33 | love and truth

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Marinette had never really thought about falling in love again, but every single time she caught Chat's eyes staring her way, love was suddenly something that flooded her mind. Was it wrong to smile every time she caught Chat's eyes on hers? Was it weird to feel your stomach twist at the sight of him, or to always enjoy every time he cracked a smile?

But Chat?

Did she even love Chat?

She liked him, yes. She couldn't deny that she found him attractive or that she enjoyed his company.

For the last two months, Marinette had gotten closer to someone she thought she would've never dared to speak to in her lifetime. Although Marinette did find Chat admirable, she had to continually remind herself that he was a criminal and she was a cop.

It just wasn't meant to be.

Yet here she was, sitting on the floor with him, both of them holding each other's hands as his ill mother laid in her bed, slowly losing her life with nothing either of them could do to save it.

They sat in silence, both of them grasping onto each other's hands while staring into each other's eyes, almost pleadingly. It seemed more if as Chat Noir had been purposely trying to read her thoughts, but Marinette knew how much a of a closed book she was.

Soon realizing the odd situation they were both in, a sudden wave of nausea hit Marinette, consuming her entire being. What on earth was doing? Sitting here, holding Chat's hands in hers as if the two were long lost lovers. There was a woman close to her death lying in the bluenette's bed! This was no time to have a make out session with Chat Noir.

Even though she would not allow that to happen.


Suddenly nervous of the situation she was in, Marinette quickly removed her hands from his before he could say any word in protest against it. "I'm....I'm going to check on your mother." She used the small fib to excuse herself from the floor, not even bothering to wait for his response as she escaped to her bed.

Marinette approached the bedside, frowning slightly at the sight of her. Chat's mother looked a lot worse: her face seemed awfully pale, and her eyes were squeezed shut, her breathing rigid.

These weren't good signs, and she knew it.

She turned back to look at Chat, only to find his eyes were already fixed on her, smiling gently. Marinette had hoped he hadn't noticed her attempt to suddenly escape from his grasp, but nonetheless, she sent him a small smile back before tuning her attention onto his mother once again.

Marinette felt awful looking down at a woman who was slowly dying. Although she had no relations to this woman whatsoever, the thought of not being able to save another life pained Marinette's heart. It was already difficult enough knowing you lost your brother when their was nothing she could do to save his life.

And now, she was in a very similar situation.

Marinette was to preoccupied keeping her eyes locked on the woman's fragile figure, that she hadn't noticed Chat approaching her side. Suddenly, she felt his arm brush against hers, and a sudden chill rain down her spine.

Why did he make her feel this way? It was so stressful.

She lifted her eyes to meet his, and Chat Noir sent her a small smile. He was just so kind, and Marinette would've never expected a criminal to act such a way. Especially towards her.

Suddenly, the thought of Chat's brother came to mind. Marinette hadn't seen the guy since his hospital visit. But then another thought came to mind, a thought she had completely disregarded since the incident with Chat's mother had sprung up.

Damon had pulled the trigger on Felix.

But why?

"Chat," Marinette utters silently, almost hesitating to meet his eyes again. "There's something you need to know."

He watches her carefully, the concern clear in his eyes, "What is it, Marinette?" He asks.

When Marinette doesn't answer right away, Chat lifts a comforting hand to her shoulder. Their eyes lock together again, and he sends her one of his signature grins.

She smiles back, because my god her nerves were a wreck right now, and she wasn't even exactly sure why. Was it because of the news she was about to spring on him? Or was it because the grin spread across his lips made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside?

Well, why are you staring at his lips then? Her conscience practically screamed at her, Thinking about them is bad enough!

She shook her head to rid of the annoying voice, it was bad enough Marinette was so hesitant as it is, "I....I've discovered who shot Felix."

She watched as Chat Noir's eyes darkened, almost evilly, and he lifted both of his hands to rest on her shoulders. Marinette couldn't help but gulp at the sight, and she could feel his grip tighten as he almost growled at nothing in particular, "Who? Who was it, Marinette?" He asked, his voice laced with hatred and disgust.

Now that the smile had long gone disappeared from Chat's lips, Marinette no longer felt warm and fuzzy inside. Her whole body now consumed a feeling of chilliness and prickly; not a comforting feeling at all. Chat only continued to stare down at her with the most frightening stare she had ever seen. The coldness was practically radiating from his eyes when she hesitantly mumbled out the name of the guilty man.

"Damon. It was him."



I have finally updated this book, and I feel soooooo bad for taking so long! I'm so sorry for the delay!

The reason for my absence is because I had tons of schoolwork to make up and literally had NO time at all do write ANY new chapters to this book.

But anyway, I'm back with work all made up and I plan to get back to my regular schedule.

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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