44: Hospital Again

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~Emma's Perspective~

We've been waiting for almost an hour now and most contestants are in the pool, warming up for the race but Hazel is nowhere in sight. I'm about to raise my concern to Daniel when Mr. Elliot joins us.

"Mr., Mrs. Aaron, can you please come with me?" He says.

"Is something wrong?" I automatically ask.

His nod makes my heart sink as we hurry out of our seats and follow him around the pool and into the building. We walk down a corridor and then enter through a door labeled, "showers."

"Through here." Mr. Elliot says, leading us around a set of lockers and I let out a small scream when I see Hazel on the ground, unconscious.

I'm next to her in a flash.

"What happened?" I hear Daniel ask as I shift her head onto my lap and push away the stray hair from her forehead that have come undone from her ponytail.

"One of the ushers found her unconscious here." Mr. Elliot tells us, "An ambulance is on its way."

"The ambulance is here." A woman clad in a suit joins us not a moment later.

While Hazel is transported to the hospital, I'm reminded of the other children at the swim meet. So Daniel calls Ben and lets him know the location of the hospital. Daniel also calls and lets Jeremy know of what's going on who immediately begins contacting the relevant authorities to begin an investigation.

I'm standing by Hazel's hospital while the doctor checks her vitals.

"I have a suspicion but we'll need to test her uniform. Can you kindly change her into a hospital gown?" He asks.

"Of course." I nod and with the help of a female nurse, Hazel is changed into a hospital gown. Her uniform is taken away for testing as Daniel reenters the room.

"The Police are on their way." Daniel says, leaning against the wall next to the door with his hands in his pockets.

"The Police?" I frown.

"The event's management believes that this happened due to some malpractice and the Police have dispatched teams to talk to witnesses." He tells me.

"Why does bad luck always follow Hazel around?" I feel a tear stream down my cheek as I sit down on the bed and look at my unconscious daughter.

I feel Daniel's arm wrap around my shoulders and I lean into him.

"Probably because she's the most amazing daughter anyone can hope for." Daniel says and I smile despite my worries and tears.

There's a knock on the door and Daniel answers it to reveal Hazel's friends. Daniel lets them into the room and then we explain the situation to them. Ben walks over to the bed and comes to stand next to me while the others intently listen to Daniel.

Soon after there's a knock on the door and the doctor walks in.

"We'll be outside." Liam says and he, Aakesh and Angelina head out but Ben stays back to listen to what the doctor has to say.

"My suspicions were correct." The doctor hands Daniel a page, "Her uniform was lined with the finest of sleep drugs."

My heart sinks as I look at Hazel's sleeping face and then back at the doctor, "How long until she wakes up?"

"The drug we identified usually has effects that last around an hour or two. So soon, hopefully." He says.

"Thank you for your help." Daniel says and walks out of the room with the doctor.

~Hazel's Perspective~

I feel drowsy as I open my eyes. I don't recognize the room that I'm in and the lights have been dimmed which make it harder to identify my surroundings. Panic begins to take over my body when I hear dad's voice, "She's awake."

"Hi, Bunny." Mom walks into my line of vision and sits down next to me.

"Where am I?" I ask, rubbing my forehead.

"The hospital." She sighs.

"Hospital? Why?" I frown, looking at her and then dad who has come to stand next to her.

"You were drugged." Mom replies and the events come crashing back to me as mom asks, "What do you remember, Bunny?"

"I changed into my uniform and then stepped out of my stall, then I remember feeling really dizzy and that's it." I look at them.

"Do you feel attentive enough to talk to someone from The Police?" Dad asks.

"Daniel..." Mom starts.

"Wait, what happened to the swim meet?" My eyes fly open.

"Hazel..." Mom protests but I throw up my hands, "I missed it! No!" And then I begin to cry.

"Bunny." Mom sighs and kisses my forehead, "Please stop crying."

"No." I say in a small voice and cross my arms.

Dad sighs and says, "I'm going to call in the officer okay? He wants to ask some questions."

I half-heartedly answer the officer's questions and during the time, my friends trickle into the room one by one. Finally, once the officer feels satisfied with the information he has, he closes his file and stands up.

"The management wanted me to let you know that there was no swim meet today and the new date is of the day after tomorrow."

"Yes!" I scream, forgetting all about my pounding head as I sit up in bed and clap.

Everyone in the room which includes the officer and a nurse stare at me for a second before my friends, mom and dad burst into laughter and the officer excuses himself.

"You will never fail to surprise us, now will you?" Mom smiles at me.

"I'm just really amazing." I shrug with a smile as I lay back down and mom and dad share a secret smile between them.

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