Seven days 'til Christmas: snowman

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It was winter, and freezing specs of pure cold were dropping from the sky. And May was not in her most pleasant mood.

Sure it was winter, but still all the weather had to offer was cold wet rain. No snow.

As if no snow wasn't dampening her mood far enough, she was on the last available room in the Pokemon center.

And just her luck, it was a two bedroom meaning she'd have to share the room.

It wasn't that she had ended up in the room with a total stranger. That she wouldn't mind so much. New friends!

No. She had to end up sharing a room with Drew.

None the less, she was not happy about it. You try sharing a room with your overly criticizing rival for a week and a half. Yes, a week and a half. That was how long until the contest.

And thanks to the stupid rain, she wouldn't even be able to get some last minute training in. If Drew beat her, he'd be rubbing it in all night!

"Annoyed at the weather June?" ...Not to mention his annoying nicknames.

She glared at him. "Ya think? If it weren't raining, then I could just go camp somewhere instead of sharing a room with you."

Drew felt fairly hurt that his long time crush was this upset about sharing a room with him. It's not like there was only one bed or anything, they each had their own.

They had always been rivals, but... He thought that they had been becoming friends.

Was it really that bad staying with him? He felt a small tug of doubt in his stomach. Drew wasn't always as confident as he lived himself up to be.

He had learned through experience that if you show fear or weakness, there will be people who will use that as a foothold to push you down. Over time he trained himself not to show as little weakness as possible.

"Would you prefer to room with Harley?" Her eyes grew wide and she quickly shook her head. "Well I don't either so neither of us can trade with Solidad."

He felt relived that she at least preferred him over Harley. It was a start...

*knock knock knock*

Harley and Solidad entered without asking. Solidad was always welcome, Harley... Not so much.

"My little cookies! What are you doing? Aww... How sweet. You two love birds are sharing a room! Tell me has anything happened yet?"

"Nothing has or ever will happen, Harley."


May raced into the bathroom, emerging a few seconds later with several rolls of toilet paper.

"Let's make a snowman!"

"Uh... March? There's no snow."

"Have an imagination Grasshead. DO YOU WANT TO BUILD A SN-"

"Don't start with that song! I've heard it enough."

"Alright then Drew. Thank you for volunteering to be the snowman."

"Wha-" he was cut off by May, Harley, and Solidad wrapping him in toilet paper. Their 'snowman'.

You know, May thought, sharing a room with Drew may not be so bad after all.


This may or may not have been me and my friends two nights ago...

Guess who ended up as the snowman. Me!

Anyway... Seven days until Christmas!

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