Eight days 'til Christmas: cold

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Roselia's POV

:day one:

The center doors opened once again, letting in more cold air.

In walked May, who had surprisingly updated her bandanna to a warm winter hat. For the time being anyway.

'Dreeeeeew! Future Mrs. Hayden is here!'

He glared at me. I giggled. If May could understand every word I said, Drew would have died of embarrassment two years ago. I teased him about his Wailord-sized crush on her A LOT.

I rolled my eyes. 'Go over there and talk to her, idiot.'

"Just give me a moment..."

A moment that he didn't have as May spotted him and jogged over.

"Hey Drew! I'm guessing you're entering the contest?"

"Noooo... I'm just *cough* here for no reason."

"You didn't have to be so sarcastic..."

"Let me guess: you haven't *cough cough* registered yet."

"For your information, I actually did register. And... Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm fine."

I sighed. Drew had woken up with that cough this morning. I had made sure that he wasn't sick, but other than that, he genuinely felt just fine.

"How many ribbons do you have so far? I have two already!"

"Figures. Still behind me." Drew pulled out his ribbon case and showed her his three.

They continued a conversation about co-ordnating (just about the only thing Drew knew how to talk to her about without teasing her) more or less uninterrupted. Meaning no visits from Harley.


:day two:

Drew and I walked out of our room at the same time May walked out of hers. Turns out our rooms are across from each other.

"Hey Drew! Want to go to breakfast together?"

He smirked and flicked his hair, probably trying to hide the fact that he wanted to put on a huge, dorky grin at the idea of his crush asking if he wanted to have breakfast with her.

"What girl in her *cough cough* right mind wouldn't want to go to breakfast with me? *cough*"

Concern was written all over her face. She slid her hand under his bangs, trying to judge if he he should be in bed or not.

He forced her hand away.

"I don't have a fever. Roserade wouldn't have let me get up if I did. She's worse than an *cough cough cough* over protective mother."

'And rightfully so.' I countered.

"Would you two stop worrying over me?"

We headed down to breakfast, but I could tell that May was a little uneasy about Drew's health.


"I'm going to head outside for a little bit of *cough* training."

"Drew? ...Keep warm for your own sake."

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not the one who's *cough* always *cough cough* unprepared."



:day three:

"Good morning Drew! How you feeling?"

"I'm *cough cough* fine. *cough cough cough*"

"Are you sure? I your cough is getting worse..."

"I feel *cough cough* just fine. *cough cough*"

Once again we went to breakfast together, though it was obvious that May was worried about Drew's constant coughing.

"Come on *cough* Roserade. Let's *cough cough* g-"


Both of out heads swiveled to look at May, who had stood up, her face showing stern determination.

"Drew, stay inside. The contest is tomorrow, and you're going to get sick if you keep taking in the cold. Just stay inside until you get better. Please."

If it was Harley saying this, I might have mistaken it for him trying to convince Drew not to train. However, this was May and I knew that she was just trying to look out form Drew when he was too stubern to do so himself.

'I second that. Drew, you're a very responsible person, but you need to know when to stop so you don't end up harming yourself!'

"You too, *cough* Roserade?"


But typical Drew never listens to anyone's advice, so we're back outside training.

"*cough* Roseade! use *cough* petal dance with- *coughcoughcoughcoughcoughcough...*"

I ran over to my trainer as he broke down into a coughing fit.

'Drew, we are going inside. Now.'

I dragged him back in before he could protest.


:day four:

"'Morning Roserade."

His voice was raspy, he looked really tired, and his face was flushed.

"Roserade! *cough* what are you-"

Yup. Just as I suspected. He has a fever.

'You're sick.'

"No, I'm fi- *coughcoughcoughcough*"

I released Absol.

'Absol, Please make sure he stays in bed.'

'Yes ma'am, captain Ro!!!!'

I ran out in to the hallway.

'May! May! Please help. Drew's sick...'

She nodded. "I'll go get Nurse Joy." She told me before dashing off downstairs.


Nurse Joy checked the thermometer. "You are not going to be competing in the contest this afternoon."

I sighed. I knew I should have forced him to stay inside yesterday. Now he's down with a bad cold and 103 degree fever.

"Are you hungry?"

He shook his head. Sure, he isn't a big eater, (he eats, like, nothing) but for him to completely lose his appetite? He's either really sick, really sad, or really nervous.

"I'll bring you something for lunch then. Roserade, come find me if you need me, or if his fever goes up." She left the room

"I'll stay and keep you company." May added. He gave a small smile. "Thanks..."

May fake gasped. "Drew? Thanking me? Yup. You're sick.


It was around eight P.M., and Drew had fallen asleep half an hour ago.

"I guess I had better be getting ready for bed..." May said to herself. She hesitated for just a second before brushing aside Drew's bangs and giving him a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Feel better soon..."

Although he would have no memory of the whole thing, Drew subconsciously smiled.


I don't know where or why the heck I got inspiration for this, but...

Well, yeah.

By the way, I drew a picture of Drew in his winter clothes from the first chapter. It's now in the media section of the first chapter.

Eight days 'til Christmas!

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