22: Consequences

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The next day I don't attend school. I'm allowed to sleep in late, only that I don't get much sleep so I just lie in bed thinking about the events from yesterday. Ben tried calling me last night but I didn't answer and he's left me several messages to call him. I'm grateful that he was there when I needed him the most but I asked him not to tell my family and he still did.

It's almost 11 a.m. when there's a knock on my bedroom door and then mom walks in.

"Hey. You should come have some breakfast." She says, coming to stand near the foot of the bed.

"You're still home?" I frown.

"I wasn't going to leave you alone at home, was I?" She comes over and kisses my forehead, "I'm waiting for you downstairs. Ten minutes to use the bathroom."

"Okay." I say as she gives my hand a little squeeze and then walks back out.

I throw back the covers and head to the bathroom. Ten minutes later, still in my pajamas I join mom at the dining table. She has cake and tea laid out for me. While she works on her laptop I nibble on a thin slice of cake and barely down an entire cup of tea.

"Is dad at his office?" I ask.

Mom looks up from the laptop, "Bunny, you don't have to worry about the consequences for Bryant. He brought it upon himself."

I shake my head, "I wouldn't care less about Bryant. I'm worried about Aaron Limited."

Mom sighs and shuts the laptop, "Hazel, there are so many hopeful professionals who would do anything to work for Aaron Limited, so replacing Bryant is not the issue here. In fact, it's not an issue at all. Please stop worrying about it."

I slump down in my chair, "Okay."

By the time I shower and get changed Sebastian returns from school and mom leaves for a meeting at her office.

"Ben asked about you." Seb says, coming to sit with me in the living room still dressed in his school uniform.

"And what did you say?" I inquire.

He shrugs, "Just that you're better than you were last night."

There's something in Seb's gaze that makes me ask, "What?"

"You can't blame Ben for telling mom and dad. He did the right thing." Seb replies.

"Oh come on!" I throw up my hands, "I explicitly told him not to tell them and that's exactly what he did!"

"You would've only put yourself in more danger by not telling." Seb looks at me.

I sigh and shake my head, "I know but it's still not okay that he didn't listen to me."

"That's for you to decide now." Seb says as he stands up and tells me that he's going to change out of his uniform.

The day passes with dad coming home early from office so that he can keep me company while Sebastian heads out for soccer practice in the evening. I question dad about Bryant Davis but he only assures me of the same thing that mom did too that I shouldn't worry about it which obviously makes me even more anxious to know.

Little did I know that I'd witness it firsthand the next morning.

Next morning I feel more comfortable going to school and mom lets me know that whenever during the day I feel like I need to come home, I can. The driver takes Sebastian and me to Rushmore Academy and as usual we get dropped off in the parking. But unlike usual days, Ben is waiting for us right there in the parking lot.

"You told him I was coming to school?!" I exclaim, turning to Seb as the driver parks the car.

"You can't ignore him forever." Seb shrugs.

I groan as Seb gets out of the car and I follow suit. I'm fully prepared to take off running if Ben tries to force me to talk but before either of us can make a move my eyes lock on something behind Ben. Adam has stepped out of the administration building.

My breathing hitches but Ben sees him too and automatically stations himself in front of me. But Adam isn't alone, Bryant steps out of the building next followed by dad.

Dad left the house before Seb and I did. This must've been why. Bryant says something to Adam which makes him glare at me as he gets into a waiting car with his father while dad walks over to us.

"What's going on?" I ask dad.

"Bryant and Adam are going back to New York with a letter from the principal already dispatched to the relevant Police department. The authorities are now aware of Adam's tendencies and it is a permanent black mark on his record. His universities and future employers will all be made aware of his past." Dad explains.

"Thank you." I whisper and dad pulls me into a hug and kisses my head.

"I will go to any lengths to keep you safe." Dad tells me before I pull away and he waves goodbye to the boys before getting into his car and leaving.

"Hazel, you can't ignore me forever." Ben says as I start towards my first class.

"Watch me." Is all I say as I walk away.

In English I take my usual seat next to Angelina who at once turns to me and asks, "All ready for trip?"

It takes me a minute to remember what trip she's referring to. It's the senior ski trip to Colorado that we signed up for last week. In a regular senior year I would have spent this week planning my clothes and the belongings I'd take with me. It's Wednesday already and I still haven't started packing.

"Yeah." I say to Angelina who keeps up a constant chatter which I just nod my head to.

By the end of class I decide that the girls and boys are going to stay in separate accommodations anyways and this is a high school mile stone that I can't skip just to avoid Ben and also, it'll act as a good distraction from the Adam incident. I'll still go.

Updating a little early because I have classes late into the evening and I didn't want to miss out on an update.

Any comments? Any feedback for the story will be greatly appreciated :)


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