unless," he looked right at me, into my eyes. "You agree to join me."

I just stood there with my jaw gaping, looking utterly stupid. "Wh-what?!"

Pierre crossed his wings. "You have one hour to decide. Choose wisely." With that, he left me to choose my fate.

That's my entry for the 7 Reasons Why contest by Contests . In all, there are 581 words.

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