Conversion (6)

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The room fell silent, save for the crackling of flames and the distant sound of sirens echoing through the shattered windows. Amidst the chaos and devastation, the gravity of the situation hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the dangers they faced and the consequences of their actions.



The aftermath of the explosion left the room shrouded in a heavy silence, broken only by the faint crackling of flames and the distant wail of sirens outside. Hibiki's severed horns lay on the floor, a grim testament to the devastating power unleashed by their mere touch. The sight of the carnage left the assembled agents stunned, their faces pale with shock and horror.

Shimin's gaze flickered towards Jenna, who was huddled in Momoko's embrace, her features obscured by her hands. There was a profound sense of sorrow emanating from Jenna, a heaviness in her demeanor that spoke volumes despite her efforts to conceal her emotions. Shimin couldn't bring herself to intrude on Jenna's private grief, sensing that whatever had transpired had deeply affected her friend.

In the midst of the somber atmosphere, Kagaro's voice pierced the silence, his tone filled with confusion and concern. "Jenna," he began, addressing her directly. "Why did that happen? What was that?"

Jenna's shoulders tensed at the sound of Kagaro's voice, her hands still covering her face as she struggled to find the words to explain. Slowly, she lifted her head, her eyes red-rimmed with tears as she met Kagaro's gaze. There was a haunted look in her eyes, a glimpse of the turmoil raging within her soul.

"It's... it's complicated," Jenna murmured, her voice barely above a whisper as she struggled to articulate the events that had led to the catastrophic explosion. Her mind raced, searching for the right words to convey the magnitude of what had occurred, but the weight of her emotions threatened to overwhelm her.

Kagaro nodded, his expression grave as he absorbed Jenna's words. He could sense the pain and guilt radiating from her, the burden of responsibility weighing heavily upon her shoulders. As the reality of the situation sank in, he knew that they were facing a threat unlike any they had encountered before, and the consequences would be far-reaching.

As the gravity of the situation sank in, Momoko stepped forward to offer an explanation in Jenna's place, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging within her. "Every part of a star's body is harmful," she explained somberly, her words echoing through the room. "It's something like a drop of immensely acidic chemical; when it comes in contact with anything, it will corrode it."

Kagaro nodded bitterly, the weight of the revelation settling heavily upon him. Turning to face Yone, he knew that they needed to act swiftly to contain the damage and prevent any further loss of life. But as he surveyed the scene before him, his heart sank at the scale of the devastation.

Awara, catching a glimpse of the building from his vantage point, noted with dismay that the room where the star bearers were located was fifteen floors above the ground. The sight of agents plummeting down the spiral stairs to their deaths filled him with a sense of helplessness and despair.

With a heavy heart, Awara slid back in the air, his mind racing as he deliberated on the best course of action. Though his decision was not without its flaws, he knew that they had to prioritize the safety of their agents above all else. "Evacuate all agents in the building," he commanded, his voice ringing out with authority.

Floating apprentices, their faces set with determination, bowed respectfully towards Awara before descending to the ground below. With hand guns at the ready, they hastened towards the damnable building, their hearts heavy with the weight of the task before them.

As they entered the building, they were met with a scene of chaos and despair. Corralled masses huddled beneath boulders of dinosaur-like proportions, their eyes filled with fear and desperation as they waited for a sliver of hope to emerge from the darkness. With each passing moment, the sense of urgency grew, and the need for a swift and decisive rescue operation became more apparent.

Amidst the chaos and devastation, the apprentices found themselves confronted with a harrowing scene of their own comrades trapped beneath the weight of massive boulders. Limbs akimbo and eyes wide with shock, they struggled to free themselves from the crushing weight, their bodies battered and bloodied from the impact.

With determination etched upon her features, Shibuyu stepped forward, her voice cutting through the silence like a beacon of hope amidst the despair. "Commence evacuation immediately!" she commanded, her words resonating with urgency. "Try and help those who seem even the slightest bit alive!"

Her directive spurred Hecto and his unit into action, shaking off their initial shock to heed Shibuyu's call. With a sense of purpose driving them forward, they advanced towards the trapped agents, their hearts heavy with the weight of the task before them.

As they scattered themselves throughout the building's twenty-seven floors, their training kicked in, guiding them through the maze of debris and destruction. With each step, they scanned the surroundings for signs of life, their senses heightened by the urgency of the situation.

Despite the grim reality of the scene before them, a glimmer of hope flickered in their hearts as they worked tirelessly to rescue their fallen comrades. With every life saved, they drew closer to bringing light to the darkness and restoring hope to those who had been plunged into despair.


Despite Awara's tireless efforts to evacuate the agents from the crumbling building, the scale of the disaster proved overwhelming. Only a handful of individuals emerged from the wreckage, their bodies battered and broken, a stark reminder of the peril they had faced.

Dori, ever resourceful in times of crisis, devised emergency response kits from whatever materials were available, laying out metal billets on the sand and cement-covered earth to serve as makeshift triage areas. With Hecto and his team at his side, they carefully laid the wounded personnel on the improvised beds, while the remaining medics worked feverishly to tend to their injuries under the watchful eye of Gaieren.

Amidst the chaos and devastation, Commander Semen's indignation boiled over as he ascended further into the sky, his anger palpable as he confronted Awara. "Awara!" he growled, his voice echoing with fury as he swam towards the levitating man.

Awara sighed heavily, his weariness evident as he faced Semen's wrath. "Look what they started," Semen seethed, his frustration evident in every word. "I am seeing it too, Commander Semen," Awara replied wearily, his own exasperation mirroring Semen's.

But Semen was not appeased. "No. You must not see. You must control them," he insisted, his tone bordering on desperation as he sought to assign blame for the catastrophe unfolding before them.

Before the argument could escalate further, Jento interjected, his voice cutting through the tension like a knife. "Pardon the intrusion," he began, pushing himself between the two infuriated men. "But there is something you must know. We can't force our spirits to seal themselves, because that will drain us of our proper state, and we might even die in the process."

The weight of Jento's words hung heavy in the air, casting a pall of dispiritedness over the assembled group. Awara felt a wave of doubt wash over him, his confidence shaken as he grappled with the enormity of the challenge they faced. In the midst of the chaos and confusion, he found himself questioning his own abilities, uncertain of whether he had the strength to lead them through the trials ahead.


With each command he issued, Yone felt the strain on his physical strength grow more pronounced. He gritted his teeth against the pain as a bolt of energy tore through the air, slicing a deep gash in his leg. With a grunt of agony, Yone dropped to one knee, his body trembling with exertion.

Summoning what little strength remained within him, Yone raised his right arm and tore apart the bandana that adorned his forehead, casting it aside with a gesture of defiance. The once-fresh floors, now marred by the chaos of battle, bore witness to the unfolding struggle between master and spirit.

Meanwhile, Satar struggled within the swirling maelstrom of dust and debris that surrounded her, her movements hampered by the pain of a foreign presence within her. Despite her efforts to retaliate, she found herself immobilized by the relentless onslaught of her own creation.

Glaring down at her owner, Satar's eyes burned with fury as she watched Yone falter under the weight of his own commands. Sensing an opportunity, Hibiki seized the moment, launching himself forward with swift and silent precision. With a deft maneuver, he closed the distance between himself and Satar, grappling her arms within his hold before executing a fluid pirouette that sent her hurtling towards the tilted wall.

The impact reverberated through the room, sending shockwaves rippling through the air as Satar collided with the unforgiving surface. For a fleeting moment, the chaos of battle seemed to pause as the two spirits faced off against each other, locked in a deadly dance of power and determination.

As Hibiki seized Satar's figure in his grasp, he wasted no time in propelling her out of the window, her form hurtling through the air towards the second building of the JEO construction site. Hibiki followed suit, his movements swift and precise as he soared through the sky like a speeding light.

The impact of Hibiki's departure sent shockwaves rippling through the air, causing agents soaring outside the building to be instantly thrown to the earth below. Among them, Commander Semen coughed extensively, his one eye crushed and his body sprawled on the ground beside a broken billet, a casualty of his own subordinates' fall.

Awara, his body battered and broken, pushed himself forward with sheer determination, crawling on his hands and knees despite the pain that radiated through his almost-displaced limbs. His gaze settled on Semen, a silent acknowledgment passing between them in the midst of the chaos.

Meanwhile, Dori, his eyelids fluttering with effort, discovered the metal leg of a broken bed pierced into his side. Wit a grunt of pain, he attempted to turn around, only to find himself hindered by the sharp object embedded in his flesh. Summoning his strength, Dori grabbed hold of the metal leg and pulled it free, the sensation of his own blood splattering onto his hands causing him to gasp in agony.


Agents settled themselves far away from the JEO buildings in the emergency site built by the JEO founders. Awara was very proud of his star bearers and held confidence in the fact that they'd never lose a battle against the Jenemes that he completely feigned ignorance towards the emergency site yet the star bearers he held pride in caused them to use the very same. Agents settled themselves far away from the JEO buildings in the emergency site built by the JEO founders. Awara was very proud of his star bearers and held confidence in the fact that they'd never lose a battle against the Jenemes that he completely feigned ignorance towards the emergency site yet the star bearers he held pride in caused them to use the very same.


As Shimin wrapped Jenna in her embrace, a sense of urgency washed over her. With Hibiki and Satar locked in a fierce battle that threatened to tear the room apart, Shimin knew they had to escape before it was too late. With determination etched upon her features, she activated her flying device, her only goal to soar through the broken window before the impending crash.

But to her dismay, the device failed to respond as expected. Despite her efforts, she remained rooted to the ground, her legs lifted in anticipation of flight but unable to levitate. Frustration boiled within her as she grappled with the malfunctioning device, her heart pounding with the urgency of their situation.

"Why is this not working now of all times!" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with frustration and anger at the device's betrayal. Beside her, Momoko glanced at the device, her brow furrowed in concern as she observed wisps of smoke emanating from its mechanisms.

"There is smoke coming from your device..." Momoko ventured tentatively, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she pointed out the troubling sign. Shimin's frustration deepened at the realization that their means of escape was now compromised, adding another layer of urgency to their dire circumstances.


Broken bricks showered in the room as the spirit's rambled their powers against each other. One of the heavy bricks collided against Shimin's flying device without anyone's knowledge and fell down, away from her feet completely putting the device out of proper function.


As the chaos intensified and the imminent danger of the collapsing building became undeniable, Shimin's frustrated cry cut through the air, drawing Kagaro's attention. With a solemn nod, he acknowledged the gravity of the situation, realizing that Shimin's broken device left them with limited options for escape.

Surveying the scene around them, Kagaro knew that the combined weight of Yone, Jenna, and Shimin would be too much for one flying device to bear. With the building crumbling around them and the threat of crashing against solid bricks looming ever closer, he knew they had to act quickly to avoid disaster.

Calling upon his star, Anisole, Kagaro knew that they had a slim chance of survival. As Anisole materialized above their heads, Kagaro wasted no time in issuing his command. "Anisole, whip," he ordered, his voice tinged with urgency.

In response, Anisole transformed into a sleek, black metal whip, gleaming in the dim light of the crumbling room. With determination etched upon his features, Kagaro gripped the whip tightly in his hand, his mind racing with the urgency of their situation.

With a swift motion, Kagaro tossed the free end of the whip outside, where it hooked itself around a nearby tree trunk. Using all his strength, Kagaro pulled Yone, who had fallen on him, onto his back, anchoring himself firmly to the ground.

"Grab onto me, everyone!" Kagaro commanded, his voice ringing out above the chaos. In a flurry of movement, the remaining agents in the room flocked towards him, grasping onto Kagaro's form with desperate determination.

With a determined tug on the whip, Kagaro signaled Anisole to fasten its grip, shortening its length and pulling them towards the safety of the nearby tree. As they exited through the broken window, the building behind them collapsed in a deafening roar, engulfed in a storm of cement dust and shower of debris.

Landing safely in front of the tree, Kagaro swiftly retracted his star into his wristband, the urgency of their escape still palpable in the air. As they caught their breath, their attention was drawn to another loud explosion emanating from the second twenty-seven-floor construction.

In the midst of the chaos, Hibiki was locked in a brutal battle with Satar, their fierce struggle shaking the very foundations of the building. With each blow, Hibiki pounded Satar against every surface he could find - the terrace, the outer walls - relentless in his determination to defeat his opponent.

With a final, devastating blow, Hibiki sent Satar crashing through the wall, her form disappearing into the depths of the building as she collided with room after room. The sound of the impact echoed through the air, a testament to the ferocity of their battle and the high stakes at hand.

"They are not going to stop," Momoko vocalized, her voice tinged with annoyance as she stared at the flying red and white lights surrounding and within the second building.

"Jenna, stop your star," Yone enunciated slowly, his breaths heavy with exertion.

"Hibiki did not start this, Yone," Jenna stated calmly, her words carrying a monotone weight. Yone glanced at her, his expression softening momentarily before turning back to observe the chaotic scene unfolding in the sky.

"Right. Satar started it. She doesn't listen to me, Jenna, but Hibiki listens to you. Please... do something," Yone pleaded, desperation evident in his voice as he looked to Jenna for a solution.

Watching Yone, the boy with an undetectable yet menacing aura, the strongest weapon of the Jeneme extermination organization, voicing his plea with such dejection brought tears to Shimin's eyes. She felt the weight of the moment, the gravity of the situation pressing down on them as they stood amidst the chaos and destruction.

"Jenna, please just call back your star," Kagaro urged, his tone laced with urgency.

"I told you, Captain. I can't do that. My contract with him will disappear if I don't keep my end of the deal," Jenna replied, her voice tinged with frustration.

"Can't you call him back at all?" Shimin interjected, her brows furrowed in concern.

"I can call him back because he is my star at the end of the day, but-" Jenna began, her voice trailing off as she hesitated.

"Then what is the issue?" Shimin pressed, her tone insistent.

"Shimin Senpai, Satar will come here as well," Jenna explained, her words tinged with apprehension.

"What? Hibiki is the one going on a rampage right now-" Shimin started, but Jenna cut her off with a shake of her head.

"You really think my star is the one out of control? Hibiki pulled her out and away from here to save me. He is trying his best to keep this chaos away from me, from us," Jenna clarified, her voice heavy with emotion.

Yone leaned back against the tree, a deep frown creasing his brow. "She is right. It's my star. It's always... Satar... Satar began killing people when she pulled apart his horns... I don't even understand why she is doing this," he muttered, his voice filled with frustration and confusion.

"Yone, you have tried enough. Just focus on healing-" Kagaro began, but Yone cut him off with a sharp retort.

"Healing for what?" Yone yelled, his frustration boiling over as their conversation seemed to spiral in circles.

As they spoke, explosions reverberated through the sky, signaling the imminent collapse of the second building. In just another minute, the once Twelve-building JEO construction lay reduced to ten buildings, with the instant deaths of numerous agents who had fought bravely against the Jenemes.

"Ugh..." Jenna grunted under her breath, her frustration evident as she tightened her waist bag furiously. Without another word, she lifted herself lightly off the ground and began flying towards the soaring lights in the sky.

"Jenna, where are you going?" Momoko cried out in worry, her voice filled with concern.

"I'll try and solve this, sis. And please, stay here," Jenna called back over her shoulder, her determination evident in her voice.

"Jenna, stop! Don't go!" Momoko's cries fell on deaf ears, for Jenna was already halfway towards the chaos, her resolve unwavering as she flew towards the source of the turmoil.

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