Is This It...

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Ginny's P.O.V.
I woke up and Harry was sitting cross legged on my bed, staring at me. "What, exactly, are you doing in my room?" He looked disappointed. "Damn. It's not midnight yet. Three more minutes."
I moved over beside him and put my head on his shoulder. "Thank you for remembering." He shook his head. "It's more of me giving you a present before everyone else. I like this idea. We should make it a tradition."
He glanced at the time every few seconds and then back at me. "Reason eight. You look beautiful, even when your sleeping." I laughed. "I would say the same... But you don't really look as good." He smiled and the butterflies that never fail to show, popped into my stomach and that familiar chill went down my spine. "I love you."
He looked at the time again. "One minute. And I love you too." He silently counted out the seconds. "Happy birthday, Gin!" I remembered that Hermione was asleep across the room and put a finger to my lips.
He wrapped me in his arms and we sat there. "I can't tell you that this is as fun as my birthday, but whatever you want..." He said after a few seconds. I smiled at his not subtlety and kissed him. "Fine. Come on."
I went to my closet and moved my trunk. "There is a door that leads to a mini space back here." I grabbed his hand and pulled him through. He had to crouch down to not hit his head. He put an arm around my waist and I got closer to him.
"Lumos." My wand lit the room in a slight glow. I made sure I (mostly) cleaned it out before we left for Grimmauld Place. I'm not sure he would appreciate it as much as I did before. It used to be my writing space and I even had a muse. Now it had a blankets pillows, and soundproof walls.
No matter how much I tried to convince myself, I still couldn't believe it was real, it felt like any day he would just say "I don't love you any more. It's over.". That is my worst scenario. That is why I took precautions, but didn't make it a full heartbreak room.
I glanced up at his face to remind myself that this was real life. He smiled down at me and I tripped. He caught me before I hit the floor and he gently pushed me down and pinned me to the ground. "Forever?" He smiled again and got close to my ear. "Forever." He whispered. It sent chills down my spine, feeling his warm breath gently caress my ear and neck.
He kissed me and it succeeded in sending more chills down my spine. I put a hand in his hair and we pulled each other closer. We were as one person in these moments.
Before long, we were in the same situation we were in on his birthday, but with no interruptions. I traced the subtle lines on his lean, not-quite-muscular-but-still-amazing chest. His hand went down the slight curve of my waist.
Suddenly he pulled away. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to, Gin." I put a lot of thought into it. "Thank you for that... I- I don't know. Not right now." He nodded and sat up but pulled me close to him. "I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." I nuzzled his neck. "No... I'm sorry. I bet it feels like I don't love you as much, but I do. I just wan-"
"Shut up, Gin. I love you." He kissed my head and I smiled. He takes my feelings into consideration all the time. I really am in love with him. Total, complete love. I put my head on his shoulder, and he held me.
I realized the tears welling up in my eyes before I could stop them. I was crying, still half naked, on his bare shoulder. I'm not sure what I expected him to do, but it definitely wasn't hold me and let me cry. Yell at me, sure. Break up with me, maybe. Hate me for saying no, definitely. But I never thought he would let me cry and still love me.
He whispered in my ear about how much he loved me and how it would last forever. I know that I will never not love Harry Potter.

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