Attacks and Murderers

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Harry's P.O.V.
Since I wasn't about to go back to sleep, I looked at the time. The evening news was already on and I hurried to get to my hiding spot. Uncle Vernon wouldn't let me watch the news anymore and I wanted to know if anything important happened in the wizarding world. It wouldn't be exact, but I would still be able to tell if something happened.
I was about to get up when there was a loud "pop!" Like a gunshot. It was the sound of apparation. Uncle Vernon walked to the window. "Was that you boy?" I didn't move at all. "You better not be doing any of that stuff that you do. Where are you?" Aunt Petunia got beside him. Don't let them see me. Don't let them see me.
Annnd, Aunt Petunia looked down. "Get up!" I got up and hit my head on the window sill. Uncle Vernon stared at me in disbelief. Aunt Petunia whispered to him. "Yes. What were you doing down there?" I rubbed my head. "Listening to the news." He looked down at me appalled. "Again?!" I held back my laughter. "Well, it changes every day, you see."
"Don't you get clever with me. What are you really up to? We're not stupid, you know?!" I could hardly hold back my laughter anymore. "Well, that's news to me." I turned and left.
When I was far enough away I started laughing uncontrollably. When I finally got myself under control, I stood up and started walking. Right outside a narrow ally I had been to before, Dudley was saying goodbye to his friends. I was going to just go ahead of him, then I heard what they called him.
"Hey, Big D!" I said as I walked out of the shadows. He turned around like something bit him on the butt. "Oh, it's you." He relaxed. "Hmm, you'll always be Ickle Duddykins to me." He raised his hand like he was going to hit me, but he must have realized something, because he put his hand down quickly.
"Not too afraid with that thing, are you?" I smiled. "So, you're not as stupid as you look." I pulled my wand out of my pocket, "yeah, I could take on full ten year olds alone with this." He stopped, it was because I hit him in his soft spot. "I don't need them to do anything." I snickered. "Okay then, whatever you say Big D."
Three dark things were coming towards us. Probably some of Dudley's friends. But then I felt the sadness. These could only be dementors. I pointed my wand towards them, which was coincidentally behind Dudley. "Don't point that thing at me!"

Dudley's P.O.V.
I was being held up by a wand. He has got to be kidding me. I can just move out of his way... Or can I? Then, all of a sudden, I felt sad. It was an incredible sadness that I couldn't explain.
I got really cold and then I saw something. It was like a vision. It was my life flashing before my eyes. But, this isn't the way I see it. In this, I'm a terrible person. I... I do stupid things to people for no reason. Is this what I'm really like?
Then I saw Harry. He was working hard in the garden... Cleaning things... Getting nothing... Why is this happening to him? I have taken him for granted all these years. That changes from now on.
"Expecto Patronus!" I think that was Harry. It sounded really far away though. I heard another lady's voice, but it was far away too.
I blacked out and the next thing I knew, we were on the front porch and I threw up everywhere. I needed to apologize to Harry. I blacked out again.
I woke up in my room. I went to leave and found a bar of chocolate slipped under my door. I ate it and felt surprisingly better. Probably Harry who did it.

Harry's P.O.V.
I fell asleep as soon as I got back in my room. I was tired from carrying Dudley around and uncle Vernon yelling at me for hurting their son. Yeah, I definitely hurt him, right. That's what they pieced together from Dudley's mumbling.
I got up and it was already ten AM. I usually never sleep this late. After being in my room for almost fifteen minutes and hearing nothing I decided to see if I could get some food.
After I ate what I could find I decided to write to Sirius about the dementors. Even after everyone was up I still hadn't finished my letter. I kept writing and rewriting it, but I didn't know how to make it sound right. After lunch I went back up to my room. I don't know why or how, but nobody had told me to so anything all day.
There was a knock at the door and since I didn't hear anyone else moving I got up. I understood why I didn't hear anything when I got down there. Standing at the front door was Sirius. Uncle Vernon was just gaping at him and aunt Petunia was slowly backing away. Sirius was just smiling at them and it looked rather like a painting.
"Sirius!" He looked over at me. "Can I come in?" Uncle Vernon scooted out of the way and Sirius made his way to the living room. "Petunia. Lily told me a lot about you." She just nodded and mumbled something about tea. "What'd you do? And can you do it again?" He shook his head. "I didn't do anything." I started laughing.
"Oh, yeah, it might be because of the fact that you went to Azkaban. But it could also be because you were on the muggle news. I have no idea." His smile widened. "Oh, I'm just famous everywhere aren't I?"
Sirius talked mostly. Uncle Vernon and aunt Petunia nodded or mumbled. Finally, we got everything and left. I was just wondering how we would get to where we were going. My question was answered when the knight bus showed up.
We rode it to somewhere else in town. When we got off I thought we couldn't have gone far because the houses looked like all the other ones. "Harry read this and remember what it says." He gave me a piece of parchment. It said "number twelve Grimmauld Place"
I noticed that this was Grimmauld Place and looked at the numbers nine. Ten. Eleven. Thirteen. "Wait, Sirius... Where is number twelve?" He showed me the parchment again. "I reread the words and number twelve appeared.
I walked in and Ginny was walking down the stairs. She gasped and her eyes lit up. She jumped the rest of the steps. "Harry's here!" She called. She hugged me and gave me a kiss... Then she saw Sirius. "Uhm..."
She backed up and Ron came down the steps too. "Harry!" Mrs. Weasly came through a door. "Harry, dear... Does your hair ever go strait?" The twins came down. "Mom, you're killing him and he hasn't been here a minute."
It's so good to be here. I wish I could live here. That would be awesome.

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