35 | sorrow built for one

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Days had passed, and Marinette continued to weep in her sorrows everyday. She had grown prone to tears trickling down her cheeks, or the painful feeling in your heart when another had hurt you. She could feel her stomach churn, and it felt so sickening she had felt the bile rise up in her throat. Marinette had already thrown up multiple times against her own will, and she knew it was all her anxiety getting to her.

Why hadn't she just told him the whole truth? Why hadn't she just explained herself from the beginning? Marinette began to long for Chat Noir's company; his partnership. She had been considering beforehand on offering Chat a professional proposition to actually become her true partner in the law; but now, it was obvious that would never happen.

She had pushed Chat Noir away and had told him to leave. She knew it had hurt him; Marinette had saw his ears drop, but in that moment of fury, she was to upset to feel pity. It was always her specialty to push people away.

And now she just felt guilty. Utterly guilty.

Why did she have to be so insecure?

Why did she have to have anxiety that jeopardized almost every relationship she had?

Why did she have to push people away every time she felt cornered or trapped?

This was in fact all her fault; even though in the end, Chat Noir had been the one to betray her.

It hurt knowing the man she had hoped would be her true partner seeked the enemy's help. Marinette knew it was because he wanted his mother to live, but Marinette knew the frail woman wouldn't last long either.

She was actually surprised the woman was still alive.

Chat had left his mother under Marinette's care. He didn't bother with any words, but simply left when she had demanded him to. When Chat left, Marinette suddenly realized his mother was under her wing.

The woman lay frail and breathing slowly in Mairnette's twin sized bed. Her eyes were still glued shut, but Marinette knew her time was running out. She watched hopelessly as the woman's chest rose and fell slowly, breathing quiet and rigid.

And suddenly, her chest fell, but it never rose again. The bluenette watched with hopeful eyes, expecting it to rise again.

But all was still.

And in that moment, Marinette realized this woman had truly left this cruel and unfair world.

Tears brimmed in Marinette's eyes, and she cried for a woman she barely knew. She shed tears for a woman she wished she could've met properly. Marinette hated deaths, she despised them, and they only made her anxiety worse.

Bile rose in Marinette's throat, and she suddenly raced to the toilet to save herself from a mess to clean. She puked, and puked, and puked, until Marinette was for sure she had nothing left to throw up. He stomach felt like putty, and her limbs felt numb, but in that moment of sorrow, Marinette was to weak to care.

Cleaning her lips, Marinette groggily headed back to her bedroom, averting her eyes away from the dead body in her bed. Marinette wished she was still as brave as she had been before when she first wanted to be a surgeon. It was disturbing knowing how fragile she herself was.

She was such a mess.

Marinette knew she couldn't stay here anymore. She needed to leave, and she needed an escape. But there was no possible way she could leave this woman — who was no longer alive — in her bed. If someone had found the body, she could be accused of murder: strangling a victim to be exact.

She cursed under her breath as she headed for her cell phone. There was only one option she had, and that was to call the hospital. She couldn't wait for Chat to return — if he ever was to return — she needed them to come take his mother.

With tears still trickling down her cheeks, she dialed 911, and immediately a woman on the other line was quick to ask what her emergency was. Marinette quickly and briefly began to explain that a relative of hers had just passed away in her bed and that she needed to be escorted to a freezing room until the body could have a proper burial ceremony. Although Marinette had lied about the now deceased woman being he relative, the woman on the other line would never know unless a DNA test was done. The woman on the other line promised a team of men would be there shortly, and then the line was cut.

After the call, Marinette began to pack her belongings. Suitcase by suitcase, Marinette retrieved each and every one of her belongings and stashed them away. Once Chat's mother was taken away, she would leave. She didn't need to be stuck here any longer than she had to be. It's not like anyone would miss her departure anyway.

Marinette waited patiently until she heard a knock on the front door. Once she had allowed the four men to enter her home, she watched painfully as they pulled in a stretcher into the bedroom. Immediately covering his mother with a white sheet, the man lifted her frail body onto the stretcher, and persistently tried to convince Marinette to follow them to the hospital.

She declined every offer, brushing off any suspicion by saying she was a distant relative who barely socialized with the woman. Of course, Marinette had easily pulled off another lie. The men easily took her lie as well, and without another word, they exited her apartment with the stretcher in hand.

Marinette pulled at her suitcase handles harshly, and halted when they both clicked into place. She was officially ready.

Ready to leave this hell-hole.

Taking in one last glance at the apartment she had been almost ready to call her knew home, Marinette held back a sniffle, a sob, and all her regret. She had really thought this would be the right path for her: the right journey. Marinette had believed here she would prosper. With new friends, and a man she had begun to love, she had hoped no more judgment would be thrown at her, no more betrayal, and no more hurt would snap her heart in two. But Marinette realized that no matter where she turned, no matter how far she flew, and no matter what friends she made, she would always be a series of bad luck.

Everything bad always happened to her, and it was about time Marinette grew immune to it.


In every chapter of this book, there's always a part in the book that is related to myself.....and I still feel awful every time I make Marinette's life a misery xD

Anyway, a friend the other day had made fun of me because my "17 year old life" is apparently a boring one. She told me, "you never have any fun. You're so weird because all you ever do is write fanfiction. You really are a nerd."

And I said to her, "yeah? Watch me become a billion dollar author and you be stuck collecting garbage cans and cleaning bathrooms for a living."

She got mad

I gave her my middle finger

Life went on

And Dippy was happy

{ votes, comments, and shares are highly appreciated }

Your sarcastic author who doesn't put up with shit~

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