The Day in the Ally

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Harry's P.O.V.
  We got up- or back up, in Ginny and my case- and went to Diagon Ally. It wasn't really packed, but there was a lot of people. I saw Neville with his vulture hatted grandmother. I saw the Patil twins. There were other various people from school who knew me, but I didn't know them.
  "Hey Ginny, we want your opinion on a place." Ginny nodded and followed the twins. Mrs. Weasly went bustling off to wherever. "Hey, Ron, what are you guys going to do?" Ron was apparently shocked and didn't think I was going to ask him anything. "That is amazing."
  "What..." He laughed. I'm pretty sure he's slowly going crazy. "You aren't going with Ginny? I really thought that you were attached at the waist... Or better yet, the face." Hermione smacked his arm. "Ron! That was a terrible thing to say!  Anyway, Harry, we were going to get ice cream if you would like to join us."
  I nodded. "Yes I would, thank you." I realized that I hadn't made much time to hang out with Ron. Of course, he did have his own predicament.  After today my goal was to be a better friend.
  I stood over to the side while Ron and Hermione went inside so I could see when Ginny got here. One girl that was from Hogwarts, but I couldn't place her, walked over to me. "Hey, are you having problems... I can help with that." She smiled and blushed at me. "No. Just waiting for my girlfriend to walk up."
  She shoved me playfully. "Oh, that's so cute! You've been waiting for me?!" What? "Uhm... No." She "adjusted" her shirt then "accidentally" dropped her wand. "Oops! Silly me!" She bent down to pick it up and I politely turned away. She turned me back around, more annoyed than anything now. She grabbed my shoulders in a more-than-playful way and got close as she could. I leaned as far away from as possible, then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw my reprieve.
Ginny's P.O.V.
  Fred and George showed me the place where they wanted to put the joke shop. They had been working on it for two years. They trusted me most because I wouldn't run and tell mom whenever they turned my teddies into live animals.
  We were just walking back as I saw some random chick trying to get up on Harry. He saw me and smiled gratefully. I sped up a little bit and when I got close enough I drew my wand. I fired off an array of hexes and curses, only half knowing which ones I was using.
  Harry calmly sat down and let me do my work. He learned his lesson last year. The twins were having fits of laughter. I suppose it was pretty funny.
  By the time I was satisfied with my work, there was a small crowd. To end my show, I snatched Harry up and, arm in arm, we left. To add a bit of flourish I gave him a swift kiss. "Number nine. You always show up and leave with just the right amount of flourish. Reason ten. I would have you fight by my side any day." I smiled at his whispers and entwined our hands.
  Hermione and Ron caught up with us and gave us both ice cream. "You really earned that. Where did you learn all of those?" Hermione was just shocked at how many hexes I knew and when to use them to make the best outcome(for me).
  "I did study more than you think I did. Oh! Hey, Ron. Remember how many times you felt like you had to remind me that I was thirteen? Yeah, it was sixteen times. Think of the damage I could with sixteen hexes and curses." He back away a little bit and Hermione just laughed some.
  Eventually we went our separate ways. Harry and I found this big shady maple tree and we sat under it. "Write me something, Harry." He looked at me confused. "Like what?" I shrugged my shoulders.
"Like anything. But make it original. I know you couldn't have gotten me anything while you were with your muggle family. And you have left either of the houses since you got here. So make this my present." He nodded. "Oh."
  We sat there for a little while longer before getting up and looking at the shops on Diagon Ally.
  I took him to the place where Fred and George were opening the shop. "It's dark here though..." I smiled and entwined our hands again. "That's what they were going for. If theirs is the brightest one here then it'll attract more people." He thought the logic over and nodded. "That sounds smart, actually."
  We walked back through the main part of the Ally and I watched as some people gawked, others looked at me or him in envy, and still others gazed on in wonder.
  "Hey, Gin, you want to get some ice cream?" Who asks that kind of question? Of course I wanted ice cream. "I'm going to guess that's a yes... What kind of ice cream do you want? We can sit together this time."
  I remembered that we were having a conversation as I thought about what I wanted. "Uhm... How about cherry. Yes. Cherry ice cream sounds good." I nodded my head as I said it. He smiled and we walked the rest of the way to Fortescue's ice cream place.
  We took a seat at the bar counter and Mr. Fortescue came up to us. "Hello! I saw your performance out there earlier. Got me a lot of customers, it did. So, what do you want? It's on the house." 
  I poured on the charm and thanked him profusely. I leaned against Harry until we got our ice cream and didn't pay much more attention after he took a bite(?) Of mine.
  When we got home I got my presents from everybody but we went along like normal, per my request. I didn't want a big party or anything. Just my close family was big enough as is.
  I went to my room and was about to get into bed when I spotted a piece of paper on my bed. It was just a napkin, but it was one of my most favorite presents.
  I honestly didn't think he would write it, which made it that much more special. It wasn't very good, but it was still mine, as much as he was.

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