The Dream

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Harry's P.O.V. (point of view)
  It was the middle of June and I was waiting for my godfather, an Azkaban escapee, to write me a letter that would tell me when he was coming.
  I laid back on my bed and closed my eyes, trying to clear my head. All I really ended up doing was thinking of Ginny. She is the most wonderful girlfriend in the whole world and I haven't been able to get her out of my head since I left King's Cross station.
  Of course, Dudley hasn't been much help in that area. Every time he sees me he makes sure to say something about my freak girlfriend that's a you-know-what. It is amazing how they just refuse to say wizard, witch, magic, wand, etc. Etc.
  Ginny was struggling to get away. She was screaming at someone. I couldn't move or talk so I was stuck, just watching Ginny. She was helpless and I needed to help her. A dark figure walked up to her.
  "It would help you so much to just shut up. Your little boyfriend can't help you here." I knew that voice. Who was it? Then she laughed. It was the laugh of Bellatrix Lestrange. Ginny spit at her feet and went to the far corner of the room.
  "Oh no. Naughty little girls like you are not welcome here. Better fix that... Crucio!" Ginny fell to the floor and screamed. She was in so much pain. I had to help her, but I couldn't move.
  Another dark figure walked in. Bellatrix turned and bowed. "Master, lord. This child was disrespecting mine, and your, honor. I had to teach her about what we do to disrespectful people. "Stand aside Bellatrix. I will handle it from here." It was Voldemort.
  "Now, you will tell me where the boy is, of course you have another option, I have always been a generous person. You could die." She stood defiantly. "I would never, not in a million years, help you." Bellatrix started to laugh again. "Avada Kedavra." Voldemort said it so plainly, it could have been scourgify. Ginny's lifeless body fell to the floor.
  I woke up suddenly, on the floor. A scream was half formed on my lips. What really jolted me was what Ginny said right before the spell hit her. It was like someone stabbed me in the stomach. She muttered the word forever. I got up quickly and wrote a letter to Ron.
How is everything. I had this horrible dream about Voldemort. It was very odd and I just wanted to make sure everything was fine. I should be getting the letter from Sirius soon.
See you then,
  All I could do was wait for his reply and pace. I knew I probably wouldn't get it today. Maybe not even tomorrow, but I pretended I was. I hope Ginny is okay. I couldn't live knowing that she was- nope. Not going to think that way.
  I sat back on the bed and wondered if I could sleep again. Just to prove to myself that it was all just a dream... But if it was a dream, why and how did it feel so real.
  My head was spinning and I couldn't lay here anymore.

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