Three days 'til Christmas: preasents

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I watched, sweatdropping, as my best friend ran around the house in a freak out.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I sighed. She was going nuts.

May, like any child was super hyped for Christmas.

She loved seeing family, she loved the yummy food, she loved the decorations, she loved every thing.

So what was driving her nuts?

One word: presents. They had been placed under the tree earlier that day, and it was driving May crazy not to know what was in them.

Everyone else had run to the store for something, so I had been put in charge of making sure that May didn't open her presents early. Apparently this was a yearly occurrence.

In all honesty, the whole thing was hilarious.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!!!!!!!!!!"

Next thing I know, my arms are pinned to my sides with garland, tied to a chair, with Santa duck tape over my mouth.

"Dang it... They didn't put my presents under the tree yet. Guess I'll just have to look for them."

I happened to know that the presents were hidden in various places around my room.

Uh oh. Some of them are under my pillow, along with my journal. (It is not a diary! It's a journal...)


He he... Drew keeps a diary. (Drew: it's a journal! It's not a diary!) Yeah, right. You're just scared that she'll read it and find out that you like her.

I have a new one shot called 'not gonna work' if any one wants to read that.

See ya!

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