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Where Geno briefly meets with someone long gone and reunites properly with his friend, followed by the events of the first week with the priest's condition.

No one's POV:


The small skeleton opened his eyesocket and was faced with darkness. He turned around to find out who had called his name. The very next moment he summoned bones. Towards him was running a tall white figure, like a big blob that couldn't keep a stable shape.

It seemed to be limping badly but that wasn't slowing it down. The bones Geno summoned, flew towards the figure. They didn't do anything however. They passed through it.

"Oooh F***CK!" Geno yelled in his mind and started sprinting away from the figure.

"WAIT! DON'T RUN AWAY!" The figure yelled in a distorted voice.

"Nuh uh!" Geno did still terrified and looked behind him. Luckily the figure wasn't as fast as he gave it credits, as he had gotten a good distance from it. He didn't stop running however.

"GENO! YOU MUST KNOW! YOU MUST LEARN! I KNOW WHERE YOU'RE GOING! GIBRALTAR, AM I RIGHT?!" The figure yelled again. Geno stopped dead on his tracks and looked behind him. The figure had stopped too. "I don't want to harm you. If I stop running after you, will you stay and listen to me? Please, I don't have much time." The figure was talking frantically, while seeming unable to stay motionless. As if something was causing anxiety. Geno turned to face the other completely.

"Speak. Quickly." He allowed the figure. But suddenly the other seemed to place 2 distorted hands on where the chest assumnigly was, while making struggling sounds.


"Again?!" Geno complained, recognising that he had been there a little too many times. "Why?!"


"Sing what?!" Geno asked confused and concerned. The figure raised head and the small skeleton could have sworn that for a fleeing moment beneath the white goop that was surrounding the figure, he saw the face of someone he used to know. He felt agitated. "WITH WHAT NAME AM I GONNA FIND YOU IN THE MONSTER AFTERLIFE?!" He yelled while mindlessly running towards him. The figure spasmed aggressively and the floor seemed to suck it.

"Remember me" It prevented to say only before it dissapeared completely. Geno stomped his foot on the floor.

"DAMNIT!" He turned around while still throwing tantrums for what had happened. Something important was about to be told, under these strange circumstances. The newcomer seemed and sounded really desperate to help the smol, but why?

The skeleton stomped his foot again on the floor. But then he felt as if his foot got stuck in deep mud. Soon his other leg too and he started slowly sinking. However he didn't panic. In a similar way, that was a sign that he was slowly waking up. So he allowed himself to drown and go numb.


Geno groaned quietly as he woke up. Darkness still surrounded him. He sat up on the bed and rubbed his eyesocket yawning. And then he flinched as he sharply turned to look to his left.

Alter was gone.

He had slept next to him casually once night came. Now he wasn't laying next to Geno, who almost panicked that the priest had dusted or something. Silly worry, as there was no monster dust scattered around and on the bed. Just a little piece of paper. The smol held it in his hands.


Like the wind Geno exited the medbay and ran towards the hermitage. He stopped outside the closed door and listened quietly. He could hear the familiar beat of the prayer rope's beads as they clacked against each other and against Alter's bony fingers. He exhaled quietly and knocked on the door.

The beats stopped. Almost dead silence prevailed, with only the creaks of the ship interrupting it. Geno got no response from his friend. Hesitantly he opened the door and entered the hermitage. But before he could even bring himself whole inside, he had stopped dead on his tracks.

There was a hand mirror on the floor, the side of the glass facing down. But most likely there was no glass. Scattered pieces were over the wooden floor on a big part of it. On the edge of the bed was sitting Alter, who was frozen like a statue.

He was clenching the prayer rope in his hands so tightly, it seemed ready to snap at any second and the beads to get scattered. He was looking down soullessly. Geno approached him and stopped in front of him. No skeleton exchanged a single word for seconds that felt like ages.

Eventually the smaller exhaled quietly and placed a hand over Alter's, who slightly flinched but didn't raise head immediately. However Geno saw something falling from the other's face, small droplets of tears from his eyesockets on the floor. He felt Alter shaking and finally he slowly raised head to look at Geno.

The painful to even look at burned slash on his left eyesocket caused small shivers in Geno, the reminder of the important sacrifice Alter did for him. He raised both hands in the air and even without saying anything he got the taller to lean forward so the siren could reach his face.

He placed his palms on Alter's cheeks allowing his tears ran down his hands too and wet them. By the second the taller was sobbing and a little bit louder. In the small fragment Geno was calling soul, he felt strange. A feeling as if that fragment was ready to be torn apart in even more pieces.

Seeing Alter in such a deep and low point, broken and emotionally unstable, unable to show his calm and chill composure Geno had grown familiar to. He wasn't the one who needed the most help at the moment. It was Alter's turn to be looked after.

"If you… If you don't find the strength to forgive yourself… then I'll help you find it. Starting first by sayin' again that I forgive you. And for what you can't take back or fix and for whatever ya did in order to help me escape and keep me alive. Whether that be… eliminating the soldiers, whether that be all those words ya said before we temporarily part ways back then-."

He had barely finished his sentence as then Alter's arms had wrapped around him, putting him sit on his lap and closing him in a big embrace Geno so longed to feel from the taller, but while conscious. He quickly responded by hugging back and burying his face on Alter's chest that was jolting from the sobs that were now coming out louder.

"I'm sør- ry… Før əvərγ… əvərγ- thıng…" He heard him saying between the sobs and Geno tightened the hug, feeling the other's soul beating rapidly.

"One step at a time Al. I meant every word I said yesterday and imma keep my word in the best of my power… if that means helpin' getting you back on your feet. Gettin' back… well, you." Geno raised head to look at Alter's face. His arms unwrapped from the other's waist and wrapped around his shoulders. He proceeded to press his forehead against Alter's and the 2 friends stayed like that with closed eyesockets, enjoying each other's presence in silence.


As it had been shown yesterday, Alter really had lost the ability to use healing magic. But not entirely in a physical way as Ramirez claimed after checking him again. The priest wasn't just still in the body hurt, he was inbalanced and emotionally unstable from the trauma caused to him when killing the soldiers.

If he was able to move on and accept what had happen completely, he would unblock his soul's capabilities. And to forgive. For now he had to properly rest so his body was healing, the easier one process of healing and use as little magic as possible.

That was slightly good news. But the full recovery both in body and soul depended from Alter himself. He wasn't still safe from his injuries although awake and seemingly well. If he used magic abruptly while on recovery, it was easy to get a soul attack, or damage his soul further.

From the first day the priest woke up, he came up to the deck. An awkward return if you ask. Unlike what the pirates saw yesterday when the priest was beating the crap out of Ramirez, now they were seeing him slowly walking with the support of a long stick, lowered head and an empty expression.

But even if they were seeing him so vulnerable, they weren't challenging him. In fact most of then were sweethearts like they've never been before to him. Out of fear? At least when he was around, because when he was far away enough, they were talking behind his back.

"Shame on you men! Gossiping about one of us recovering isn't very manly of you! He's one of the best but now that he's trying to heal you talk as if he's the weakest! What are you, perhaps of the higher classes who never shut themselves from talking about anyone lowly?! Is that how you want to be called like?! Be anything but them. That goes for any of us in here who likes to gossip about our priest." Markus had scolded a bunch of pirates and had happen to hear then commenting about Alter, loud enough for many others to hear his words too.

Him and a few others like Michael, Aldo and the hyena trio were from the ones behaving the best, the most genuine on being sweethearts. The first time the hyenas approached Alter with some hesitation and sniffed him, they proceeded next to rub themselves against him whimpering. That almost broke the priest, as he understood they were sensing what was off with him.

They were following him around most of the time, trying to give their way emotional support. When the priest would sit down, whether to simply rest, whether to watch Geno training, they were sitting near his feet, with Mufeed resting his head on the skeleton's lap.

Alter had gained a few far more serious problems with which he was struggling and not showing, with only very few, including Geno, knowing. He was becoming paranoid if he stared inside mirrors for long, followed by a frantic monologue about 'Seeing it all again'. Seeing his destroyed eyesocket, he was reminded of what he had done that day as he claimed.

He wasn't doing it purposely to look inside one, if he was passing by a surface that was reflecting his face and he was seeing himself. But once looking, he was sometimes unable to look away. Like that he had broken 3 mirrors in less than a week, including the hand mirror Geno had seen on the first day of Alter's proper return.

"Perhaps if you hadn't taken upon yourself my scar, you wouldn't be reminded as often of that day. And if I had been able defend myself." Geno had said as they were both laying down to sleep, feeling guilty. Soon he was interrupted by Alter wrapping his arms around the (zmol baby bean) siren, turning him to be on top of him and look at him dead serious.

"I don't regret restoring your eyesight and saving ya. I regret not being in position choosing to do something less violent and not handling myself. But I can't fix that." He had replied.

Night terrors were another thing. When Alter actually wanted to sleep, he was awoken by the memories of him killing the soldiers. Luckily he was quickly calming down, as Geno would wake up too and proceed to hug him. In minutes he was calm again.

But none of the 2 skeleton friends were going back to sleep. They would tell each other more stories from their childhood. Especially Geno, who had realised he hadn't say much about his old days with his brothers to Alter. The time would pass like that until the priest was more relaxed and ready to try falling asleep again.

Ramirez had withdrawn from training Geno with Captain's command despite the dog's protests and that he was fine from all the beating Alter had given him. Surprisingly he had recovered quite fast. Still, most he could do was observe Geno on his training alongside Alter.

In these few weeks of training, Geno could feel he had improved. His body was a little bit more durable and he was handling most of the weapons decently. But he was still not allowed to the Unfairdictable circle and fight the pirates. However Ramirez had changed the routine a little and the siren's training was lasting less.

The smol might was not allowed to fight, but he could observe the other pirates fighting. He had understood why. He needed to start learning his opponents too, how they fought and with what they preferred to fight, what weaknesses they had on which weapons and less skill. Still,

"When will I be allowed to kick the other pirates' butts?!" He had asked Ramirez impatiently on the 6th day of the 3rd week he was on training.

"When I say so." He had bluntly told him. "I might not be training you anymore but I still have the final word on what you're allowed and what you're not to do."


At times Geno was bored watching the pirates fighting. However things had gotten much more interesting when on the last day of the 3rd week Ramirez suddenly cut the training even shorter as Geno trained with Yalin and called him to watch the fight that would play in the Unfairdictable circle.

That day Alter had watched Geno training only for the first 10 minutes before getting up and disappearing. The siren had think his friend had retreated to the medbay, but when Ramirez had cut the training, he would find out it wasn't quite like that.

Once in the area the game was played, with Adrian's help the siren was able to have a good look inside the ring. He saw Alter just standing in it with lowered head and a thoughtful expression. He listened as Markus was ready to pull a name from the bucket and soon watching next as the human held another small piece of paper in his hands.

"Mr David, you're up!" He announced and the pirates welcomed David inside the ring with screams and applause. The tiger walked in all proud and mighty and turned to face Alter smiling.

"Sudden how you just decided to put your name in the bucket, but just because you join not so long after you waking up, know that things won't go easy on you! Most you can do to make your situation easier is choose the fighting style since your name was picked first. I'm waiting." He said and crossed his arms grinning even wider.

"Alter is gonna fight for real?!" Geno shout-whispered.

"As it seems little guy." Adrian said.

"How did it occur to him all of a sudden?!"

"I don't know. He just walked up to us the moment Markus was throwing in the bucket the names of all pirates who would participate in the new game. He asked for his name to be put in it and he sounded certain." Geno stared at his friend concerned. But after he thought of it he exhaled quietly.

"I trust him. As a matter of fact, I don't think he's gonna be the one who will need help in this fight." He said. Despite how Alter seemed in front of everyone, from the 3rd day of his awakening and after, when he would stay for the most part alone on the deck, Geno would see him holding different weapons and training with them.

Ramirez was helping him, they were even sparring, in an intensive but not so harmful way. The siren wasn't asking why, he could see it. Even with the mindset Alter had, he was slowly attempting to get back on his feet and in fighting shape.

"I choose a fight hand to hand style for us. Bring it in, tigre." Alter said and the pirates cheered his choice.

"Easy! You better have starved your fists for us all to see some aggressive hits!" Dave said and put his fists in the air.

"Fight!" Markus yelled and most pirates started cheering for Dave. Geno quickly turned to look again at Alter ready to yell something encouraging for him as he saw him just standing without making any battle stance. But he stopped and thought of it for a moment. After a little bit of thinking he inhaled.

"Fight your best Al!" He yelled. The priest broke from his thoughts and raised head sharply to look at Geno's direction slightly surprised. But then he smiled.

"Thanks, son." He said and placed one hand on his chest as gratitude for the encouraging words while with closed eyesockets.

Seconds later he suddenly bended and avoided a sharp hook Dave threw at him. He stepped back and opened again eyesockets facing Dave normally. He crossed himself 3 times and then placed hands behind his back while smiling.

"Stop acting all smartass and fight normally!" Dave roared annoyed as he attacked again Alter, who was avoiding all of his hits gracefully, almost dancing. He wasn't attacking Dave, just dodging.

"What is he waiting to do?!" Geno asked out loud confused as to why Alter wasn't striking back.

"I know him well enough to tell what he's up to. And despite he has done it so many times before, most of us always fall for his tricks." Adrian said. "First he will anger Dave enough for him to loose his focus and make reckless moves."

"We have a very nice weather today Dave, don't we?" Alter asked out loud as he kept dodging Dave, who had started foaming from anger.

"Then he will wait until Dave looses a lot of energy and becomes slower on his moves." Adrian kept talking as Geno stared.

Indeed Dave had started sweating and breathing faster, doing less moves. While Alter hadn't break a sweat. In fact he was now humming the melody from the dance of recognition on Skate and Fuku's marriage when it happened. A minute later he yawned.

"Are you perhaps tired Dave? Wanna lay down and sleep?" He asked.

"THE ONE WHO'S GOING TO BE SLEEPING SOON IS YOU! ONCE I GRAB YOU!" Dave roared loudly as he attempted another direct punch. There Alter suddenly got serious.

He tilted his head to the left avoiding the punch, spun around and behind Dave sharply and with his elbow hit the tiger hard in the middle of his spine. Dave stood motionless like a statue, his eyes widened up and mouth opened as if ready to scream from pain. But no sound came out. Slowly he fell forward on the floor paralysed. Alter stared at him coldly.

"Você estava dizendo?" He asked and placed hands behind his back as he kept staring at the tiger. All pirates who were cheering for Dave had gone dead quiet. Nothing else happened for a few seconds. Until Markus stepped into the circle.

"10 seconds passed and Mister David hasn't been able to stand up. Mister Alter wins this duel!" He announced.

Slowly, one by one the pirates started clapping, they seemed rather awkward in doing that. Aldo walked in the circle and after tugging the tall skeleton from his sleeve, he stretched his arm towards him. Alter responded the same way and they shook hands smiling gently at each other.

"… Wow." Geno finally did, after being shocked from how quickly Alter had finished off Dave. "He could do that all this time and instead he toyed with him!"

"He toys with any of us who are quick in anger. Don't allow anger to get the best of you and he will put up more of a serious fight. Generally do not allow the anger control you, or else you've already lost the fight." Adrian adviced, an advice which would prove useful for Geno not just soon but quite many other times in his life. The smol hopped off the minotaur's shoulder and walked towards Alter, immediately getting his attention.

"That was amazing Alter! Congratulations!" He said with a bright face full of excitement. Alter chuckled cheerfully.

"Thanks. After all…" There he slowly kneeled to be more on Geno's level and stopped smiling. He placed a hand on Geno's shoulder. "… Even as I am still burdened by my guilt, I told myself that I must get back on my feet for your sake. You don't just need me prepared to fight, you want me on my best of mood and composure for the rest of the journey, by your side." Geno pressed his teeth together looking away for a moment before facing again Alter and nodding firmly.

"After all, I told myself too that I would tolerate all training thrown at me the past weeks just for your sake. Just so I can defend myself more efficiently and maybe one day protect you too." He said.

"Aaaw." Aldo did, not sarcastically at all. However Geno could feel literally Ramirez rolling his eye behind his back. He rolled his eyesocket.

For the rest of the game, Geno would double his attention everytime Markus would pick Alter's name from the bucket.

He had fought 4 more monsters in hand to hand combat, including Bai, 1 at knife duel, 3 in stick fighting, which he was picked all 3 times first to determine how the duel would be fought and 4 in balance, where him and his opponent would climb on the masts and fight to stay up, while trying to make the other fall. He had received in a few of these duels a few injuries, luckily not so serious.

But he had managed to win all of them and stably head for the final battle when only him and another pirate would be left to fight. While as said the game of the Unfairdictable circle sometimes would need even 2 days to be over, that one had reached its final duel when the sun was barely ready to touch the surface of the sea.

"Gentlemen! The last duel of the game! Let's congratulate the final champions for this game, our pirate priest Mister Alter, against the one and only, the best swordfighter of France, Monsieur Samson Mundike!"

Sam had managed to reach the final duel mainly thanks to the fact his name would always be said before anyone else's. Because of that he was always the one to pick the way of fighting, which was always swordfighting. He had the biggest advantage in it. The moment the duel began, he was already running towards his opponent.

The poor monster going against him couldn't prevent to move fast enough and in less than 10 seconds was getting his sword knocked out of his hand and falling on the floor. The rat was moving extremely fast, sometimes to the point you couldn't see him. As long as he had a sword in his hand, he was almost unbeatable.

"Flip the coin! Flip the coin!" The pirates hurried Markus to do that.

"Alright. Mister Alter, heads or tails?" He asked the priest.

"Heads it is for me." He replied shrugging his shoulders. Markus flipped the coin high in the air, which soon fell in his palm. He quickly slapped it against the back of his other hand and waited for a few seconds before looking at the side it had fallen. He shook his head left and right.

"Swordfight it is then!" He announced. The coin was showing tails.

"Oui!" Sam did and then smiled viciously at Alter. A normal sized sword was brought for the priest, while the rat monster pulled his own from his belt. "This will be an easy win for moi!"

"I swear to God if he says that ONE MORE TIME!" Geno murmured, as he had hear that phrase all times he had seen Sam fighting.

"And now, time to bring shame upon you. Want to hear why you will loose?" Sam kept rumbling. Alter was holding his sword rather awkwardly, as if he didn't know what to do with it. Geno knew why. Alter had told him.

It was 2 nights back when he was woken by another night terror. To distract his mind from the disturbing memories, Alter had narrated the siren his days when he was an Astera. In fact a lot of details about the Asteras. The part Geno had never heard of about Alter's life until that night.

4217 words

*rises from my grave*

here i am, bringing to ya all the early miracle of christmas😂

apologies for the huge delay. just university stuff. hopefully we'll get to see each other sooner than now after months. goodbye zmol cute beans U-U👌🏽 *pat pat pat*

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