Six days 'til Christmas: Christmas songs

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No one is to say that Drew didn't like music. In fact, he loved it.

Each song having one's emotions poured into them, and each song helping relieve emotions.

Everyone who knew him knew that he bottled his emotions. He never let anyone in on what he was feeling. What they didn't know is he let his feelings out through music.

Whenever some kids back at Larousse would make fun of him for his hair, his 'girly' Roselia, his dream of being a top co-ornater... The list went on and on. Anyway, whenever he was bullied, he would just listen to Taylor Swift's song 'mean' until he felt strong enough to hide the pain.

In other words, music was the only way he'd let go of some of his emotions.

...I'm getting way off topic.

Back to where I started. Drew liked most music. He disliked songs, not artists or genres. But there was one style that he hated.

Christmas songs.

What?! How could he hate Christmas?! The answer: he didn't hate Christmas, just Christmas songs.

Starting a little before Thanksgiving, (way too early in his opinion) every radio station would play the same small selection of Christmas songs over and over, year after year. For crying out loud he would rather listen to the advertisements!

He was only twelve and he was already sick of it.

His traveling partner, however, loved anything that had to do with Christmas. And that included those cursed Christmas songs that never failed to drive him nuts.

As of now, he and said traveling partner had just checked in to a room at the Pokemon center, and said traveling partner was belting out Christmas carols at the top of her lungs as Drew lay on the bottom bunk trying to block out the sound.

Hearing May sing, he did not mind. Hearing May sing Christmas songs? He was scrolling through his mental list of 101 ways to shut your traveling partner up.

She changed songs.

🎶 "LET IT GO, LET IT G-" 🎶



Drew shrugged. "Sorry. I've heard that song way too much. Along with every other winter song."


"June? Hello... Anyone home? Did you strain your voice?"


Drew sighed. How much longer was he going to have to put up with this?


Although I don't hate Christmas songs, they just... Greatly annoy me sometimes...

Ahem... Less than a week until Christmas! And one more day of school!

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