34 | who are you

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"I'll kill him. I'll kill that man." Chat growls, immediately making his way towards Marinette's room door, pacing with long strides. A palm to his chest had him stopping in his tracks, and the hand belonged to Marinette herself.

"No, you won't kill him." Marinette's eyesbrows furrowed angrily.

"Yes I will." Chat growls, his eyes practically burning holes into the room door.

"I won't let you," Marinette says more gently, resting both of her hands on his leather chest now in order to keep him in place.

Chat laughs, and it almost sounds evil and mockingly. He suddenly grabs ahold of her wrists, holding them tightly into his leather hands and pulling them away from his chest. "And you're going to stop me, Marinette? I'd like to see you try."

Growing angry, Marinette rips her hands away from his grasp, the action taking him quite off guard. "You're right, I can't stop you Chat Noir." She then takes a couple of steps away from him, her arms opened wide sarcastically, as if taunting him to pass by her. "Go ahead. Kill Damon. But once you do, you'll be the man he is. And I despise Damon."

Suddenly, Chat's whole facial expression softened just a bit. He didn't want to be like Damon at all, and definitely didn't want Marinette to despise him. Marinette stepped away from his figure without a word and began to head back to the bed were his mother lay. He watched her every move, and he could feel the disappointment radiating off of her.

Then, Chat had suddenly remembered the deal he had made with Alya. He had set her and that Carl guy free so that their leader could help his mother. He wasn't sure how much time he had left, but it was worth a shot if it was a chance for his mother to live.

Why had even ran to Marinette for help in the first place when she hadn't been able to do a single thing? He could've taken their deal right away.

And the deal was still valid.

"I set Alya and...whatever his name is free." Chat suddenly announced into the silence, disregarding the odd change of subject.

Marinette's back was faced to him as she stood by his mother's side. Chat Noir watched as Marinette stroked the woman's hair away from her closed eyes gentility. "I wondered how Alya ended up at the police station again." Marinette mumbled, not even turning back to look at him.

Chat Noir had expected some lecture, but when Marinette stayed silent and didn't bother to get upset with him, he continued on, "Alya made a deal with me that their leader could help my mother get better if I went to talk with him."

Back still faced towards him, Marinette simply shrugs her shoulders, as if everything he was saying to her meant nothing.

Chat furrowed his brows slightly, "I've decided to take the deal."

"Well then," mutters Marinette as she finally turns around to look at him, "Who am I to stand in your way?"

"You're not in my way." Chat stubbornly retorts.

"Then why are you still here?" Marinette asks him, the sarcasm and anger laced in her every word. "Why did you even come to the police station in first place begging for me to help your mother?" The bluenette crosses her arms as she stares her partner from head to toe, "If I, the person with a doctor's degree can't help your mother, what makes you think some thief can?"

His brows furrow further, and Chat growls with impatience, "I don't beg for anything." He lets his pride get to him, "Besides, you have no idea what this man is capable of. He could help!"

"Yeah?" Marinette snickers sarcastically, "Or maybe he's just setting you up. A trap that you're so easily drawn to."

Chat's fists clench together so tightly, he's sure his claws had ripped his own leather, "Me fall into a trap? I'm a thief, he is a thief. We're the same. You can't trick someone who is just like you."

Marinette crosses her arms, "You two are not the same. You are different, Chat Noir. That is why-"

However, Marinette isn't able to finish her sentence, because her own partner cuts her off with the most painful truth. "No Marinette. You are the only different one here. You're the only one who walks around with that stupid accent of yours! It drives me insane!"

Marinette wasn't sure why Chat Noir had even brought up her accent when it had nothing to do with the topic. Maybe he had been personally trying to hurt her in that moment, and it had clearly worked. Immediately Marinette's entire guard dropped to her toes. Her arms uncrossed and landed at her sides, her anger had long left. The bluenette just stared up into Chat's angry eyes, her own eyes soon beginning to pool with tears.

But she would not cry. Not in front of him.

But a tear slipped without her consent, and Marinette slowly reached up to wipe it away. Chat immediately noticed she had begun to tear up, and his expression immediately softened. "Marinette I-"

But she shook her head, and he closed his trap. "You know what, Chat Noir? Just go! Do what you want for all I care! But I won't be there to rescue you when the man who is just like you stabs you in the back."

Chat quickly goes to reach for her hand, "Marinette-"

But she pulls away from him, taking multiple steps away from the bed and from him. "I told you all of my past," she whimpers, bringing her hands up to pull at her hair, "I told you everything and you actually just said that to me?" Well, she had told him all of her past, except for of course why she hated her accent so much and why it destroyed everyday of her life.

Chat didn't recoil, instead he stepped closer, "I didn't mean it, Marinette. I swear it just slipped."

But she shook her head, believing not a single word he said. "I'm not sure who you are anymore, Chat Noir. Now suddenly you want to work with your enemy and hurt your allies? That's not you."

"Marinette-" Chat pleads.

She shakes her head again, rejecting anytime he tried to explain. "Just get out, Chat Noir.

His eyes sadden as he tries to reach out for her hand one more time, "Marinette please-"

"I said just get out!" She shouts, jerking farther away from him, and this time, Chat recoils. He feels guilty, utterly guilty that he had said what he said. But of course, there is no way to take back the words you say.

His ears drop, but Marinette pretends not to notice. She sniffs, her tears the threatening to flow any minute. "And just so you know, I quit for real this time." And when he doesn't say anything, she lets her emotions get to her, "I said I quit! Do you understand that Chat Noir?! I quit!"

He nods, his eyes dropping to the floor. Marinette scoffs because she's angry, but deep down, she's secretly sad for him. "Now go. Get out. Go join forces with the man who has successfully stolen Paris' most valuable jewel. Worship him for all I care Chat Noir, just get out!"

He doesn't dare to utter a single word as he turns away from her, heading for the door. His ears stay dropped, but Marinette doesn't want to feel pity for him. He hurt her so bad, she wasn't sure why she had even trusted another male again in the first place. The only man she had ever put all of her trust into was her brother, and so far, she hadn't found anyone like him in this cruel, unfair, world.

Once Chat had left the room, Marinette cried and cried and cried, finally letting all of her tears slip from her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She cared for Chat Noir, and had convinced herself she cared for him a lot more than just a friend. But now, Chat had just hit rock bottom with his words.

And it hurt way too much.


Ugh this chapter is so depressing and I wrote it, but I literally can't. The feels are just....ugh

Well I hope everyone had a great Halloween and got tons of cavities. I was Chat Noir for Halloween; who did you dress up as?

Question #1:
Why do you think Marinette told Chat everything about her past.....except why she hates her accent so much?

Question #2:
                  Why do you think Marinette was so emotionally affected by Chat's comment on her accent?

Comment your answers!

And thanks for reading lovelies:)

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }


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