Conversion (5)

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With each revelation, Jento gained a deeper understanding of the agents under his command and the unique strengths they brought to the table. As he prepared to begin their training in earnest, he felt a renewed sense of determination and purpose, knowing that together, they stood ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.



Yone felt the familiar tingle of power coursing through his veins as he swung the sickle in his hand. Each strike felt heavier than the last, his arms growing numb with the effort of channeling Satar's overwhelming energy. The room around him was empty, save for one other person who watched in silence.

With a final, desperate swing, Yone lost his balance and fell heavily onto his back. The sickle slipped from his grasp, clattering loudly against the tiled floor, the sound echoing through the empty room like a bell tolling in the distance. The weight of Satar's power bore down on him, leaving him gasping for breath as he lay there, staring up at the ceiling.

The other person in the room remained still, their silhouette barely visible in the dim light that filtered through the small windows. Yone's chest heaved as he struggled to regain his composure, his mind racing with the realization that he had pushed himself beyond his limits. Satar's power was a double-edged sword, granting him immense strength but demanding a heavy price in return.

As the echoes of the sickle's fall faded into silence, a tense stillness settled over the room. Yone knew that he would have to find a way to control Satar's power, to harness it without letting it consume him. But for now, all he could do was lie there, his body trembling with exhaustion and his mind haunted by the weight of what he had unleashed.

As Yone lay there, catching his breath and trying to make sense of what had just transpired, he let out a heavy sigh. With aching muscles, he began to crawl towards his fallen sickle, the weight of exhaustion pulling at every movement. As he reached out and lifted it up, a sense of unease washed over him.

To his astonishment, the sickle shimmered and then disintegrated into a cascade of snow-like particles, sparkling and dancing in the air around him before melting away into nothingness. Yone's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight unfolding before him, his mind struggling to grasp the surreal nature of the event.

In the wake of the disappearing sickle, a figure began to materialize in the center of the room. Satar, the source of the overwhelming power that Yone had tapped into, revealed herself in her true form. Her presence filled the room with a palpable energy, her eyes glowing with an otherworldly light under the soft blue illumination.

Yone watched in awe and trepidation as Satar floated towards him, her movements graceful and deliberate. The air around him seemed to hum with a strange energy, sending shivers down his spine. As she drew closer, Yone felt a mix of fear and fascination wash over him, unsure of what her intentions might be.

In that moment, with Satar's piercing gaze fixed upon him, Yone knew that he had crossed a threshold into a realm of power and mystery beyond his wildest imaginings. The encounter with Satar had only just begun, and he could sense that his life would never be the same again. It was just different from what it remained in the past.

Yone's voice cut through the room, devoid of any hint of flirtation as he addressed Satar. "Where is your Kimono?" he asked, his tone direct, ignoring the playful gestures directed his way. Satar let out a sigh, her disappointment palpable as she flew backward. "How heartless," she murmured, her form exuding an air of disappointment. "I look my best for you, and this is what you give me."

Unperturbed by her reaction, Yone persisted. "What is this about, Satar?" he inquired, his gaze steady as he lay on the cold floor. But Satar offered no response, instead drifting towards Jenna, leaving Yone's question unanswered.

As Yone watched, perplexed, Satar's hands found their way around Jenna's throat, gripping tightly. Jenna's legs flailed, desperation evident in her movements as she struggled against the spectral force holding her aloft. With a surge of determination, Yone leaped to his feet, his muscles tensed as he prepared to intervene. The sight of Jenna in distress spurred him into action, his instincts overriding any confusion or hesitation.

"Satar! Come back in! What are you doing?" Yone's voice rang out with urgency, his concern evident as he watched the unfolding scene before him.

"There can only be one special star bearer, Yone. And I want that person to be you, so this girl right here has got to go," Satar replied coolly, her voice carrying an edge of determination. As she spoke, Hibiki materialized behind Jenna, his expression one of unmistakable upset. With furrowed brows, he reached out and casually grabbed Jenna by her waist, freeing her from Satar's grasp. Jenna coughed, wiping saliva from her lips before casting a grateful glance at Hibiki.

"My apologies, master. It took me too long to restore my powers before coming out to save you," Hibiki apologized sincerely, his eyes downcast as he spoke.

Jenna shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "At least you came, Hibiki-san," she murmured softly, acknowledging his efforts.

"Satar! Dismiss! Now!" Yone's voice boomed with authority, his command directed at the defiant spirit. Satar shot a glare at him, dismissing his order with a flick of her incorporeal form. Yone stumbled back slightly, a pained expression crossing his features. "Stop it. The contract will break," he pleaded, his tone tinged with desperation as he implored Satar to cease her actions.

"Someday it will," Satar muttered crossly, her tone filled with defiance as she prepared to confront her adversaries. Before Hibiki could descend to intervene, Satar hurled a sickle their way with precision. Hibiki swiftly dodged the projectile, ensuring Jenna remained unharmed.

"Satar, if you would please stop this madness, it would be much appreciated," Hibiki implored softly, his words carrying a weight that cut through the tension in the room. But Satar showed no signs of relenting. Instead, she twirled around and unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts aimed directly at Jenna. The bolts crackled with power, each strike reminiscent of the weapons wielded by the Greek god Zeus.

In a display of remarkable speed and agility, Hibiki swiftly maneuvered, avoiding the deadly trajectory of the lightning bolts. With graceful precision, he swooped down and gently deposited Jenna on the floor beside Yone, ensuring her safety before turning his attention back to Satar.

As Satar continued to unleash her onslaught, Hibiki remained resolute, his stance unwavering. With his right leg slightly lifted, shoes pointing downwards, he stood poised and ready, his gaze locked firmly on Satar. Despite the danger and chaos surrounding them, his demeanor exuded a calm determination, a testament to his strength and resolve.

As Satar unleashed her barrage of lightning bolts, Hibiki deftly spun himself within her circle of attack, dodging each bolt with precision. The room became engulfed in a storm of wind and dust as the battle between the two spirits intensified. Yone, recognizing the danger, skidded to the far end of the room, pulling Jenna with him and crouching down in a protective stance.

Outside the room, the sound of crashing bolts against the walls and the rising smoke caught the attention of the agents stationed nearby. Jento's urgent knocks echoed through the door as he called out, "Agents! Are you both okay? What's going on?!"

Despite their desire to respond, Yone and Jenna remained pinned down by the off-trajectory bolts, unable to even stand, let alone approach the door. With a sense of urgency, Yone shouted a reply, "My spirit is out of control, sir!" Hearing his words, Shimin and Kagaro swiftly sprinted away from the room towards the staircase, ready to assist.

"Shimin, I'll meet you at the back of the building," Kagaro instructed as they parted ways. Shimin nodded in acknowledgment before sprinting past the parking lot and boarding one of the waiting jeeps. With practiced skill, she maneuvered the glossy black vehicle out of the parking lot and onto the crowded roads, her only destination clear in her mind-Jenna's abode, as mentioned in the candidate register. With determination etched on her face, Shimin navigated through the chaotic streets, racing against time to intervene in the escalating confrontation.

Kagaro sprinted outside the building towards the back, his entire unit in tow. "Listen, agents," he began, his voice firm amidst the chaos of their movements. "Saving Yone and Jenna will be our top priority, no matter what."

A question arose from one of the agents, concern evident in their voice. "How do we fight spirits, sir?" they asked, seeking guidance in the face of the unknown. Kagaro didn't break his stride, swiftly retrieving his black cloak from a nearby coat hanger as he continued to run.

"You won't be fighting them," he replied, his tone resolute as he buttoned his cloak around his neck, his movements seamless even in the midst of his sprint.

Outside the building, the rhythmic march of boots filled the air as Kagaro and his unit reached the back of the structure. With practiced efficiency, they activated their devices, which lifted them off the ground, granting them the ability to hover in the air. Armed with hand guns, they awaited Kagaro's command.

With a subtle gesture, Kagaro activated a bright light emanating from his wristband, summoning forth the loyal spirit under his command, Anisole. As the spirit's eyes met his master's, a sense of urgency filled the air, indicating the gravity of the situation.

With smoke trailing behind him, Kagaro soared higher into the air, positioning himself in front of the window of the room where Yone and Jenna were originally training. He commanded Anisole with authority, "Star Anisole, metal whip."

Anisole's form shifted and swirled, before coalescing into the shape of a metal whip, which wrapped itself around Kagaro's palm. "Agents, stand guard," Kagaro ordered, his voice carrying a sense of determination as he tapped on the window.

Inside the room, Yone's eyes widened in disbelief as he spotted Kagaro hovering outside. "Captain! It's not safe here!" he shouted, his voice filled with urgency as he shielded his head with his arms, Jenna curled up beside him on the floor.

Within the confines of the room, the clash between the formidable spirits showed no signs of abating. Satar unleashed bolts of lightning at Hibiki with increased speed and ferocity, each strike aimed with deadly precision. Like a dancer in a ballet, Hibiki twirled and spun with grace, evading each bolt effortlessly, his movements fluid and precise.

As Satar floated closer to Hibiki, their gazes locked in a silent exchange. "Humans are here," she whispered to him, a hint of distress evident in her voice. Hibiki nodded in acknowledgment, a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "And your owner is in pain," he retorted, his tone tinged with smug satisfaction. Satar clicked her tongue in frustration before retreating towards the wall behind her, a cloud of annoyance shrouding her form.

However, Hibiki's momentary distraction proved costly as Satar's next attack was swift and unexpected. With a swing towards Jenna, Hibiki found himself caught off guard. Reacting quickly, he flew towards Jenna, positioning himself above her to shield her from the impending bolt. With a dull thud, the lightning struck, and Hibiki bore the brunt of the impact, absorbing the force of the attack.

"H-Hibiki!" Jenna cried out, her hands gripping his arms tightly as she looked up at him with concern. Hibiki shook his head slightly, his expression pained but resolute. "Shame on you for not being able to control your own star," he murmured, his gaze flickering briefly towards Yone before returning to face Satar.

Struggling to maintain his balance, Hibiki stood up, his body tensed as he prepared for the next onslaught. Across the room, Satar floated in the air, a cruel smirk playing on her lips as she observed the scene before her.

Yone's glare bore into his spirit as he addressed her with urgency. "SATAR! COME BACK RIGHT NOW!" he demanded, his voice laced with a mixture of anger and desperation. His words seemed to momentarily break through Satar's defiant facade, causing a shiver of surrender to ripple through her incorporeal form as she unwound herself from her aggressive stance.

"The more you command me, the more it will hurt you," Satar warned, her tone dripping with ominous intent.

"Why are you doing this? What has Jenna or her star done to you?" Yone pressed, his frustration palpable as he sought answers from his wayward spirit. But Satar's response was tinged with amusement as she regarded her master with a sly grin. "Master, it's so pleasing to see you plead for me," she remarked, her words carrying a hint of mockery.

"Satar! This is madness!" Yone exclaimed, his voice filled with a sense of urgency. However, his pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears as Satar remained unyielding in her stance.

In the midst of the chaos, Jento soared into view, joining Kagaro in the sky. With a swift motion, Kagaro brandished his whip against the window, shattering the glass into a million pieces that rained down to the ground below, a stark reminder of the impending intervention from the outside world.

As the tension within the room reached its peak, reinforcements arrived in the form of Awara and Semen, joining the levitating agents in the air. Their presence added to the sense of anticipation, signaling the turning tide in the battle against the unruly spirits.

Meanwhile, Shimin's jeep careened through the gates, its tires screeching against the pavement as it swerved beneath the hovering masses. With practiced skill, Shimin maneuvered the vehicle into position, bringing it to a halt just below the broken window where Yone and Jenna were ensnared in the struggle.

With a determined resolve, Momoko leaped off the vehicle, landing gracefully on the ground before swiftly pressing the button of the device secured around her waist. In an instant, she was propelled into the air, joining the ranks of the other levitating agents with a sense of purpose.

Shimin followed suit, her eyes fixed on the broken window as she activated her own device, launching herself into the air to join her comrades. As they hovered in unison, their collective gaze focused on Kagaro, who nodded in acknowledgment of their arrival.

"Star Leeney," Momoko called out, her voice echoing with authority as she summoned forth her loyal spirit. "Star Moichi," Shimin echoed, her tone resolute as she invoked her own celestial companion. In a dazzling display of light, Leeney and Moichi emerged from the glimmering white radiance, bowing to each other in silent acknowledgement before taking their positions beside their respective masters.

The room hummed with anticipation as the assembled team of agents and their celestial allies prepared to confront the volatile spirits head-on. With their combined strength and determination, they stood ready to bring an end to the chaos and restore order to the tumultuous scene unfolding before them.


With fury in her eyes, Satar seized Hibiki's arm in a vice-like grip, her fingers digging into his flesh with ferocious intensity. In a swift motion, Hibiki retaliated, yanking Satar towards him with a forceful jerk, their bodies colliding in a violent dance amidst the storm of their own making. With a menacing glare, Satar found herself whirled around by Hibiki's relentless circling before being flung aside with a powerful toss, her form crashing into the wall behind her.

The impact was bone-crushing, leaving Satar embedded in the wall, her body contorted into a crescent shape within the crack formed by the force of her fall. In a display of unwavering determination, Momoko leaped through the broken window, her star following closely behind, while Shimin and her star swiftly followed suit, their eyes immediately drawn to Jenna's prone form.

"Jenna!" Momoko cried out, scrambling towards her friend with urgency. As Leeney and Moichi transformed in response to their owners' distress, taking the form of a spear and a sniper rifle respectively, the tension in the room escalated to new heights.

"Star Satar, transform," Yone commanded, his voice laced with desperation as he sought to regain control over his unruly spirit. But his words fell on deaf ears as Satar pushed herself out of the hole in the wall, her gaze fixed on Hibiki with an unyielding resolve.

In the midst of the chaos, Hibiki bared his fangs, his hissing a clear warning to Satar as she approached. "Oh gosh, he's losing his sanity," Jenna muttered, her voice tinged with concern. Momoko nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the scene before her as Yone continued his desperate attempts to recall his wayward spirit.

Sensing the escalating danger, Shimin took action, grabbing Yone by the shoulders with a firm grip. "Let's leave here first," she urged, her voice tinged with urgency. But Yone's resolve remained unshaken, his sense of duty and responsibility driving him forward.

"Are you crazy? If I leave now, I'll never be able to bring her back," Yone protested vehemently, his determination unwavering.

"Your life matters more than some star, Yone," Shimin countered, her tone firm as she sought to reason with her friend.

But Yone stood resolute, his grip tightening on his thoughts as he made his decision. "No, Shimin. She chose me. I'm responsible for her," he declared, his voice filled with conviction.

As the dangerous feud between Satar and Hibiki erupted into a bloody battle, the room bore the scars of their conflict, with cement circles, dust storms, and chunks of bricks scattered in every direction. In the corridor beyond the room, chaos reigned, inviting further destruction as the two powerful spirits clashed with unrestrained fury.

The room lay in ruins, its once pristine walls now shattered and broken, resembling a site ravaged by the relentless force of nature. Debris littered the floor, and the air was thick with the scent of dust and chaos. Yone's gaze shifted from the devastation surrounding him to Jenna, who lay on the floor, her concern for Hibiki evident in her expression. With a heavy heart, he turned his attention back to the ongoing battle, where Satar and Hibiki clashed with deadly intent.

Blood stained the floor, a grim reminder of the toll the conflict had taken on those who had dared to intervene. The agents, despite their best efforts, had been unable to stop the relentless onslaught, their wounds serving as testament to the ferocity of the spirits' feud.

Satar, unable to fight in her transformed state, relied solely on her lightning bolts to assail Hibiki. With a flick of her wrist, she unleashed bolts of crackling energy with unprecedented speed and force, each strike aimed with deadly precision. Despite her limitations, Satar was determined to gain the upper hand in the battle.

Meanwhile, Hibiki remained focused on his primary objective: keeping Jenna safe from harm. With a single-minded determination, he evaded Satar's relentless onslaught, his movements fluid and graceful as he maneuvered around the room. Every spewing bolt of lightning was deftly avoided, his instincts honed to protect Jenna at all costs.

Though he refrained from launching any counterattacks of his own, Hibiki's unwavering focus on defending Jenna spoke volumes about his loyalty and dedication to his master. Despite the chaos and danger that surrounded them, he remained steadfast in his commitment to keep Jenna out of harm's way, even if it meant putting himself at risk in the process.

With a predatory gleam in her eyes, Satar advanced towards Hibiki, her movements fluid and deliberate, like a shark closing in on its prey. As she neared him, her hands shot out, seizing his horns with a vice-like grip, her nails digging into the hardened surface. Hibiki winced slightly at the pressure, but his stoic demeanor betrayed little of the pain he may have been feeling.

Undeterred, Satar exerted more force, pulling on Hibiki's horns with relentless determination. With a sharp tug, the horns began to give way, the figure attached to them drawn closer to Satar's menacing form. With a final, forceful wrench, Satar tore the horns from Hibiki's head, eliciting a low growl of discomfort from the spirit.

With a cruel smirk, Satar flung the bleeding horns to the ground, where they collided with the tiles with a resounding thud. The impact triggered a violent explosion, the force of which sent shockwaves rippling through the room. Evacuating agents were thrown back with brutal force, their bodies crashing against the stairs and tumbling down to the floor below in a horrifying cascade of destruction.

The sudden and devastating loss of over fifty agents brought Kagaro's heart to his throat, the weight of the tragedy settling heavily upon him. "Y-Yone," he stammered, his voice thick with shock and horror. "This is getting way too out of hand."

The room fell silent, save for the crackling of flames and the distant sound of sirens echoing through the shattered windows. Amidst the chaos and devastation, the gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the dangers they faced and the consequences of their actions.

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