32 | how to give second chances

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"Yes Marinette?"

She sighs into his chest, the soft rumble from his emanating from it proves just how comfortable he is too. "Do you want to hear the rest of my story?" She buries her head deeper into his chest, feeling the most comfort she could from his embrace.

She feels him suck in a sharp, deep breath, and she wonders suddenly if spilling anything to him had been a bad idea. But before she could add something else to her previous question, Chat answers, "I do. But only when you're ready to tell it will I be ready to listen."

A small smile crept onto Marinette's lips as she thought of the kindness he was spreading to her. He was so nice, awaiting for her to tell him her pain and not bothering to push to know. He would wait no matter how long it took Marinette to tell him, and she admired him for that.

"I'm ready to tell." She says.

Chat hums, and she can feel his arms loosen around her as he pushes her upright into a seating position. Marinette is confused for a moment, but when their eyes meet, Chat flashes her a small grin, "I would prefer to see you when you speak." He says.

Marinette smiles back, although right now, the only thing consuming her insides is nervousness. She sucks in another deep breath, before releasing it slowly, "Because of my brother's death, I suddenly figured out what I wanted to do with my life, Chat." She says, this time her being the one to grip his leather hands. Chat is surprised, to say the least, and his eyes widen just a bit at the action, "I decided that I wanted to be a surgeon; being someone who could be able to save lives."

"Damon just happened to have that same dream," she continued bitterly, "After I told him my new goal in life, he was excited to say the least. He wanted to work together on our related dreams; and that's kinda how it started."

Chat listens carefully to the things Marinette told him, catching onto ever word that left her lips. So far, nothing else that Marinette was spilling out seemed depressing....other than the fact that she had wanted to pursue her dream courier with that lowlife of a man named Damon.

"I feel the but coming." Chat muttered when they both had fallen into silence, and Marinette was taking her time to say what she needed to say next. She nodded, confirming that his suspicions had been correct.

The bluenette hesitated for a moment, thinking of how she would word this out to him. "Sadly, yes." She sighed disappointedly, "But..." She continued on, "I hadn't learned my lesson from before, and I had sex with him once again."

Chat cringed at the thought of Marinette loosing her virginity to such a man. He was disgusted to say the least with this Damon character.

"About t-three weeks later...." Marinette gulped, "....I started feeling different. Not myself you could say."

At that, Chat's eyes went wide and he found Marinette's eyes in a heartbeat, staring into them intensively, almost pleading he wasn't about to hear what he thought next. "No Marinette...." He pleads as he watches her hang her head low, "Please don't tell me what I'm thinking."

All she could do was nod, not even daring to look up into his pleading eyes, "I'm sorry, Chat." She says, "But it's true: I was pregnant."

Chat has to restrict his tongue from saying anything nasty about this Damon. Now that Chat knew this man had gotten his partner pregnant, it made him hate the man even more. "Where's the child, Marinette?" He hesitantly asks, "Does Damon have custody over him?"

Still refusing to look up, Marinette shakes her head. "No," she mutters, her head still hanging low and her eyes still focused on her lap. "I was so excited at the news, no matter how young I was."

"I was excited because I thought that he was the man for me." She continues on, finally taking the courage to find his eyes, "I thought that our lives would be prefect together, and that he loved me. I thought we could be one of those happy families you always read about in a book, or dream about in your fantasies."

Chat eyes her pitifully as she continues on with her dreaded story, "But when I told Damon I was pregnant...." She hesitates, her eyes boring into his as new tears formed at the bottom of her lid, "H-he didn't....w-w-want it." She gulps, and before Chat could even try to whisper comforting words into her ear, she was adding more, "That's when I realized that Damon wasn't the man for me. That's when I realized he didn't care about me or a family. All he cared about was work and money, and I didn't want just that."

"So, I left England." She continues on, "And boy did my parents not like that." Marinette chuckles lightly in order to lift the mood. The memory of her parents protesting against her leaving came to mind, but she shook it away, trying to erase the memory, "I decided that I had wanted to be a police officer instead. To this day, I still don't know why I chose Paris France — maybe to get far away from Damon, I don't know. But I'm glad I did."

"Trust me, me too." Chat admits.

They fall into a period of silence once again, and Marinette watches as Chat's brows furrow in thought. The bluenette wonders exactly what he's thinking so intensively about.

When his eyes finally snap to hers, she feels slightly embarrassed to be caught staring. She blushes, and he grins softly at the sight of her cheeks turning red, "Marinette?" He questions.


He sighs, taking ahold of both of her hands. Marinette immediately looks up at him by the action, and their eyes lock, "Would you.....I don't know....ever consider......r-romance again?"

The question was a bit sudden in Mairnette's opinion, and her eyes widen slightly. She hadn't thought about romance or love in a long time to be completely honest. The last time she had really thought about getting into a relationship was with Damon....and look how that turned out to be.

She hesitated for a moment before simply sighing and shrugging her shoulders, "I-I...I'm not sure." She admitted truthfully. Was Marinette Dupain-Cheng really ready to have a romantic relationship with someone else? She wasn't so sure. "I haven't really thought about stuff like that in a long time, Chat." She admits.

He stays quite for a moment, his eyes searching hers intensively. Marinette feels him squeeze her hands a little tighter for comfort, before he says, "Maybe you should, Marinette." He pauses, "Are you never going to look for love again because you found it in the wrong person?" He asks, one brow raised to emphasize his point, "Don't let your past with Damon destroy your future."

She stares at him, blinking multiple times. She didn't know what to say. All this time, Marinette had tried running away from the past Damon had made for her, and instead she was running into it all over again. But maybe Chat was right, maybe she needed to overlook Damon's wrongdoings and live her life to the fullest.

Maybe. Just maybe. Chat was right.


Heyo! Hope you enjoyed this update! Please don't forget to click that little star, it'll make you shine ;)

Readers: "lame"

Dippy: "wdym? My jokes are fantastic!"

Readers: *shakes head*

*pouts* well, just letting you know that I love to see your feedback. I felt so accomplished being able to finish this chapter throughout this busy week.

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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